Based on Walt Disney’s feature 3D animation film Chicken Little, Chicken Little the action-packed video game catapults you into the hair-raising adventures of the movie and beyond. Live the adventures of Chicken Little and his friends, including Fish out of Water, Abby Mallard and Runt of the Litter. It takes more than cool moves to complete each mission. Rocket jet packs, slingshots and catapults get you out of sticky situations like alien invasions, spaceship piloting and antigravity challe...
Based on Walt Disney’s feature 3D animation film Chicken Little, Chicken Little the action-packed video game catapults you into the hair-raising adventures of the movie and beyond. Live the adventures of Chicken Little and his friends, including Fish out of Water, Abby Mallard and Runt of the Litter. It takes more than cool moves to complete each mission. Rocket jet packs, slingshots and catapults get you out of sticky situations like alien invasions, spaceship piloting and antigravity challenges. Saving the day takes an arsenal of gadgets, friends and hero power!
OS *: Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Processor: Pentium 4 class processor 1.4 GHz
Memory: 256 MB RAM
Graphics: 64MB DirectX -compatible video card, 32-bit color (NVIDIA GeForce 3 or equivalent)
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