JOURNEY INTO THE WILDFollow the story of a young sugar glider on a journey to save his family. Your adventures will take you across vast environments as you discover a vibrant world brimming with life. But beware of the dangers that lie ahead...
PLAY YOUR OWN NATURE DOCUMENTARYGlide among the trees, fight dangerous predators, and explore beautiful environments through the eyes of a sugar glider — all while a narrator describes your every move.
UNCOVER HIDDEN MYSTERIESAdvance through the...
Follow the story of a young sugar glider on a journey to save his family. Your adventures will take you across vast environments as you discover a vibrant world brimming with life. But beware of the dangers that lie ahead...
Glide among the trees, fight dangerous predators, and explore beautiful environments through the eyes of a sugar glider — all while a narrator describes your every move.
Advance through the world and complete the main story, or explore off the beaten path and embark on side quests to uncover AWAY's hidden mysteries.
Hunt small prey, fight larger enemies, and use stealth and agility to sneak past apex predators unnoticed.
See the world from a whole new perspective while playing as beetles, lizards, crabs, and more. These rare playable animals are hidden throughout AWAY's environments — can you find them all?
Breaking Walls is a small independent game studio founded by industry veterans in Montréal. With decades of experience working on major AAA titles, our small team has spent the last five years developing AWAY: The Survival Series.
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