Far Cry New Dawn - Europe
- PC
- Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S
- Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
Standard Edition
- Standard Edition
- Deluxe Edition
Far Cry New Dawn for PC is an action adventure first-person shooter set in picturesque Montreal. Pretty pink flowers and beautiful tranquil scenery show how well the area has recovered from being nuked at the end of the last Far Cry game, thanks in part (probably) to your playing character’s job in the meanwhile, going around the country on a train, fixing things and helping communities to heal themselves.
About the Game
You are on your usual mission, travelling about the country to help t...
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Release date:
14 February 2019
Recent Steam reviews:
Mostly positive
All Steam reviews:
Mostly positive
Game features
Far Cry New Dawn for PC is an action adventure first-person shooter set in picturesque Montreal. Pretty pink flowers and beautiful tranquil scenery show how well the area has recovered from being nuked at the end of the last Far Cry game, thanks in part (probably) to your playing character’s job in the meanwhile, going around the country on a train, fixing things and helping communities to heal themselves.
You are on your usual mission, travelling about the country to help those who need it, when a bunch of highwaymen called The Highwaymen (usefully ensuring that you know who they are and what they want!) derail your train, forcing you and the others to escape and fend for yourselves as you try to get your life back on track – literally!
The action is great: the hyperbolic reactions sends bears soaring through the air when they’re bopped with a spiked baseball bat that’d put Lucille to shame, while insta-kills can be made in perfect silence, and you have the ability to spawn helicopters on demand like a superhero!
You have a choice of companions, ranging from an elderly sniper to a boar. Whichever companion you choose will give you a host of memorable moments, including the boar angrily charging a truck full of your opponents and tipping it over onto its side.
Your companion will grow and develop his own abilities, including the ability to self-revive should they come under attack. This means that you can let them do their own thing to a large extent, knowing that they will come and help you when you need them to.
Despite the pretty flowers and flourishing greenery, there are signs of the nuclear disaster everywhere. Your weapons have a rough-and-ready appearance: silencers look like they’re made from bottles, and a piece of plumbing pipe serves as the scope on your sniper rifle.
However, people are pretty handy these days and there is plenty of stuff lying around that can be used as inventory needs: whether it is to make weapons or other equipment – you can even end up with a crossbow that fires spinning circular saw blades: a satisfactorily gruesome weapon that can nicely even the odds when you’re surrounded by enemies.
Some of the areas of the map are closed off as being too irradiated for survival, and you will occasionally stumble across mementos of the past, before the nuke, such as photographs. These give the game a nostalgic edge that makes the player feel wistful for bygone times.
You can venture further afield on the map, exploring cool and exciting venues such as:
An aircraft carrier – travel all the way to Florida to reclaim loot from the HMS MacCoubrey. You will land near the lighthouse or near a garbage dump, depending on what the randomisation gods pick for you (difficulty makes no difference). The deepest packages are the most valuable and the best-guarded. Once you’ve got all the loot, you need to deliver it safely to the RV (rendezvous point) which are not the same as the arrival points
A derelict funfair – visit the Five Stars amusement park in Louisiana. You will arrive in one of three places: on top of a broken roller coaster offering a great view over the whole park; near the Main Entrance gate, but don’t be tempted to go in this way, it’s usually a trap, with bandits waiting for any unsuspecting looters to stroll in as though they own the place! The loot must be delivered to the RVs which are the same as points of arrival
Alcatraz prison – always popular with movies and films, this island prison is a great addition to any film or game, giving you plenty of hidey-holes to explore: there’s plenty of loot, and also plenty of scope for enemies to lie in wait to ambush you! Delivery points are notorious for attracting the attention of the guards if you linger there for too long, so time your extraction carefully!
The game is nicely flexible when it comes to rising up the skills ladder: you can pick you preferred abilities and improve on those, whether it be tools to help you climb and glide (grappling hooks and wingsuits), melee ability, or the ability to kill stealthily. Later in the game, five new skills are unlocked, allowing such fun delights as a double jump or berserker strength for a short time.
Far Cry New Dawn for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.
About the Game
You are on your usual mission, travelling about the country to help those who need it, when a bunch of highwaymen called The Highwaymen (usefully ensuring that you know who they are and what they want!) derail your train, forcing you and the others to escape and fend for yourselves as you try to get your life back on track – literally!
The action is great: the hyperbolic reactions sends bears soaring through the air when they’re bopped with a spiked baseball bat that’d put Lucille to shame, while insta-kills can be made in perfect silence, and you have the ability to spawn helicopters on demand like a superhero!
You have a choice of companions, ranging from an elderly sniper to a boar. Whichever companion you choose will give you a host of memorable moments, including the boar angrily charging a truck full of your opponents and tipping it over onto its side.
Your companion will grow and develop his own abilities, including the ability to self-revive should they come under attack. This means that you can let them do their own thing to a large extent, knowing that they will come and help you when you need them to.
Signs of Previous Devastation
Despite the pretty flowers and flourishing greenery, there are signs of the nuclear disaster everywhere. Your weapons have a rough-and-ready appearance: silencers look like they’re made from bottles, and a piece of plumbing pipe serves as the scope on your sniper rifle.
However, people are pretty handy these days and there is plenty of stuff lying around that can be used as inventory needs: whether it is to make weapons or other equipment – you can even end up with a crossbow that fires spinning circular saw blades: a satisfactorily gruesome weapon that can nicely even the odds when you’re surrounded by enemies.
Some of the areas of the map are closed off as being too irradiated for survival, and you will occasionally stumble across mementos of the past, before the nuke, such as photographs. These give the game a nostalgic edge that makes the player feel wistful for bygone times.
You can venture further afield on the map, exploring cool and exciting venues such as:
Flexible Ability Skill-Tree
The game is nicely flexible when it comes to rising up the skills ladder: you can pick you preferred abilities and improve on those, whether it be tools to help you climb and glide (grappling hooks and wingsuits), melee ability, or the ability to kill stealthily. Later in the game, five new skills are unlocked, allowing such fun delights as a double jump or berserker strength for a short time.
Far Cry New Dawn for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.