Step into the fray as Class Zero, a group of students from an elite military academy whose country is attacked by an aggressive neighbouring Empire. In the brutal and harrowing struggle that follows, defeat the Empire and uncover the secrets behind the war using a range of powerful magical and combat abilities and an exciting new battle system.Key Features:
Upgraded graphics resolution options for high end pc’s
Improved in-game battle camera
Full controller support
Full STEAM achievements ...
Step into the fray as Class Zero, a group of students from an elite military academy whose country is attacked by an aggressive neighbouring Empire. In the brutal and harrowing struggle that follows, defeat the Empire and uncover the secrets behind the war using a range of powerful magical and combat abilities and an exciting new battle system.
Key Features:
Upgraded graphics resolution options for high end pc’s
Improved in-game battle camera
Full controller support
Full STEAM achievements and trading cards
Scalable motion blur settings
New Character speed boost
Increased blood levels from the original PSP version
I loved this game on PSP too, love it on PC too! A bit overrated in price on STEAM though. The Gameplay is soo good. And the characters are so remindable, the story is extraordinary, like in all of the FF series games.
great story, good gameplay mechanics, cool fighting system, oriental style