Space Hulk: Tactics

Space Hulk: Tactics - Europe

Microsoft Store
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Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S
  • PC
  • Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S


Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose? Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will c...
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Space Hulk: Tactics screenshot 1
Space Hulk: Tactics screenshot 2 Space Hulk: Tactics screenshot 3 Space Hulk: Tactics screenshot 4 Space Hulk: Tactics screenshot 5

Game features


Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool


Game review score based on 4 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

One of the best games if you like warhammer 40k and the tactical might of the superhuman warriors in terminator armor. The game is "Tactical" in the way that X-Com Enemy Unknown or X-Com 2 are, and if i must say, even if you are a terminator, there is no playing with the gene stealers.
  • Good For Lore.
  • Price too high for the time.
17th January 2020
United Critics
Space Hulk: Tactics is a re-imagination of the classic Space Hulk board
games, set in the Warhammer universe. This game is a turn-based
strategy game with a sci-fi theme. You have 2 races available to use, the
Space Marines(humans) and the Genestealers (aliens). As a result, you
have 2 campaigns for each race and both set in different time periods.
You can also use both races in multiplayer. The game also comes with a
custom map editor and you can make your own maps to play on vs the
AI or you can upload them to the workshop to use them in multiplayer
against other players.

Marines or Genestealers?
As I have already said there are 2 distinct races available for you to check

If you play as the Space Marines, then you go in with a team of around 5
beefy but slow marines. You generally want to make your actions slowly
as these guys are slower and can easily be punished for taking the wrong
choices. You are given a number of action points to spend and it takes
points to even rotate. So as a result you will want to be cautious of the
much faster alien race around every corner.

If you choose to play the Genestealers then you won’t have a cap on the
number of units but each one is generally weaker. But you are much
faster than the marines and can get around quickly. You also have a
radar ability to check around corners which the Marines don’t have.

Overall, you have a choice from 2 distinct races and if you have played
too much of one of the races and feel like you need a change, the other

race is always available in both multiplayer and in singleplayer for a
more leisurely experience.

Intertwined Story
As I have already said there are 2 complete campaigns for you to play
through, with an intriguing story. Now both of these campaigns are filled
with missions of varying types and diversity to keep you hooked for a
while. And I should also mention that the story is quite good and even
though both take place in different time periods they are intertwined in
terms of the plot. I do not wish to spoilt it but I can recommend that you
play them simultaneously, although you won’t be missing out if you play
them independently for the first playthrough.

Extremely Slow Paced
One small issue that some players may have, is that the pace of the
game is quite slow even for a turn-based strategy game. If you are a fan
of strategy games, then I think you will like this, but if you are new to
strategy games and do not think you will enjoy the slow pace then I think
you might want to come back to this at a later date.

Take your time and enjoy this treat
As I have said, it is a slow-paced game. So don’t stress and take your
time! This game is really good, even if it may not be to everyone’s tastes.
If you are into strategy games,then I think this is a purchase you won’t

Reviewer: Emma UG
  • Warhammer Universe
  • 2 Campaigns
  • Multiplayer PvP
  • Strategy
  • Slow Paced
31st July 2019