From mastermind Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within 2 is the latest evolution of survival horror. Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost it all. But when given a chance to save his daughter, he must descend once more into the nightmarish world of STEM. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around him. Will Sebastian face adversity head on with weapons and traps, or sneak through the shadows to survive.
Story of RedemptionReturn to the nightmare to win back yo...
From mastermind Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within 2 is the latest evolution of survival horror. Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost it all. But when given a chance to save his daughter, he must descend once more into the nightmarish world of STEM. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around him. Will Sebastian face adversity head on with weapons and traps, or sneak through the shadows to survive.
Story of Redemption
Return to the nightmare to win back your life and the ones you love.
Discover Horrifying Domains
Explore as far or quickly as you dare, but prepare wisely.
Face Disturbing Enemies
Survive the onslaught of horrifying creatures determined to rip you apart.
Choose How to Survive
Craft traps, sneak, run and hide, or try to battle the horror with limited ammo.
Visceral Horror and Suspense
Enter a frightening world filled with anxiety-inducing thrills and disturbing moments.
I was positively surprised with this one - story is good, enemies and weapons are great! Visually it has aged very well and for this price its easily 10-15 hours of fun.
Solid horror survival game! Must better than I expected
I've always been a fan of Evil Within Since i played the first one. When this one came out on discount I had to get it. Fantastic game to play with a lot to do in it. Had so many similarities to the first one. One main issue i had was having no ammo but it made it more fun that way most of the time. Best way to play this is with headphones on in a dark room. Can't wait for the 3rd one to come out now. :D
Good game. Liked EW1? U will like this one. Especially for this price. All though the optimization is pretty bad even with the high end rig but it is still worth it. What is left to say? Buy it and enjoy..
After three years of development, which were converted to 20 hours of playtime, The Evil Within 2 has totally unlocked its predecessor's potential. The wonderful story, the blood-freezing atmosphere, the big variety of horrific monsters and the great progress systems make The Evil Within 2 one of the best survival-horror games of the last few years. Indeed, the game is not bug-free, but those technical issues rarely happen and don't hurt the overall experience. If you like the genre (and particularly the previous title), The Evil Within 2 will be one of your best nightmares yet.
I love so much TEW series in specially the second game. At the ending of the game is so much emotion. The first game that ever maked me nearly to cry. Very good story. this is one of my favorite games right now. The only bad thing about this game is the
optimization i have 40 to 55fps on medium settings with i5 3570 gtx 1060 3g and 16gb of ram.
Now i m waiting for Mykami to develop the third TEW game i m curious about how this game can continue.
i loved this game. it was the first game to make me cry ever,10/10 would love to suport them more so they can make a secuel.
its a huge inprovment from the first game and you don't have to play the first one to get the full experience.
jeux d'excellente qualité graphisme après pas encore tester mais fini le premier en rage total x)
j'espert que celui-ci restera comme le premier mais en mieux a voir avec la suite et le teste :D
vive l'horreur et le gore :D
More Emotional than the first Game (which had a lot of Emotions given Ruviks Backstory) and definitely more personal. Solid Game that's more about Surviving a Monster infected STEM rather than escaping some guys shenanigans just because we were there. Gives plenty of background about how things went down in the First Game (why STEM was made, what the Core is, etc.) and definitely is a fun game for everyone who doesn't necessarily crave some Horror.
Amazing Graphics
Emotional Storyline
more Challenging Enemies that aren't Bosses/Minibosses
improved Character Design and Animation
Lack of Horror/Suspense, you fear for your Life but it's because there's too many Enemies, not because it's scary
Other than one brief Scene there is no explanation as to what happened to Joseph, our Partner from the first Game
No estoy acostumbrada a este tipo de juegos, ya de meterme en uno, el mejor. Un juegazo Horror Survival. Magnífico, sin más. No se hace pesado, no es repetitivo. Muchos cambios de escenario. Merece la pena.
Horror Survival genial
No encontré nada que merezca la pena decir en negativo.
Great game worth the money! Good story good gameplay! good all in one a good game that you must play if you like horror movies and such! Very well made monsters are looking cool and boss fight 2 very nice game!
Evil Within 2 isgood game but not that good Evil Within game. The Evil Within 1 is a bad game but a good Evil Within game. Yet I really like it. And I dont think the RPG style is the best decision. I rate this game 9/10!
I was a big big fan of the first Evil Within, this one takes it even further. This one is kind of a mix of Silent Hill 2, Alan Wake and Resident Evil 4, and it's amazing! Story is great, lots of people and other stuff which returns from the first game, absolutely amazing. If you'd ask me what the best horror game of 2K17 was, I would have gone for Resident Evil 7, but now, this one is better to me.
Great story
Some bugs like framedrops in the intros even though I have an 8GB RX 580
I'll try to keep this review spoiler free for the second game.
I feel that this game is taking a different approach from the first one. The game has joined the open world genre and added crafting which now feels more action oriented since you can craft ammo whenever you want and continue shooting. There are a lot of linear areas so it isn't totally abandoned. The game's plot is more straightforward, and you were given a simple objective. The characters are interesting and memorable especially the villains, just like the first game, the antagonists can influence the environment, and it's noticeable on the enemy design when a new antagonist is highlighted The game rewards you greatly for exploring the game and finishing the side quests, like you can obtain new weaponry, learn about the characters, encounter a mini boss or trigger a small event. The game clears the ambiguity of the first game relating to the case behind the main character's daughter and wife, but it doesn't shine on what happened to Leslie and Joseph Oda. Joseph Oda is mentioned only once if you collect all 11 prewar slides which hints a dlc or an entire sequel. The game is graphically appealing and it lives up to the standards of this year, however, even that this game is perfectly playable on ultra settings with higher end cards, it needs to be optimized for lower end cards.
Gameplay is improved from its predecessor
Side quests are detailed and insightful
Exploration is fun and highly rewarding
The antagonists are well written
Takes a new approach to make the series refreshing
Awesome game just like the first one the graphics amazing (optimization don't but i dont give a♥♥♥♥♥♥..) who liked the first would like this too highly recommend it :) Oh and the ending is awesome but i still hope castellanos will come back for one more time :)... And the easter eggs and all piece of this game is awesome.... And those little times when it's remind u to the first episode.... What can i say?.... BETHESDA FTW