Battlefield 4™ Premium Edition gives you new maps, modes, and more in one simple package. Complete challenging assignments to unlock new weapons. Dominate tactical challenges in a huge interactive environment — demolish buildings shielding your enemies, lead an assault from the back of a gun boat, or make a little C4 go a long way. In massive 64-player battles, use all your resources and play to your strengths to carve your own path to victory.Key featuresDynamic battlefields — Interactive...
Battlefield 4 Premium Edition gives you new maps, modes, and more in one simple package. Complete challenging assignments to unlock new weapons. Dominate tactical challenges in a huge interactive environment — demolish buildings shielding your enemies, lead an assault from the back of a gun boat, or make a little C4 go a long way. In massive 64-player battles, use all your resources and play to your strengths to carve your own path to victory.
Key features
Dynamic battlefields — Interactive environments react to your actions in real-time, so you can trigger a shipwreck or flood the streets for a tactical advantage. Your opponents won't know what hit 'em.
More vehicles, more freedom — Control the battlefield with dozens of vehicles, from helicopters and stealth jets to gunboats and anti-airs, all designed to give you an edge on massive, chaotic maps.
An intense single-player campaign — With international tensions running high, you’ll need to evacuate critical American VIPs from Shanghai and battle against the odds to get your squad home.
Premium Edition includes:
All 5 expansion packs — 20 new maps, 48 exclusive assignments, new modes, & more.
Exclusive personalization options — Outfit yourself with the latest camos, paints, emblems, and dog tags. With gear for all 4 combat roles, the combinations are endless.
Priority position in server queue — Jump into the fight as quickly as possible. Priority position means you can start breaking the enemy faster.
12 bonus Battlepacks — Get your hands on gun attachments, XP boosts, and customizations only available to Premium members.
Perfect, got my code instantly, always loved BF4. Would love to hop on this game with a few friends. Great playability, come back to playing almost every day. Definitely the best in the series, without a doubt.
This game nowadays have and incredible alive community 4 sure one of the best multiuplayer shooter ever done,years later it still being decent in graphics,it has amazing maps and levolution is wonderfull.Totally worth it
I have already played it in PS4 and it was amazing. There aren't to many bugs and the graphics are brutal fot being a 2014 game. Ya he jugado en PS4 y me encanto. No hay casi bugs y los graficos son increibles para ser un juego de 2014. Totalmente recomendado, recomendadisimo!
Campain unplayable. Not worth even 5€
Entering the USS Titan with the Diving Sequenz in Q64 or whatsoever is not or very hard possible because you cannot swim... VERY Bad Bots that will never kill anyone even if they fire 10 magazines into the enemy. Hitbox is something the developers have no idea from.
10/10 not Recommended
Graphics are okay
VERY BAD Bots as Friendlies
Bug in one of the early Missions make it very hard to play
I used to play this game on my PS3 before with friends when I was younger and now that I have it on PC I'm ecstatic.
Battlefield 4 is, in my opinion, the best EA game and the best Battlefield game.
I love battlefield games. BF4 has certainly made it's place to one of the best. BF3 is also up there, but this one has so much stuff. So much customization... I just love it. Try it. The playerbase is still strong.
good game after all.
Campaign is horrible , but its just a trainning for the multiplayer... thats where true battlefield happens.
Jets , Tanks, Helis, and lot of exploisions ... such a good sound and graphic perfomance and experience
Il cuore dell'esperienza di gioco è quello che tutti conosciamo, finalmente paritario sia su PC che sulle nuove console. Quindi 60 frame al secondo e sessantaquattro giocatori possono essere goduti da tutti, fatta eccezione ovviamente per i possessori di PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360. Potremmo definire il comparto multigiocatore con una sola parola: enorme. E non solo riferendoci alla grandezza delle mappe, ma soprattutto per la sterminata varietà di gameplay che offre al giocatore.
probably one of the best and most exciting battlefield game to date. Looks gorgeous, runs well, no P2W bullshit, weapons and classes customisation, exciting large scale battles, and many different vehicules and weapons.
Game is really fun and adictive.It's well optimized and it has a really nice graphichs.You can chose a verity of wepaonse and all sorts of fire power.It has a lot of vehicles.It has a lot of servers and servers are well optimized(no lag).
Best game of this kind. You get to jump into a battlefield playing a role you want from medics, supports, engineers, recons to everything in between. Highly customizable weapons and vehicles. Rule the skies, tame the seas or conquer the land with tanks, battleships or aircrafts
Teamwork based
You can do your part without a team too
Hard in the beginning, cause you have to grind weapons
many servers require dlcs, but you have plenty to play on
They're very cool! Great graphics and combat system for days. Very good multiplayer and one player mod is not bad either. I think it's worth buying the full version, no money for it. I simply recommend it to anyone who likes these types of games.It's great fun to play!
pretty good game
sometimes a hacker here and there but overall it's a rlly good game it doesnt really support playing with your friends as it is just like playing with other random people I definitally recommend this game to people that love shooter games
Best game ever played. It has all what a game should have. Created only for multiplayer since single player is really short. But the mp ha all the vehicles, action, maps and gameplay that you could have
10/10 would go back and slap myself isntead of buying this crap, MP isnt as good as before (BF3/BadCo2) and campaign doesnt even work because its bugged and you cant get trough a tunnel in mission 3. Do yourself a favor and play windows chess or minesweeper at least those arent broken beyond repair
If I wasn't so fond of Bf3 i would place this in top of my BF franchise list.
BF3 is still a better game, but this one is not far from it.
If it wasnt for its poor netcoding compared to BF3 and if (maybe) decided not to
place the scenario in a modern warfare set , it could be brilliant.
Nevertheless this a 90% for sure.
Graphics that still are up to 2017 standards
Epic Multiplayer Feeling
Still a lot of online players (2017)
It's Battlefield , what else do you need?
Hackers and Sometime toxicity when online.
Netcode destroys the game online 50% of the times.
Good game for lover of BF but also for every fans of action games. I think that BF 4 is the best of BF series. I recommend it. :) If you want a lot of fan you must take BF 4. Graphic is also pretty good.
Perfect game for perfect price. If you still don't own it - you have to buy it. Fab choice for shooter lovers. Plenty on maps, plenty of achievements. Also, new maps comes for free, so you don't have to buy extra DLC's. Happy gaming.
i love the game but it's always the same even with the dlc's i haven't played the bf 1 yet but i hope it's much more different . i have been playing since 19** came out don't know exactmy what year but that was so epic back then
I've expected much, much more. Almost nothing improved since the BF 3. Solid graphics and mildly interesting gameplay... somehow I got a feeling that interactions in the game are a way too plastic and missions itself are too boring to me. Why doesn't no one think as a user anymore? I guess that all they care is to continue the franchise and sell the copies.
One of the battlefields ever made! the singleplayer campain is so sick! just enjoying the gameplay! the multiplayer is very good as well only the server are not supporty anymore by EA Games, but overall its a very nice game
If I was asked for my favorite game mode at Battlefield 3, I did not have to think about it for a long time: Rush! At Battlefield 4 the thing is not so clear for several reasons. On the one hand, with the great Obliteration mode, strong competition has found its way into the game; on the other hand, Rush is unbalanced on some cards almost unplayable. On Zavod 311 again and again vainly storm into a dark cellar space, is simply no fun. Dice would do well to screw on the balance here. I was similarly disappointed by the large-scale Levolution feature. It is true that breaking dams and collapsing high-rise buildings create an atmosphere, but the consequences for what is happening on the battlefield are rather limited. Anyway, Battlefield 4 suits me so very much, at least in multiplayer. If it's not just crashing again.
Great game overall. Graphics are fitting (better than Hardline IMO), plenty of weaponry and such to choose from... Maps are interesting, although some have too many open spaces. This is realistic, but can make for a horrible time as infantry.
Progression is well balanced and it IS possible to play without DLCs, which is a big plus. You just miss a few maps and guns, but you have plenty of options anyway.
Yeah, awesome game. Clocked 70 hours pretty quickly with this one :)
I just want to add that the menu and game launch area is all browser-based, which is a pain, but also very useful at times.
Graphics are fitting and well done
Great selection of weaponry and such
Interesting, realistic maps
Good progression system (no DLC required)
Browser-based launching and server selection
Taxing to run
Some maps have too many wide open planes, etc (not great for infantry)
Old-ish game, so lots of players are full-on pros that just massacre you every time you meet them. Go on limited level servers to begin with.
Browser-based launching (extended game launch time)