Hitman: Absolution follows the Original Assassin undertaking his most personal contract to date. Betrayed by the Agency and hunted by the police, Agent 47 finds himself pursuing redemption in a corrupt and twisted world.Key FeaturesShowcasing Glacier 2™ technology: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION has been built from the ground up, boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art direction and highly original game and sound design.
Freedom of Choice: Stalk your prey, fight them head on or adapt as you go along....
Hitman: Absolution follows the Original Assassin undertaking his most personal contract to date. Betrayed by the Agency and hunted by the police, Agent 47 finds himself pursuing redemption in a corrupt and twisted world.
Key Features
Showcasing Glacier 2 technology: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION has been built from the ground up, boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art direction and highly original game and sound design.
Freedom of Choice: Stalk your prey, fight them head on or adapt as you go along. As Agent 47 the choice is yours thanks to highly evolved gameplay mechanics and a ground-breaking AI system.
Experience a Living, Breathing World: In the world of Hitman: Absolution every moment can become a story as unique characters, rich dialogue and Hollywood standard performances combine to create a gameplay experience like no other.
Disguises: As Agent 47, the identity of almost anyone you meet is yours for the taking. Immobilise your prey, steal their outfit and use your instinct to blend in and deceive your enemies.
Instinct Mode: See the world through the eyes of Agent 47 and become the world’s deadliest assassin. Using Hitman: Absolution’s Instinct Mode you’ll predict enemy movement, discover new ways to kill and use high powered weaponry with deadly accuracy.
OS *: Windows Vista, 7
Processor: True dual core CPU (Intel, AMD)
Hard Drive Space: 24GB
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Card: NV8600 512 Mb RAM, or AMD equivalent
DirectX: 10
OS *: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i7 or AMD Athlon II X4
Hard Drive Space: 24GB
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770
This is a great game. It is very enjoyable despite the fact it is not like the other hitman games. For me it has a solid story but it has some stupid characters such as the nurses who hunt you down. I would recommend this game
Hitman Absolution is called "The Worst Hitman-Game to ever exist" by many people. And I really dont get why, it has all the elements a classic Hitman Game has, the only difference is that it is more straight in its design, I personally dont see why the developers shouldnt try anything new. Obviously the Story isnt Hitmans main Focus but Gameplaywise it can hold up with the other Hitmans.
its really challenging trying to be the most silent killer ever! Really great series! From Blood Money to this one its been a huge step. Really great stealth mechanics! Cant wait to play the new ones also!
Toglierai centinaia di vite per salvarne una?
Sicuramente si.Con la cravatta rossa parto a salvare Victoria.Ciao a tutti.
Il gioco e mio preferito.L'ho ordinato e poi e arrivato subito.Non devi aspettare niente.Funziona a 100 percento.Grazie allo staff instant gaming per il lavoro.
I’m going to start off by saying that I thought this was a fun, high-quality game.
I really enjoyed the high-production-value inherent in all of the facets of the game.
Graphic is good (but PLEASE turn of Bloom), the controls were good, the writing was interesting but generic and weird, the acting was excellent, etc.
This is a high-quality game, period.
Moving on from there, I also personally felt that the game was fun and that it does a great job of appealing to a wide audience (which,
whether you personally like it or not, is the goal of any developers/publishers). Now I understand that some people felt let down by this game after they had greatly enjoyed previous installments in the franchise. They didn’t like some of the directions the developers chose to go with Hitman: Absolution™ and thus formed a very vocal group of disappointed customers. If you are among these people, then I’m sure nothing I can say will sway your opinion, and that is fine. It is impossible to please everyone, and the developers did their best to appeal to as many people as possible when they made this game.
In my opinion, disregarding how it stacks up against its predecessors and strictly looking at the game as its own entity, I can whole-heartedly say: I think this game is fun enough. Most gamers should be able to find a way to enjoy playing this game.
If you only want to play through on easy and enjoy the AAA quality story and cinematics, you can do that.
If you want to be frustrated with extreme difficulty and be challenged to your maximum breaking point, you can do that.
If you want to replay levels to explore different paths and collect hundreds of in-game achievements, you can do that.
And of course, if you want to fall somewhere in between those extremes, you can most certainly do that.
few things I will admit I was not a fan of was the checkpoint system and the bloom effect make everything shiny I have to turn it off.
Trying to experiment with various ways to complete levels can quickly go from fun to frustrating when you realize you have to start the level from the beginning every time you mess up.
I personally feel having a quick-save option would have been nice and would have allowed an even more widely varied audience to be able to enjoy the game like HITMAN 2016.
Those who don’t want to play with quick-saves could just simply not use it, or they could have made it unavailable in the top difficulties,
but still allowed it in the “normal” difficulty. But, having said all that, most levels can be beaten in less than 5 minutes,
so having to start from the top isn’t that awful… and it does prevent the game from becoming, maybe, too easy.
I still will always prefer having the choice to decide for myself if I want to use quick-saves in a game, or challenge myself not to.
many people also say that Absolution™ have better ghrapics then HITMAN 2016 but it's not, because (from my perspective) in HITMAN 2016 looks way smoother and detailed than ever before - less noticeable aliasing, nice atmospheric lighting and shadows, smooth player movement, etc.
The lush details of the environment and the checkpoint-free sandbox style make the game insanely immersive for me.
To put it shortly: Hitman: Absolution™ is still a fun game with a noticeably high-production-value quality about it.
It is certainly different from previous games in the franchise, and in some people’s opinions it is not as good as previous games in the franchise;
but regardless of whether or not you agree with those people, the game itself is still a good game.
Most gamers will able to find this game enjoyable by customizing the experience to their preferences.
+ High production values, lots of high-quality videos
+ Excellent visualization of crowd, the crowded maps are the absolute best of the game
+ Good replayability based on style adopted and the numerous challenges
+ As expected a ton of weapons
+ Excellent music and sound effects
- There exist a very large number of very small maps linking the larger missions of the game. All these maps are very boring and totaly linear, nothing like the open-world maps we are used to
- Main plot, the game tries to tell an unbelievable story where 47 (an emotionless, cloned killer) shows some sort of emotions and is quite generic: "save the girl from the really bad guys who have allied with the corrupted agents/policemen etc"
- not being able to choose gear during the campaign (you always start with the loud Silverballers), ability to hide multiple huge guns and objects in your coat, enemies not noticing you strangling someone to death right next to them and silencers attach instantly to guns
- screwed up disguise system, if you wear the same costume as your enemy he will spot you (the CPD has almost 12,000 officers and in this game they all seem to know each other)
Another Hitman game in the series. Honestly, I have never played Hitman: Blood Money or that older one, but this game appealed to me. This is one of the best last-generation stealth games ever made.
Graphics is really good. You can run the game even on older machines on decent quality. Sometimes I was quite surprised that the game looks so good. Optimalization isn´t bad too.
Environment is dynamic, interesting and polished. In whole game you´ll visit a lot of nice places. Sometimes I found myself just looking around and getting screenshots.
Gameplay is smooth, with decent animations and I enjoyed it by far. The game isn´t for impatient players. You have to try different strategies, be concentrated and you have to think.
Story isn´t very interesting. I am sure it will be familiar for you - serial killer is betrayed and he wants to execute a revenge.
Overall, it is really good stealth game. For those who are looking for exceptional story, you won´t find it in this game. But for others - go for it. I would RECOMMEND this game.