Go behind enemy lines to forge your army, conquer Fortresses and dominate Mordor from within. Experience how the award winning Nemesis System creates unique personal stories with every enemy and follower, and confront the full power of the Dark Lord Sauron and his Ringwraiths in this epic new story of Middle-earth.
In Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™, nothing will be forgotten.
Go behind enemy lines to forge your army, conquer Fortresses and dominate Mordor from within. Experience how the award winning Nemesis System creates unique personal stories with every enemy and follower, and confront the full power of the Dark Lord Sauron and his Ringwraiths in this epic new story of Middle-earth.
In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, nothing will be forgotten.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is an exhilarating action RPG set in the dark, foreboding world of Mordor. It introduces the innovative Nemesis System, which creates dynamic, evolving enemies that remember your encounters and react uniquely, making every battle feel personal. As Talion, a ranger bonded with the wraith Celebrimbor, you hunt down Sauron’s forces, using a blend of swordplay and powerful wraith abilities in fast, fluid combat.
The game’s open world is rich with lore and stunning environments, from dark fortresses to haunting landscapes. Packed with side quests and collectibles, Shadow of Mordor encourages exploration and offers plenty to discover. The story, set between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, draws players deeper into Tolkien’s universe, focusing on revenge.
With its groundbreaking Nemesis System, engaging combat, and captivating story, Shadow of Mordor delivers a thrilling adventure that sets a new standard for open-world action games.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is a solid 9/10 for its captivating open-world, backed by the epic Nemesis system, offering dynamic and immersive gameplay. The game holds up very well on modern hardware.
absolutely love this game the world is huge and beautiful.
The main quest line is great but not that long, side quests are ok but for me after completing the main story i lose interest but still enjoyed the game.
One of the best games ever made, the graphics are still fantastic today. The story is simply right, but the gameplay is excellent and generally addictive. The Nemesis system is one of the best systems ever included in a video game, as you grow more attached to and invested in a particular enemy.
Amazing game! I totally enjoyed the time I spend playing it! The story was really interesting and ahead of its time when it came out. The combat system was amazing and entertaining, I didn't feel like it was repetitive.
The game is very good and with tones of content and missions! It delivers a very good story line and a handful of side quests that will keep you going for a good amount of time! If you are a big fan of the Lord of the Rings, you definitely won't be disappointed!!
Definitely worth buying this masterpiece. I love games that are free-roam after finishing the story mode. Great game, amazing story, I love the combat because you can execute enemies and get a chance that Uruks will run in fear (Requires a rune though probably, which I have)
A brief and shocking opening scene sets a dark and brutal tone as Talion, a former Ranger of Gondor, is ritually executed along with his family. Talion’s spirit is then bound to an amnesiac elf ghost and returned to Middle-earth for vengeance against Sauron’s forces. It’s a story that doesn’t make total sense for hardcore Tolkien scholars, but it’s well-acted. It makes decent use of Gollum, and there are a couple of memorable new characters - particularly Ratbag the comic-relief uruk, who guides you through the process of infiltrating the enemy army.
My interest in the plot dwindled toward the end, but it does a fair job of explaining why Talion has such sweet supernatural powers with his sword, dagger, and bow. Much like in the Batman: Arkham games, you can choose to stealthily pick off enemies one at a time, or dive head-first into a brawl with dozens of opponents and beat the crap out of them with a smoothly animated series of attacks and counters. Unlike Batman, of course, Mordor’s involve great, gory decapitation and stabbing animations, and outside of the scripted story missions, there are few distinctly separated stealth and combat areas. It’s enticingly freeform.
Acrobatically slaughtering Sauron’s ugly minions feels as easy as it appears to be for Legolas in Peter Jackson’s movies, and it’s more fun to do than to watch. Sword combat feels pretty much just as good here as brawling does in Batman – which is to say it’s amazing. Mordor’s take on building up hit streaks to power up lethal takedowns is a bit more forgiving, in that you’re almost never locked into an animation. If you push the counter button, Talion will drop what he’s doing and counter instantly. It’s extremely responsive. A time-slowing power makes scoring a couple of headshots with the bow easy, whether in stealth or in the heat of battle, though it’s kept in check by ammo constraints and a limited (but upgradable) supply of time-slowing juice. And even though stealth gameplay is pretty basic, it’s great to have the option to thin the herd a bit before they know you’re there.
J'ai eu un peu de mal au début mais une fois qu'on maîtrise le personnage, c'est vraiment prenant ! J'y ai beaucoup joué jusqu'au jour où je suis entré dans cette grotte où il faut être le plus discret possible. Ce n'est pas vraiment mon truc...
j'aime vraiment ce jeux, avec un super gameplay. de super graphisme, etc. Ce jeux est vraiment génial avec la méthode de contrôle des Uruks. De plus les cinématique et le nombre de runes, de manière de jouer plairas a tous.
Shadow of Mordor is a very worth piece for anyone who enjoys a good story and can invest a lot of hours. It is also very similar to the Arkham series, this time with a different face.
The gameplay can be a lot of suffering for those who hates repetitive combat, when you fight againts a group of Orcs there is a chance of you smashing the whole keyboard not because of the angry feeling but because of the combos that demand a lot of buttons to press. So you should mostly try to be a sneaky assassin since it was far more enjoyable and similar to Assassin's Creed (except for the part when you shadow teleport to your enemies). Plus, the gameplay is basically recycled from the Arkham series (Warner Bros games...).
Killing the Orcs will grant you not just XP points but also mind-control reward which will later in game give you a whole army of Orcs.
Endless amount of side quests is very repetitive so it will make you feel bored fast.
Other than that I recommend you playing with a controller because the game is somewhat much smoother and also better for combos to make.
You can lead an army of orcs, which can be also repetitive
No te presentan correctamente la historia, desde el minuto 0 parece que tu objetivo es matar orcos para después... seguir matando orcos para que finalmente puedas matar a un orco un poco más fuerte.
Los enemigos "especiales" resulta que se regeneran... esperaba enemigos carismáticos pero me encuentro con orcos random por doquier y un juego donde se aporrean botones constantemente.
En fin, la segunda parte creo que ni lo voy a probar....
I have completed the GOTY edition in around 50 hours. And boy it was great. Superb story and lots of fun wielding the sword, shooting arrows and riding Caragors. You cannot go wrong with this game. After the final cut scene I felt the story was a bit too short.
90 - Good Game but at some parts gets boring
Nice Military system! if some one will kill you they will get promoted to higher rank...
Game is not that long, but its nice as it take to Lord Of the Rings universe
Awesome game. Hade fun playing it first time and am going to enjoy it playing it again and again. Excellent story, greet graphics, big fan of Lord of the Rings story's and books. So it is a win win. :D
Gameplay is like AC, simple and fun. Story is interesting. GOTY Edition was well worth the investment, because it have all DLC, Graphic is very good, but it takes lot of graphic cards memory. Can't wait to play Shadow of War.
Génial c'est complètement mon style de jeu. Il y a du combat, de l'infiltration, tu peux chevaucher des bêtes. Le jeu n'est pas linéaire, tu fais les missions dans l'ordre que tu veux. Les graphismes sont super
Super Honest.
The game is amazing.
I still play it even though its been 3 years.
There are good and bad about the game.
Good in General is that the game simply rocks.
Bad is about some small glitches/bugs and e.t.c which dont really bother me. But if i had to say something bad it would be the Graphics are to Grayish.
Worth a buy but most of all woth a play.
Gameplay is like AC, simple and fun. Story is interesting. GOTY Edition was well worth the investment, because it have all DLC, Graphic is very good, but it takes lot of graphic cards memory. Can't wait to play Shadow of War.
Ich Finde das Spiel macht schon Spaß auch wenn es jetzt nichtmehr das neuste ist.
Wenn jemand etwas sucht um die Zeit zu vertreiben ist es das Geld aufjedenmfall wert und durch die DLC hat man auch neben der normalen story viel zu tun
Such an amazing game. After playing it, i can understand how it got such a positive review and game of the year nominations. There are a few things that make it easy to play but it gives you so much freedom to execute each mission.
Large map
Vast amount of abilities
Enjoyable story
Great graphics
At times it becomes impossible to die unless you kill yourself
After playing it for quite a few hours, the orc becomes repetitive.
Gets old really fast. The mechanics are nice but that's pretty much all the game has to offer. As soon you get tires oof slaughtering orcs the game is over for you. the story is boring and totally not compelling and the game has as much in terms of an RPg as BF1. You simply watch dialogue and get sent to kill stuff.
Shadow of Mordor is basically a clone of Assassin's Creed which doesn't offer much in terms of exploration or activities. You'll spend most of your time killing orcs, picking up flowers and climbing towers. The scenario has less to do with the universe of Professor Tolkien than with the DC comics, although it's decently entertaining. The much louded Nemesis system is rather fun and can be challenging (as well as frustrating when the system goes wrong) but you will do the same thing over and over again. The two available maps are bland and very small. I platinumed the game on PS4 and only picked it up cheap on PC for the collection.