The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion

The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion - Turkey

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Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
Standard Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Turkey
  • United States


New York is under threat. Aaron Keener, a former Division Agent turned rogue, has taken control of Lower Manhattan, backed by four devoted and highly skilled lieutenants. Trained by The Division but disavowing its ideals, they are now the highest authority in town and the most formidable force the Agents have ever faced. Play in single-player or online co-op: - A gripping new story, hunting down your nemesis - A level 30 boost, allowing you to jump right into the Warlords of New York campa...
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This DLC requires the base game
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The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion

Standard Edition - US

  • The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion
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The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion

Standard Edition - TR

  • The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion
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The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion screenshot 1
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion screenshot 2 The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion screenshot 3 The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion screenshot 4 The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Expansion screenshot 5

Game features


New York is under threat. Aaron Keener, a former Division Agent turned rogue, has taken control of Lower Manhattan, backed by four devoted and highly skilled lieutenants. Trained by The Division but disavowing its ideals, they are now the highest authority in town and the most formidable force the Agents have ever faced.

Play in single-player or online co-op:
- A gripping new story, hunting down your nemesis
- A level 30 boost, allowing you to jump right into the Warlords of New York campaign
- A new open world in New York
- A revamped progression system with a level cap increased to 40
- New tactical options: exotics, gears, and skills
- An extended endgame, including thematic three-month seasons

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Warlords of New York is a narrative expansion to Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 and requires the base game to be accessed.


Game review score based on 25 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

Love playing this game with my brother!!!
23rd January 2025
Great game
10th January 2025
Discovered this 2 weeks ago and i'm having a Blast :-)

For other players interested in the solo gameplay (who don't like pvp)

Buy it !!!

Reached Level 21 completely solo,a challenge surely but dooable.

Love everything about this game.

Gunplay,missions,crafting,loads of loot (I'm always looking for better gear)

The gameplay is nicely balanced.

Solo is a challange but addictive.
  • Fluid Gameplay.Great Graphics.
  • A Lot of Fun
  • Great Stealth gameplay.
5th May 2022
This is the best 3GUN shooter open world game out there. Dou you want to explore New York or Washington without people after bio catastrophe? Look no further. Graphics in this game is absolutely stunning. If you have RTX GPU... man, this is pure eye p**n. I have more than 500 hours in this game and they constantly add content - seasons, rewards, skins, new exotic weapons, missions... I can easily spent there another 500 hours. That's how good this game is. Have you seen rants about bugs on Reddit? There were post-launch bugs. No more. Game's polished now. Additionally don't take Reddit seriously. Bunch of kids there only and if adult aged, mentally still 8 yo kids. Division 2 mostly play adult guys. All the time I meet around 35yo guys in game and it's awesome. Finally grown up community in shooter game.
  • graphics
  • gameplay
  • open world
  • many exotic weapons (rare)
  • soundtrack is terrific
  • Delta 3
3rd November 2020
I'm onx of the Xbox ambassador team I love this game great 3rd person game with really good story and graphic you can go one person.the expansion is well worth it too defo in my top games list.and the online game is good you don't have to be a team player so I can still do your own thing or fire a flare to get help. Over all 90% just a few little snags like it may lag out if you go ideal
27th October 2020
Massive incompetence made this game a piece of garbage. The developers team doesn´t listen to the community, both the base game and the expansion wony are a complete waste of time and money. This game is the perfect example of what a good idea can become if it falls in the wrong hands
  • They will fire massive soon enough
  • Bugs since launch
3rd April 2020