The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan

The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan

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Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
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  • Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S


Experience the upgraded version of Man of Medan, available now. New to this upgrade: difficulty settings & QTE warnings, improved UI & interactions, updated bearing’s art & event triggers, increased walk speeds and wider accessibility options including subtitle sizing. Discover an extended playable chapter “Flooded”, introducing new deaths in this climatic ending to the game! *Free upgrade for owners of Man of Medan on PC. The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of s...
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The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan screenshot 1
The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan screenshot 2 The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan screenshot 3 The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan screenshot 4 The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan screenshot 5

Game features


Experience the upgraded version of Man of Medan, available now.
New to this upgrade: difficulty settings & QTE warnings, improved UI & interactions, updated bearing’s art & event triggers, increased walk speeds and wider accessibility options including subtitle sizing.
Discover an extended playable chapter “Flooded”, introducing new deaths in this climatic ending to the game!

*Free upgrade for owners of Man of Medan on PC.

The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of stand-alone, branching cinematic horror games featuring a multiplayer mode.

In Man of Medan, five friends set sail on a holiday diving trip that soon changes into something much more sinister...

Embark on a horrific journey aboard a ghost ship.

Experience your terrifying story with a friend online or go for safety in numbers with up to five players offline

All playable characters can live or die. The choices you make will decide their fate.

Who will you save?

Don't. Play. Alone.

The Curator's Cut
The Curator's cut features new scenes playable from the other characters' perspective with brand new choices and decisions to make.

The Curator's cut is only available once you have completed the main story.

The Dark Pictures franchise

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Season One
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Season One
Release date: 2022
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Release date: 2020


Game review score based on 52 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

Cseresznye Kristóf
It was a really great experience to play this game. I played through it 3 times. The characters are also good, but even though I tried to save one or another, the one I tried to save died every time. But of course that's my mistake not the game's
  • Great graphics
  • Movie like
  • Great story line, with unexpected happenings
  • Bit buggy sometimes
23rd March 2022
the game doesnt work anymore, the ended their service in janaury of last year i cant even get a refund i think so this will be my last time using this website, not sure why u are selling games that dont work
  • do not buy it does not work
  • do not buy it does not work
24th January 2022
This is a great game with an amazing atmosphere and great setting. It was my first horror game and it isn’t too scary with a few jump scares and scary moments/sequences.

The co-op mode is great weak connection was an issue occasionally though

Multiple endings add replay ability and the characters are great. The story is good but could be a lot longer. Worth £13 but is on game pass
  • Good graphics
  • Great characters
  • Amazing sinister atmosphere
  • Multiple endings
  • Co-op
  • Could be a bit longer
28th November 2021
The only reason i bought this game was to play it co op with my friend in the shared story mode. It kept saying "Connection to the other player is weak". We tried multiple fixes but nothing seemed to work
  • shared story mode bugged
1st November 2021
Awesome story, fantastic graphics and really fun played with friends. To use the friend pass just copy the steam code you get when you launch the game and then paste it to your friend in Discord or Steam. It works :)
  • Friend Pass- read my feedback
30th August 2021
Friend Pass has been deactivated for about a year and is still advertised, total disappointment.I bought the game because I thought that the friend pass is like A Way Out,but unfortunately this is not the case.


- great idea to include couch coop


- bad camera movement and controls

- bad graphics

- Way too expensive

- No Friendpass (Although it is still used for advertising)

I wouldn't recommend the game to anyone.
15th August 2021
Player Bases.

☐ Kids.

☐ Everyone.

☐ Mature.

x Casual Players.

☐ Pro players.


☐ Potato.

☐ Really Bad.

☐ Bad.

☐ OK.

☐ Good.

☐ Beautiful.

x Masterpiece.


☐ Full Price.

☐ Wait For Sale.

☐ Refund It If You Can.

☐ Don't Buy It.

☐ Free.

x Instantgaming price


☐ Easy.

x Medium.

x Hard.

☐ Very Hard.

☐ Death March.

☐ Dark Souls.

Game length.

☐ Really Short. ( 0 - 2 hours)

x Short. ( 2 - 8 hours)

☐ Medium. ( 8 - 16 hours)

☐ Long. ( 16+ hours)

☐ Endless.


☐ It Doesn't Have One.

☐ Horrible.

☐ Ok.

☐ Average.

☐ Good.

x Fantastic.


☐ Horrible.

☐ Decent.

☐ Average

☐ Good

x Amazing.


☐ Terrible.

☐ Ok.

☐ Average.

x Good.

☐ Fantastic.


☐ Game Itself Is One Big BUG.

☐ Game Breaking Bugs.

☐ Lots of bugs.

x Few Bugs.

☐ Nothing.


Multiplayer: x

Singleplayer: x

Final Score:

  • realistic graphic
  • nice story
  • beautiful music
  • realistic feeling
  • great story
  • few bugs where you need to restart your game
28th May 2021
This game is a very nice one to play one night with a friend, very scary and it makes a lot of fun. The graphics is looking very good and the story is overall fine, a little bit too short and a boring beginning. In my opinion they didn´t used the full potential but if you like horror this game is the way to go.
  • graphics
  • scary factor
  • co-op
  • the beginning of the story
  • story time
7th April 2022
I love horror games and this game delivered me a whole new experience. Compelling story and it plays as if you are watching a movie, except that you get a choice in what the characters do. Loved the game! Also the graphics and atmosphere in the game are amazing. And I don't scare easily at all but this game did have my heart racing at times. If you like horror and you don't mind sitting on the edge of your seat and sometimes jumping up from it, you need to buy this game!
2nd May 2020