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Game features
Charity Case ist eine Sammlung von 26 kosmetischen Gegenständen für viele der Überlebenden und Killer von Dead by Daylight. Sie enthält 20 brandneue, an deine Lieblingsstreamer angelehnte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten sowie 6 bisher exklusive Gegenstände von alten Freunden.
It includes:
Orange Shmock: A unique top for Claudette, inspired by 72hrs
Angry Pug Team Uniform: A unique shirt for Meg, inspired by Angry Pug
Morra what? : A unique top for Meg, inspired by Armorra
The Roohappy Tee: A unique shirt for Dwight, inspired by Admiral Bahroo
The Meat Man: A unique jacket for Jake, inspired by BroBQ
Red Dude Jacket: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by CaRtOoNz
The Envy: A unique top for Meg, inspired by EnvyTheElitist
The Jenpai hat: A unique hat for Claudette, inspired by Jendenise
Kek: A unique top for Meg, inspired by KeGenius
Mr. Bing Bong: A unique look for the Wraith, inspired by Marth88
Raving Mad: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Metro
The british charm: A unique shirt for Claudette, inspired by Morf
The Nana: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Nana
The Ohmwrecker: A unique mask for the Huntress, inspired by The Ohmwrecker
Be the Target A unique shirt for Dwight, inspired by OhTofu
The Dark Nurse: A unique dress for the Nurse, inspired by Peng
Pickle Nightmare: A unique top for Meg, inspired by PickleDream
Summertime rolls: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Samu
Rage Mode: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Slyvinlisha
Smiley: A unique bag for the Nurse, inspired by Smiley
TEAMSXY Gear: A unique top for Claudette, inspired by SXYHXY
Is that a panda? : A unique bag for the Nurse, inspired by TheSwiftLegend
Kami-flage: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by TianKami
The TK: A unique shirt for Nea, inspired by Takesipon
Dat hat tho: A unique shirt for Claudette, inspired by Tru3Ta1ent
Mofugga U graduate: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by Vinc3ntVega