Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones - Europe

Ubisoft Connect
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Skull and bones for PC is a tactical action survival game, set in an open world environment with third-person player perspective. It is different from the usual run of survival games – fun as those can be – in that you will constantly be setting out to sea to achieve your aims, rather than staying static in one place and trying to defend your homestead as it grows. About the Game The game begins in a way familiar to fans of the survival type game, with the character washing up on a beach...
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Recent Steam reviews:
Mixed (30)
All Steam reviews:
Mixed (1304)


Skull and Bones screenshot 1
Skull and Bones screenshot 2 Skull and Bones screenshot 3 Skull and Bones screenshot 4 Skull and Bones screenshot 5

Game features


Skull and bones for PC is a tactical action survival game, set in an open world environment with third-person player perspective. It is different from the usual run of survival games – fun as those can be – in that you will constantly be setting out to sea to achieve your aims, rather than staying static in one place and trying to defend your homestead as it grows.

About the Game

The game begins in a way familiar to fans of the survival type game, with the character washing up on a beach with nothing to their name but some ragged clothes and a few odds and ends. Struggling to survive as they make their way to the nearby town of Sainte-Anne, which is something of a pirate haven, you arrive in town and begin to work at getting back out to sea to earn some infamy and cash.

There is not much to do in the way of sailing: most of your at-sea action is in the hands of your NPC crew, but you must keep an eye on their morale so they don’t mutiny on you – they must be kept happy, well fed and in regular receipt of their promised dram of rum or whisky!

Despite the lack of ropes to pull on and what sits to belay, you want to be mindful of your ship, keeping an eye out for invaders and other pirates. If something does happen to the ship, you will spawn in the nearest safe place, but your precious loot, cargo and treasure – everything you had on board – is all gone, just waiting in the middle of the ocean for another player to zoom along and snaffle it.

Experience points in this game (usually XP) are called ‘infamy’, and the more you have, the bigger ships and better quests you can earn. This gains you a bigger target on your back. There are NPC ships, loaded to the gunwales with pirate-catching privateers who are anxious to capture themselves a big bad pirate captain for a fat bounty, all over the seas and they will hunt you down with skill and enthusiasm unless you are a bit cautious in your travels.

Throughout the game, you will loop through a series of quests, improving your might and infamy with each go-round, setting off to sea, winning, earning and gaining, and then coming back to stash it all safely, before heading off again. It is exceedingly satisfying to progress from ragged castaway to imposing fleet captain over the course of the game.

The Nitty Gritty

As might be guessed from the title, the game is all about piracy and includes both solo play, with the player taking the character of a pirate captain; and multi-play, with up to five crewmates, battling other ships in Disputed Waters.

The game arose from the highly popular Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and was originally intended as an expansion pack, then as an MMO standalone game, before gaining enough popularity and demand to become a fully-fledged game in its own right. Microtransactions are a feature of this game, but you can slug it out the hard way and achieve your goals without laying out any spare money if your finances are tight.

Your health bar lets you know how much more damage you can take when you are under attack – or give, if you are the aggressor: ramming other ships is a great way to get close enough to board, pillage and rob them, before returning to your ship and letting theirs sink! All ships have crows’ nests that you can climb into to gain a bird's-eye view of the surrounding ocean and gain a clearer idea of how the battle is going.

With solo play you can sail off across the Indian Ocean all alone, following the single-player campaign. You will learn on the go: how to use the wind to gain the best position when sailing. And you will also have an impressive armoury to learn: broadside cannons, mortars and rockets, all of which fit in the many types of ship that you can acquire, by honest means or nefarious ones.

New ships to collect include frigates, sloops-of-war and brigantines – a range from cargo ships to nippy navigators to fire ships which have exotic weapons, like Greek fire which is always fun to splash about. And while you are getting to grips with all of this, you will also be on the lookout for treasure, loot, and goodies like telescopes and so on, which you can then use to improve your chances in battle.

Multi-play games include skirmishes going head-to-head on treasure hunts, seeing who gets the most treasure the quickest. Customisation in the game is good and detailed: for example, plating your ship with overly heavy armour renders it practically unsteerable and uses up most of the room you should be keeping for cargo and loot.

Many of the activities you would expect to be land-based can actually be done from on board, with ‘resource nodes’ temptingly placed out to sea for you to sail past and collect resources like newly mined ores, felled and prepped timber, and even freshly skinned animals.

What to Do At Sainte-Anne

Sainte-Anne, a sort of pirate safe-space, operates as the game’s central hub and you can get up to all sorts while you have a breather from sea-battles. You can:
  • Pick up missions and quests that will earn you infamy, supplies and customisations

  • Talk to NPCs, who can provide vital clues and information to help you complete your current task

  • Craft ships and equipment to fit inside your ships, the size and impressiveness of your vessels increasing with every increase in your infamy levels

  • Buy provisions – unhappy crew members can mutiny, so keep them well fed!

  • Befriend other players. The open world nature of the game means that some of the other ships you come across will be peopled by fellow players – team up with them, trade with them, or – if you like – battle them for their loot!

  • Work on treasure maps – what is the point of being a pirate captain unless you have a little stash of precious loot hidden away with detailed maps on how to retrieve it tucked about your person?

  • Skull and bones for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor: Intel i7 4790 AMD Ryzen5 1600
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB or AMD Radeon RX 5500 8GB
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 65 GB available space


    Fast an easy.
    8 months ago
    A year ago
    Fast and reliable.
    My only gripe was that nation tax wasn't reflected on store page.
    A year ago
    Smooth as allways! Thanks
    A year ago


    Game review score based on 80 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    Cataclysmic, catastrophic

    This game is 10 years old and should never have been released

    Everything is outdated

    And Y. Guillemot calls this a AAAA, what

    a joke !

    Boring like ever

    And the price , what a shame...
    • None
    • Everything
    21st February 2024
    When you drop a big chunk of cash on a base game, you're not just buying what's there now. You're investing in its potential and hoping it'll evolve into something even better in the future with seasons and DLCs.

    Ideally, that means a richer third-person experience with faction wars, missions, and more than just basic gameplay. But it seems like developers are more focused on making money than giving players their money's worth. In my opinion, any decent developer should prioritize delivering value to players, not just chasing profits.

    For $79.99, players should expect a lot: deeper content, the ability to shape the game world with their choices, character progression, alliances between players, a bustling in-game economy, and more.

    I hope the game lives up to those expectations!
    • Concept, Graphics, music
    • Nice, expensive trailer..
    • Lack of content
    • ULTRA inflated price
    • Ship-shooter-game for Xbox..
    19th March 2024
    Fun Game to play alone or with friends.

    Intense Fights with different kinds of enemies brings in some variation.

    A lot of Cosmetics for your Ship and your Character.

    Many different kinds of ressources to farm and use.

    Saldy not much PVP.

    • beautiful atmosphere
    • beautiful graphics
    • Sea Fights
    • Not much PVP
    17th February 2024
    no name77
    At this point, if you commit such a lump of money for a base game (which probably will have seasons, DLC's) you're paying for the unique concept and HOPES what this game COULD be in the future..

    Which would be, at least, more sophisticated third person experience, faction wars, missions, not just ship-avatars crossing the ocean, and having a go.

    Unfortunately, giving that the game is aimed at bringing in the most revenue, instead value for the money to the players, which imo. should be ANY DECENT DEV. goal, as this creates new gamer generations, going for cross play, the in depth game sophistication as you would expect on a decent PC game has completely neglected in the dev. process.

    • Action
    • Graphic
    • Sound
    17th March 2024
    Do not compare this game with any other, simply enjoy it for what it is! Spent some pleasant hours on it without realizing it therefore it has achieved its purpose for me :p Do jobs around the map, gather resources, upgrade your ship, have PvE and PvP(optional) fights or simply trade with merchants around the map. From streams I saw that there are sooooooo many other things to do as well which I didn't experience yet! Also both cross-play and cross-progressive which is rare these days.
    • Gemeplay
    • Action
    12th March 2024
    A very cool game, I didn't expect that in this genre of games there would be quite a lot of freedom of action.

    I recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to bother planning the next step too much and just enjoy the gameplay and graphics.
    16th February 2024
    Recomended.A very cool game, I didn't expect that in this genre of games there would be quite a lot of freedom of action.

    I recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to bother planning the next step too much and just enjoy the gameplay and graphics.Good game.@
    • Action
    18th February 2024
    Top games.Fun Game to play alone or with friends.

    Intense Fights with different kinds of enemies brings in some variation.

    A lot of Cosmetics for your Ship and your Character.

    Many different kinds of ressources to farm and use.

    Saldy not much PVP.Recomended.
    • Action
    17th February 2024

    Recent reviews


    Its trash af
    • /
    • All of this game
    2nd August 2024
    Do not compare this game with any other, simply enjoy it for what it is! Spent some pleasant hours on it without realizing it therefore it has achieved its purpose for me :p Do jobs around the map, gather resources, upgrade your ship, have PvE and PvP(optional) fights or simply trade with merchants around the map. From streams I saw that there are sooooooo many other things to do as well which I didn't experience yet! Also both cross-play and cross-progressive which is rare these days.
    • Action
    • Graphic
    18th March 2024
    Awful game designs, boring story, disgusting boss battles. A full on fail by Ubisoft. I do find it fun if I just ignore the main story and just explore the world and different ships etc. But otherwise it's a disaster.
    • Can be fun if ignoring the main story
    • Awful story
    • Bad boss fights
    • Bad game design
    29th February 2024
    A top game that draws you in from the first minutes and you don't notice the hours flying by. It is interesting to play both alone and with friends. Freedom of action, various improvements, quests - cool, I recommend it.
    21st February 2024
    Im so surprised over this game in a bad way, how can they even think that it was ready.

    I do not like anything about it, and the price is not fair at all!

    If you really wanna try it out buy it on a really cheap sale, or find a website where u can try the game and other games for a monthly price.

    They want u to shut down your security on your pc before u can play, so they can get all your informations!
    • Character creation, Graphics, price, Controls, map
    • U can do 2 things primarily, sail or craft...
    • They want to have every information from your pc
    20th February 2024
    Having fun so far, lets hope that they deliver on their promise and actually add updates over time, as the end game is lacking right now.

    Roadmap is promissing, looking forward to future updates.

    Try to find someone to cooperate though, as you might have trouble otherwise later on.

    • Fun fights
    • Enjoyable early to mid game loop
    • Live service
    • End game is lacking
    • Few ships at the moment
    • Unbalanced PVP, hard SOLO
    20th February 2024
    Top Game to play alone or with friends.

    Intense Fights with different kinds of enemies brings in some variation.

    A lot of Cosmetics for your Ship and your Character.

    Many different kinds of ressources to farm and use.

    Saldy not much PVP.Recomended.

    • Batle
    • Action
    19th February 2024