Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Europe

Nintendo eShop
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a crossover fighting game featuring a huge range of characters from various other games and franchises, thanks to the partnership between Bandai, Sora and Nintendo. Of course, given the name, all the characters from the Mario Bros games world appear, with varying skills and degrees of customisability. This is the fifth game in this series, and offers a massive seventy (70!) playable characters. Some of the games whose characters appear in this game include: Anima...
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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 11: Sora

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 11: Sora

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 10: Kazuya

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 10: Kazuya

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 9: Pyra/Mythra

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 9: Pyra/Mythra

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 8: Sephiroth

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 8: Sephiroth

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 7: Steve & Alex

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 7: Steve & Alex

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$6.43 $5.68
Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 5: Byleth

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 5: Byleth

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 2

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 4 : Terry Bogard

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Challenger Pack 4 : Terry Bogard

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Joker Challenger Pack

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Joker Challenger Pack

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 6: Min Min

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 6: Min Min

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 2: Hero

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 2: Hero

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 3: Banjo & Kazooie

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack 3: Banjo & Kazooie

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$6.43 $5.68
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Piranha Plant

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Piranha Plant

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshot 1
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshot 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshot 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshot 4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate screenshot 5


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a crossover fighting game featuring a huge range of characters from various other games and franchises, thanks to the partnership between Bandai, Sora and Nintendo. Of course, given the name, all the characters from the Mario Bros games world appear, with varying skills and degrees of customisability. This is the fifth game in this series, and offers a massive seventy (70!) playable characters.

Some of the games whose characters appear in this game include: Animal Crossing, Castlevania, Metroid, and some selected Pokémon from the Pokémon universe.

About the Game

The premise of the game is very simple indeed: battle your opponent and win! However, there are some fine points that make the game more interesting: each character has different strengths and weaknesses; and all have more than one combat style.

The player must determine firstly, which character they want to play as – an interesting decision if you do not know who your opponent will choose – and secondly, which of their attacking styles will work the best to defeat your opponent. Or, if you like a challenge, which you should choose to make the match a close one until you are ready to administer the coup de grace.

The death blow, by the way, actually means punting your opponent off the battle arena and into the ether, rather than anything gory or distressing for younger players. It is still immensely satisfying to win thanks to the rumble features in the Switch controllers which will make you feel as though you have had a real work out!

Modes of Play

There are several modes of play for the player to choose from: some are recognisable from previous versions of the game; others are brand new for this release:

  • Classic: a series of themed challenges in which your choice of playing character makes all the difference as your fighting style is tied to the character’s own game persona

  • World of Light: a single player mode where you are faced with ridiculously difficult opponents – but you are given almost equally ridiculous powers with which to beat them in turn!

  • Smash: choose your setting, make your own rules (or agree on them amongst all eight players) and then get smashing, seeing who can boot who off into space the quickest and who can dodge the quickest and the best

  • Special Smash: pair up with a real life friend to play through every character to see which would come out on top in a fair fight in Smashdown. You can also customise characters to put your own special stamp on them

  • Smashdown: work your way through a series of matches: but there is a catch. Once you have used – and won – with one character, you cannot use that character again in later stages. This means you have to calculate your odds of winning and choose your favourite characters with care, being torn between getting knocked out before you can use them or using them too soon and ending up on a hard level with a relatively unknown character

  • Squad Strike: team up with your buddies to make squads of three or five and then battle one on one until one team achieves a win

  • Tournament (Tourney): face up to 32 other players to become the tourney champion. This means you will fight up to fifteen ever more tricky battles until you achieve victory: but just imagine your pride when you pull it off!

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.


    i buy it as a gift to a friend in eu and everything was good
    3 years ago
    love it!
    4 years ago
    4 years ago
    4 years ago
    As always fast and working perfectly
    4 years ago
    Perfect order
    4 years ago


    Game review score based on 64 reviews, all languages included

    Recent reviews

    First one I played it on the GC, and it was a wonderful experience. This one takes it serveral steps further and it's one of the must have games for the Switch. Word of advice, don't play it with your joycons (unless you have a spare pair), they suffer a lot and may get drifting.
    25th May 2020
    Really love the game. There is a lot of content in it.
    The single-player mode, World of Light, has a long story which makes you fight against normal enemies and ones that have special upgrades which then unlock them for you.
    • A lot of content
    • Long story
    • Takes a lot of time to unlock all characters
    24th April 2020
    I am incredibly addicted to this game. I only played it briefly on the Wii (so Brawl). And I liked it overall, but really liked it more once I got to play more online. I only wish that the adventure mode could be two player, since my husband hates PvP but loves story mode.
    • lots of characters
    • variety of activities to do
    • online PvP
    • CPU is more challenging
    • some of the characters seem almost broken (unbalanced)
    6th March 2019
    Ce jeux regroupe toute les licence de Nintendo et qui permet de decouvrir de nouvelle license et le gameplay est particulier car le but est de ejecter l`adversaire du terrain grace a in systeme de pourcentage.
    23rd February 2019
    Hey: What a game. The story mode is back and that a good thing. Plus, you can play EVERY characters you have played before! That insane! The DLC seems to be good as great characters are coming. I'm sure this game will be great a very long time!
    5th January 2019
    Best game of the year for switch with insane hours and quality content, the ultimate smash has a lot of options singleplayer and hours,campaing,the smash mode and much more and the online maybe will take the place of smash bros of GC for the competitive fighter games.
    • All characters of the saga all togethers
    • For multiplayer online you must have premium membership paid
    10th December 2018