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RimWorld for PC is a construction and management simulation game in which you are stranded on the edge of the known universe – on a world on the rim, as the title would have it – after your spaceship has crash-landed there. You are not the only survivor, and it would seem that yours is not the only spaceship that has crash-landed on the planet, given that there are other people around who occasionally wander into your game. What’s the Story? You and two or three others are drawn togeth...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Overwhelmingly positive (1683)
All Steam reviews:
Overwhelmingly positive (174489)

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RimWorld - Anomaly
$25.36 $24.82
RimWorld - Biotech
$25.36 $24.62
RimWorld - Ideology
$19.42 $17.08
RimWorld - Royalty
$19.42 $17.74


RimWorld screenshot 1
RimWorld screenshot 2 RimWorld screenshot 3 RimWorld screenshot 4 RimWorld screenshot 5

Game features


RimWorld for PC is a construction and management simulation game in which you are stranded on the edge of the known universe – on a world on the rim, as the title would have it – after your spaceship has crash-landed there. You are not the only survivor, and it would seem that yours is not the only spaceship that has crash-landed on the planet, given that there are other people around who occasionally wander into your game.

What’s the Story?

You and two or three others are drawn together by circumstance, and immediately start working towards the ultimate goal of the game, which is for at least one person to theoretically escape the planet. If everyone dies, the game ends.

There are three types of stranger on the planets as well as events that can be classified with these types:

Bad: pirates attack your settlement, raiding, kidnapping or killing your people and taking all your stuff. Solar flares strike randomly, damaging your equipment and crops and generally making life harder for a while.

Neutral: Nomads wander past your camp but they do not approach or interact with you in anyway. It is mildly reassuring to see them and know that they are there in a pinch!

Good: Fellow survivors who have been wandering around the landscape find your camp and come along to join your team and make themselves generally useful

Things to Think About

This game tackles some of the weirder aspects of time-travel and stasis sleep pods. A woman in her twenties could leave her baby behind, travel for decades without aging, then meet her son who is now twice her age, with a daughter of his own! Mind-boggling to those who like a more traditional family tree!

The map is dotted about with fun territories, interesting creatures to meet and tame, and even dodgy settlements that you might prefer to avoid – Torture Town sound a good day trip venue to anyone? There are also hidden ancient anomalies that are well worth investigating a little more…

Mental Health Matters

The game starts out, like so many survival games, as being a bit grindy, but it builds up to more engaging fun. The characters have unique psyches makes them act in odd ways: such as, refusing to do certain jobs as beneath them due to aristocratic breeding, not getting tasks done because they can’t read the instructions you left for them and so on!

The AI storyteller lets you know how you’re getting on. And it’s bound to be badly, because no matter what your intentions are, your colonists have their own ideas and will drive you delightedly mad with their odd quirks and random dislikes!

In this survival game mental health is as important as food and shelter, so time must be found for leisure activities, or even something as simple as a designated place to sit down and eat And it is important: your characters will have psychotic breaks or go into fugues if these needs are neglected!

Your colony can advance technologically, but any equipment or vehicle must be constantly maintained and frequently re-fuelled.

The storytellers control the weather, the seasons, your crop harvest, the frequency of newcomers’ arrivals and the advent of catastrophes alike. You can choose from three distinct AI storytellers:

  • Classic Cassandra, who provides a slow increase of negative events

  • Phoebe Chillax, who offers more positives and plenty of peace, but still gives a challenging game when played on hard mode

  • Randy Random, for whom anything can and does happen at random!

  • RimWorld for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.


    • Windows
    • SteamOS + Linux
    • MacOS


    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
    • Storage: 1 GB available space


    • Processor: Core 2 Duo
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
    • Storage: 1 GB available space


    • OS: macOS 10.12
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
    • Storage: 1 GB available space


    Great discounts and fast support!
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    Game review score based on 26 reviews, all languages included

    Recent reviews

    The best game I've played ever
    • You can do anything
    • x
    20th November 2024
    Fun and addicting, steep learning curve but fun along the way. I watched a Twitch Streamer who had 5k hours in this game die 3 times trying to beat it. I knew it was well worth the money! would recommend buying the game!
    • Long Term Game
    • Indie game
    • Good Community
    • Steep Learning Curve
    • Not Great Graphics
    14th July 2022
    United Critics
    Rimworld is a simple but expansive indie, survival-management game with an emergent story. Curious as to what this exactly means? Read on! You start off with a small group of survivors on a foreign planet. You have to ensure they survive and maybe even start their own settlement/civilisation so that they can thrive!

    A completely customisable experience
    When you start a fresh game, you are given a huge variety of options to customise your experience. You can change difficulties, your starting location, your survivors’ backstory and so much more. The biggest aspect of this has to be the ‘Storytellers’ but more on this in the next section. If you want to play a game while laid back on a Sunday afternoon then you can make this game so, if you want a challenging experience that keeps you on your toes then you can customise this game to be just that. It’s all left to you.

    Emergent Story
    This is a big selling point for this game. Each time you play this game, irrespective of your customisation choices, it feels different, and this is why. This is also the place where your choice of Storyteller matters. You are given quite a few choices. But first, what exactly are these storytellers and why do they matter so much? Your storyteller is basically the narrator of your adventures. You have a wide variety of options. You can choose one that doesn’t really give you any challenges ensuring a more “laid back” experience. You can choose one that gives you challenges at regular intervals. And best of all, if you are up for the challenge, you can choose the storyteller that has no rules! They throw everything at you irrespective of your progression, forcing you to find innovative and unique solutions.

    This simple element to the game ensures that even if you customise two games exactly the same with even the same storyteller, you will almost certainly still have a different experience.

    Doesn’t it look a little too much…like something familiar?
    Funnily, it does and the game you are thinking of is Prison Architect (another fantastic game). There actually is a reason for this and that is the developers made a deal allowing Rimworld to use some of the assets. Now for some people this may make the game feel a little unique and that may be a negative but I think I speak for most PC gamers who love indies that despite the lack of uniqueness, the game’s art-style is still a thing of beauty and can be considered a positive rather than a negative! But at the end of the day, the aesthetics of the game is something very subjective and it is up to you to decide, but I for one am a big fan of this kind of art-style.

    HOURS of content at your fingertips
    This game, thanks to its customisation features and emergent story mechanic, offers hundreds of hours of content with tons of re-playability. If you are wondering whether this game is value for money, don’t worry, you will most likely not find a game that offers more value for its price tag than Rimworld. This is a fantastic indie gem and a true masterpiece.

    Reviewer: Daniel UG
    • Overall - Great Game
    • Masterpiece
    31st July 2019
    this is the best game and its so cool you can build lot of stuff and install mods and you can nearly everything its so super cool you guys should really check this game out its super fun and you can play multiplayer is well with your friends so is this you type of game get it soon as possible if this is you type so yeah
    • you can install mods on it
    • you can craft so much things
    • you can do research and unlock cool stuff
    • you can't have infinite building stuff
    • all of them take so much mertrials to make stuff
    • it a long time to research
    21st April 2019