Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition

Level 59
Registriert seit: Mär 22, 2019
13 Bewertungen veröffentlicht

Mir hats gefallen.
Zum Vollpreis zb auf Steam aber recht kurz.
2 oder besser 3 Missionsgebiete mehr hätten sicher nicht geschadet.
Für den Instant Gaming Preis vollkommen in Ordnung.
Benötigte Mindestzeichen : 18
Zum Vollpreis zb auf Steam aber recht kurz.
2 oder besser 3 Missionsgebiete mehr hätten sicher nicht geschadet.
Für den Instant Gaming Preis vollkommen in Ordnung.
Benötigte Mindestzeichen : 18

Bought at releas in microsoft store, today i can't install it.
Playtime i think should be more than 200 hours (in the first part i had around 170).
I love zombies so.. good game but technical no improvement to part one actually the same including the same errors.. copy paste ... only with more maps, three game modes and a coop that was so lala at the beginning... how it is today I do not know.
The vehicle control/physics is from hell even mario kart on super nintendo drives a hundred times better
Plays better with mouse and keyboard.
Playtime i think should be more than 200 hours (in the first part i had around 170).
I love zombies so.. good game but technical no improvement to part one actually the same including the same errors.. copy paste ... only with more maps, three game modes and a coop that was so lala at the beginning... how it is today I do not know.
The vehicle control/physics is from hell even mario kart on super nintendo drives a hundred times better
Plays better with mouse and keyboard.

Wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil.
Erinnert mich an die Werbung aus meiner Kindheit auf RTL II "über 7 mio menschen (waren es mehr oder weniger egal) in Deutschland können nicht richtig lesen und schreiben.
Schreiben haben sie gelernt.. lesen nicht..
Was steht in der Beschreibung ? "Bitte beachte Folgendes: Der Ehrwürdige Dreadnought steht nur für Technophagen-Ausbruch-Missionen zur Verfügung."
Das tut er auch. Nicht sofort du musst ihn erst freischalten (nach der zweiten speziellen Mission mit ihm).
In den normalen Missionen wäre er zu mächtig was das Spiel viel zu einfach machen würde.
Nebenbei gibt es ein paar spezielle Missionen mit dem Techpriester so ähnlich wie bei Inqisitorin Vakir und noch einen Techmarine der immer einsetzbar ist (finde ich persönlich zu schwach lohnt sich aber in Missionen wo auch der Dreadnought zum einsatz kommt wegen heilung).
Erinnert mich an die Werbung aus meiner Kindheit auf RTL II "über 7 mio menschen (waren es mehr oder weniger egal) in Deutschland können nicht richtig lesen und schreiben.
Schreiben haben sie gelernt.. lesen nicht..
Was steht in der Beschreibung ? "Bitte beachte Folgendes: Der Ehrwürdige Dreadnought steht nur für Technophagen-Ausbruch-Missionen zur Verfügung."
Das tut er auch. Nicht sofort du musst ihn erst freischalten (nach der zweiten speziellen Mission mit ihm).
In den normalen Missionen wäre er zu mächtig was das Spiel viel zu einfach machen würde.
Nebenbei gibt es ein paar spezielle Missionen mit dem Techpriester so ähnlich wie bei Inqisitorin Vakir und noch einen Techmarine der immer einsetzbar ist (finde ich persönlich zu schwach lohnt sich aber in Missionen wo auch der Dreadnought zum einsatz kommt wegen heilung).

very helpful character (lv. 20!).
on the other hand, it's totally unnecessary because you can get the class in the game.
it's probably a matter of taste. you can buy it but you don't have to.
need ten minimum sign ... more ...
on the other hand, it's totally unnecessary because you can get the class in the game.
it's probably a matter of taste. you can buy it but you don't have to.
need ten minimum sign ... more ...

Good game.
If you like phoenix point and xcom wrapped in warhammer 40k you are in the right place.
And that at 45€ (steam) that's how much games normally cost and today you get upset.
Be glad that it doesn't cost 60 70 .. 80...
Normally I pay for 1 hour of fun 100-150€ if you understand what I mean.
If you like phoenix point and xcom wrapped in warhammer 40k you are in the right place.
And that at 45€ (steam) that's how much games normally cost and today you get upset.
Be glad that it doesn't cost 60 70 .. 80...
Normally I pay for 1 hour of fun 100-150€ if you understand what I mean.

The game is good.
Much is not apparent and is not explained.
That there are no licenses I probably do not need to mention (but there is workshop content and a editor).
And who put this music into the game ?
First I thought I was playing Warhammer with epic battle music, then I was suddenly secret agent ethan hunt thanks to mission imposible music xD.
So immediately make the music off...
I don't even want to talk about the injuries.. I don't know what that's about.
Every week an injured and if not then injured one in the game.
How often the players get sick... sorry but ... no matter how many training fields you have and what you can do to minimize the risk of injury.
Very frustrating.
BUT why I rate the game poorly... that concerns this BU**SH** climate and gender ideology.
At the latest you can see that it is a game of the banana republic of Germany.
Clown world...
Put your footballer*inininininen0,64mm³ ideology in the A**********. (looool Gender in english but germans gender teenager*inen xD you see how stu*id the whole thing is ?)
This will NOT make any woman equal. (or should I say woman*in5499ininenin now too ?).
Or do rap*sts and men who beat their wives stop because of this ?
Does the woman earn more money because of it ?
No ... why should she get more money ... that's not what this gender trend stands for....
Clown world...
I don't even want to start with the climate...
Everything brings money ... why should I spend money to protect the environment when I can earn money for climate certificates ...
They even show you how stupid the whole climate sh*t is.
If you buy climate certificates you have a better climate balance without doing anything for the environment.
What you pour old oil into the lake? Never mind! Give me 1 million € and you get the climate certificate.
Clown world...
I know also no association which needs a Klimabilianz.
Or may I no longer burp and fart when I'm in the stadium?
Then we still prohibit the players to sweat because the sweat evaporates, rises and increases global warming.
Best is to switch to E-bus that is good for the environment in Africa and pleases the happy well-equipped workers there... o sorry please I meant of course workers*inininenin1,564cm²
Clown world...
And always this "you HAVE to become VEGETARIAN"....
Typical German ...
At least 2x per season comes the question should the canteen food for the employees be changed to vegetarian. NO !
Has no effect anyway the -5 satisfaction of the employees you make up for with the next 2-3 questions there are things like should an aquarium be installed? are the colleagues allowed to play a paintball event? ...
When I think of my old work ... if they would have changed the food to vegetarian because of...
Then of course the message my club still does not work climate neutral xD.
1-3 times a year the message appears in the training week that the world has become 0.1 degrees warmer what has no effect.. well, the propaganda must continue to run.
Exactly why I can probably also build a "nuclear fusion generator" ... because that needs every climate friendly FOOTBALL club.
Still missing a climate glue dlc that my club can hire id*ots who then glue themselves to roads to change the weather ... try a rain dance like the indians ... omg i said indians ...
INDIANER ! Servus ! Darf ich kurz vorstellen: Falscher Hase, Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Ranger, Ranger, Santa Maria, Ranger, Hase, Santa, Hase - Häuptlingssohn vom Stamme der Schoschonen. Schau,Schau, Schoschonen!
Clown world...
Thank you Germany that you make the world still woker..
But the whole thing only works when the Afghan mountain goat condensed milk is +2.5 degrees celcius.
So that the Spanish egg fly can lay its eggs there.
In winter.
In Africa.
So that the lions no longer feel disadvantaged.
Does nobody think about the poor lions ?
SO enough ... because as you can see again and again in reality is on the football field no place for politics and ideology.
Did I already say clown world ?
Not even in video games you still have your rest ...
Much is not apparent and is not explained.
That there are no licenses I probably do not need to mention (but there is workshop content and a editor).
And who put this music into the game ?
First I thought I was playing Warhammer with epic battle music, then I was suddenly secret agent ethan hunt thanks to mission imposible music xD.
So immediately make the music off...
I don't even want to talk about the injuries.. I don't know what that's about.
Every week an injured and if not then injured one in the game.
How often the players get sick... sorry but ... no matter how many training fields you have and what you can do to minimize the risk of injury.
Very frustrating.
BUT why I rate the game poorly... that concerns this BU**SH** climate and gender ideology.
At the latest you can see that it is a game of the banana republic of Germany.
Clown world...
Put your footballer*inininininen0,64mm³ ideology in the A**********. (looool Gender in english but germans gender teenager*inen xD you see how stu*id the whole thing is ?)
This will NOT make any woman equal. (or should I say woman*in5499ininenin now too ?).
Or do rap*sts and men who beat their wives stop because of this ?
Does the woman earn more money because of it ?
No ... why should she get more money ... that's not what this gender trend stands for....
Clown world...
I don't even want to start with the climate...
Everything brings money ... why should I spend money to protect the environment when I can earn money for climate certificates ...
They even show you how stupid the whole climate sh*t is.
If you buy climate certificates you have a better climate balance without doing anything for the environment.
What you pour old oil into the lake? Never mind! Give me 1 million € and you get the climate certificate.
Clown world...
I know also no association which needs a Klimabilianz.
Or may I no longer burp and fart when I'm in the stadium?
Then we still prohibit the players to sweat because the sweat evaporates, rises and increases global warming.
Best is to switch to E-bus that is good for the environment in Africa and pleases the happy well-equipped workers there... o sorry please I meant of course workers*inininenin1,564cm²
Clown world...
And always this "you HAVE to become VEGETARIAN"....
Typical German ...
At least 2x per season comes the question should the canteen food for the employees be changed to vegetarian. NO !
Has no effect anyway the -5 satisfaction of the employees you make up for with the next 2-3 questions there are things like should an aquarium be installed? are the colleagues allowed to play a paintball event? ...
When I think of my old work ... if they would have changed the food to vegetarian because of...
Then of course the message my club still does not work climate neutral xD.
1-3 times a year the message appears in the training week that the world has become 0.1 degrees warmer what has no effect.. well, the propaganda must continue to run.
Exactly why I can probably also build a "nuclear fusion generator" ... because that needs every climate friendly FOOTBALL club.
Still missing a climate glue dlc that my club can hire id*ots who then glue themselves to roads to change the weather ... try a rain dance like the indians ... omg i said indians ...
INDIANER ! Servus ! Darf ich kurz vorstellen: Falscher Hase, Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Ranger, Ranger, Santa Maria, Ranger, Hase, Santa, Hase - Häuptlingssohn vom Stamme der Schoschonen. Schau,Schau, Schoschonen!
Clown world...
Thank you Germany that you make the world still woker..
But the whole thing only works when the Afghan mountain goat condensed milk is +2.5 degrees celcius.
So that the Spanish egg fly can lay its eggs there.
In winter.
In Africa.
So that the lions no longer feel disadvantaged.
Does nobody think about the poor lions ?
SO enough ... because as you can see again and again in reality is on the football field no place for politics and ideology.
Did I already say clown world ?
Not even in video games you still have your rest ...

Entertaining but also a bit monotonous with time.
Choose a character, loot the map, die.
And then the whole thing again from the beginning until the last point of the map was reached.
~57 hours I have needed for it +100% Achievements.
After that the replay is missing.
I can not recommend a controller, it plays much better with mouse and keyboard.
Choose a character, loot the map, die.
And then the whole thing again from the beginning until the last point of the map was reached.
~57 hours I have needed for it +100% Achievements.
After that the replay is missing.
I can not recommend a controller, it plays much better with mouse and keyboard.

I don't know why the game is called jurassic world evolution "2".
For me it seems more like an addon.
An addon that is too easy, crappy and expensive.
The "compelling new story" campaign includes 5 missions that are like a quarter tutorial and is finished in ~3h after you just capture dinos and build enclosures, thanks done.
The chaos theory missions are also a bad joke.
You can also forget the sandbox mode because you first have to unlock the dinos or the research in the campaign / chaos theory / challenge.
And I have absolutely no desire to get involved again in one of these 3 loveless ... no idea how to describe this big bull**it.
I am so disappointed.
The first part was so much better.
Finally, they made the sandbox mode the way it should be.
Unfortunately, this doesn't change the fact that part 2 doesn't offer any challenge.
I also thought it was a bug but NO you can for example, keep 10 T-Rex without problems in the enclosure.
There is no limit that 1-2 or 3-9 dinos of the same species can live in the same enclosure ... no ... if it is at least 1 or 2 dinos of the same species ... and then you can pump dinos of the same species in the enclosure until it bursts.
So an enclosure with 20 T-Rex ... as an example ... that's bul**hit.
Tastes are thank god different but ... I do not understand that the game gets good ratings.
Are you already so easily entertained ?
I could sell you a colored used toothpick with food scraps on top and you would be thrilled.
And after the 20x in a different color and you would still cheer.
I go back to play Planet Zoo
For me it seems more like an addon.
An addon that is too easy, crappy and expensive.
The "compelling new story" campaign includes 5 missions that are like a quarter tutorial and is finished in ~3h after you just capture dinos and build enclosures, thanks done.
The chaos theory missions are also a bad joke.
You can also forget the sandbox mode because you first have to unlock the dinos or the research in the campaign / chaos theory / challenge.
And I have absolutely no desire to get involved again in one of these 3 loveless ... no idea how to describe this big bull**it.
I am so disappointed.
The first part was so much better.
Finally, they made the sandbox mode the way it should be.
Unfortunately, this doesn't change the fact that part 2 doesn't offer any challenge.
I also thought it was a bug but NO you can for example, keep 10 T-Rex without problems in the enclosure.
There is no limit that 1-2 or 3-9 dinos of the same species can live in the same enclosure ... no ... if it is at least 1 or 2 dinos of the same species ... and then you can pump dinos of the same species in the enclosure until it bursts.
So an enclosure with 20 T-Rex ... as an example ... that's bul**hit.
Tastes are thank god different but ... I do not understand that the game gets good ratings.
Are you already so easily entertained ?
I could sell you a colored used toothpick with food scraps on top and you would be thrilled.
And after the 20x in a different color and you would still cheer.
I go back to play Planet Zoo

For me the best anime game after code vein.
The battles are extremely fun with all the psychokinesis stuff.
I recommend to play Yuito as the first round then Kasane, story wise it fits better that way.
Playtime ~25h on Normal
The battles are extremely fun with all the psychokinesis stuff.
I recommend to play Yuito as the first round then Kasane, story wise it fits better that way.
Playtime ~25h on Normal

Typical anime game makes fun, even more fun if you like one piece and no big spoilers in Wa No Kuni.
Playtime Story ~ 18h
I don't know if the co-op mode is good, so far i haven't been able to join any other player.
And no one ever got into my game.
Gamepad is not working ?
You should be able to get it working by going into steam settings > Controller > general controller settings
Pick the support type you want, button prompts may remain as xbox in some games, but just about any controller should work on steam.
Thanks to Seiren
Playtime Story ~ 18h
I don't know if the co-op mode is good, so far i haven't been able to join any other player.
And no one ever got into my game.
Gamepad is not working ?
You should be able to get it working by going into steam settings > Controller > general controller settings
Pick the support type you want, button prompts may remain as xbox in some games, but just about any controller should work on steam.
Thanks to Seiren

Top game like part 2.
If you can't play stealth, it's more your fault than the game's. So far i have done every job stealth alone or with frinds.
You don't like the key assignment? then change it ! very simple ..
Why is the game bad because the body bags or in the lobby this planning map is missing? i don't know anyone who has ever used the map.
We only drew / wrote sh*t on it in the second part ^^.
I wouldn't have needed body bags until now, so something unnecessary has been removed. that's good.
Yes, the skill system looks confusing at first look. At the "FIRST LOOK".
Who does not understand it ... yes no idea ... leave the game but then please do not buy other games that have a skill system or talent tree that could confuse you just as !
Sometimes the servers are down. But you have to expect that at release time. Is also not a big developer ... like ... blizzard for example ... ah so they never make it either.
The number of missions for release are too few for you ? Dude ... You're pretty spoiled brats...
If you can't play stealth, it's more your fault than the game's. So far i have done every job stealth alone or with frinds.
You don't like the key assignment? then change it ! very simple ..
Why is the game bad because the body bags or in the lobby this planning map is missing? i don't know anyone who has ever used the map.
We only drew / wrote sh*t on it in the second part ^^.
I wouldn't have needed body bags until now, so something unnecessary has been removed. that's good.
Yes, the skill system looks confusing at first look. At the "FIRST LOOK".
Who does not understand it ... yes no idea ... leave the game but then please do not buy other games that have a skill system or talent tree that could confuse you just as !
Sometimes the servers are down. But you have to expect that at release time. Is also not a big developer ... like ... blizzard for example ... ah so they never make it either.
The number of missions for release are too few for you ? Dude ... You're pretty spoiled brats...

Gleich vorneweg du KANNST das Spiel auf Deutsch stellen (bei der steam bibli aufs spiel rechtsklick, eigenschaften, sprache , ..).
Bei mir wars von hausaus auf Deutsch ka wieso da Leute meinen Probleme zu haben :/ ??
Ich weiß nur nicht wieso man das sollte weil Deutsche Sprachausgabe zu 90% einfach nur .. schon wissen was ist ;)
Ich bin ein Fan seit dem 1. Teil der SGW Reihe und hätte eig. nicht gedacht das noch ein SGW rauskommt, Teil 1+2 waren ganz gut aber der Dritte hats versaut jedoch mit Contracts haben die Entwickler wieder alles richtig bzw besser gemacht.
Die Story ist zwar nicht sooo aufregend (ansich aber ein guter ansatz da hätte man mehr draus machen können!) und kurz jedoch zig mal besser als in Teil 3.
Vor allem aber das die Missionen wieder in Level unterteilt sind in denen man ein weitläufiges Gebiet hat kommt viel besser zur Geltung als die "Open World" in SGW 3.
Was mir am meisten Angst machte ist diese "Sniper Maske" ich steh nicht so auf Futuristisches Zeugs wie Drohnen *lacht* die es ja heute e schon gibt aber ich denke ihr wisst was ich meine.
Schlußendlich war auch diese Angst unnötig da du mit der Maske sowieso nur die Umgebung Scannst, Gegner Markierst und Drohnen brauchst du auch nicht außer du willst.
Die Level spielt man sowieso öfter aufgrund Herausforderungen / Kopfgelder und ein paar Sammelobjekten , wobei letztere sind keine große Sache da hast du 6stk. pro Level die schnappst du dir im ersten Durchgang dafür können einige Herausforderungen fordernd sein.
Herausforderungen die dich herausfordern verstehst =p ?
Bei mir wars von hausaus auf Deutsch ka wieso da Leute meinen Probleme zu haben :/ ??
Ich weiß nur nicht wieso man das sollte weil Deutsche Sprachausgabe zu 90% einfach nur .. schon wissen was ist ;)
Ich bin ein Fan seit dem 1. Teil der SGW Reihe und hätte eig. nicht gedacht das noch ein SGW rauskommt, Teil 1+2 waren ganz gut aber der Dritte hats versaut jedoch mit Contracts haben die Entwickler wieder alles richtig bzw besser gemacht.
Die Story ist zwar nicht sooo aufregend (ansich aber ein guter ansatz da hätte man mehr draus machen können!) und kurz jedoch zig mal besser als in Teil 3.
Vor allem aber das die Missionen wieder in Level unterteilt sind in denen man ein weitläufiges Gebiet hat kommt viel besser zur Geltung als die "Open World" in SGW 3.
Was mir am meisten Angst machte ist diese "Sniper Maske" ich steh nicht so auf Futuristisches Zeugs wie Drohnen *lacht* die es ja heute e schon gibt aber ich denke ihr wisst was ich meine.
Schlußendlich war auch diese Angst unnötig da du mit der Maske sowieso nur die Umgebung Scannst, Gegner Markierst und Drohnen brauchst du auch nicht außer du willst.
Die Level spielt man sowieso öfter aufgrund Herausforderungen / Kopfgelder und ein paar Sammelobjekten , wobei letztere sind keine große Sache da hast du 6stk. pro Level die schnappst du dir im ersten Durchgang dafür können einige Herausforderungen fordernd sein.
Herausforderungen die dich herausfordern verstehst =p ?

Fifa halt :)
Endlich geht der Karriere Modus ohne probleme (CL und EL gingen nicht in div. Ligen zb Deutsche Liga)
Auch er ÖFB Pokal wird jetzt endlich jede Saison gespielt und hört nicht nach der 3. auf.
Wenn sowas bei dem drecks FUT Modus passiert wär hättens es gleich gepatcht.
Und leider ist die Österreichische Liga noch immer viel zu schwach eingestuft.
Endlich geht der Karriere Modus ohne probleme (CL und EL gingen nicht in div. Ligen zb Deutsche Liga)
Auch er ÖFB Pokal wird jetzt endlich jede Saison gespielt und hört nicht nach der 3. auf.
Wenn sowas bei dem drecks FUT Modus passiert wär hättens es gleich gepatcht.
Und leider ist die Österreichische Liga noch immer viel zu schwach eingestuft.
Erfolge 16/27
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