Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition

Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition

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PC / Mac / Linux
  • PC / Mac / Linux
Deluxe Edition
  • Premium Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Deluxe Edition

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Walk in the Footsteps of Legends in Imperator: Rome Alexander. Hannibal. Caesar. These great men and dozens like them shaped the destiny of a continent. Mighty kings, clever generals and would-be gods made their mark on the ancient Mediterranean. Around this sea, close knit nations tested their mettle and virtue against each other in fierce combat, their cultural and political legacy now inseparable from what we understand as Western Civilization. But nothing was guaranteed. Can you change th...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (38)
All Steam reviews:
Mixed (18877)


Imperator: Rome - Premium Edition

Premium Edition

  • Imperator: Rome
  • Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
  • Punic Wars DLC
  • Magna Graecia DLC
  • Epirus DLC
  • Digital soundtrack
  • 1 more
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Imperator: Rome

Standard Edition

  • Imperator: Rome
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Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition

  • Imperator: Rome
  • Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
  • -3 more
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Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition screenshot 1
Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition screenshot 2 Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition screenshot 3 Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition screenshot 4 Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition screenshot 5

Game features


Deluxe Edition includes

- Imperator: Rome
- Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
Walk in the Footsteps of Legends in Imperator: Rome

Alexander. Hannibal. Caesar. These great men and dozens like them shaped the destiny of a continent. Mighty kings, clever generals and would-be gods made their mark on the ancient Mediterranean. Around this sea, close knit nations tested their mettle and virtue against each other in fierce combat, their cultural and political legacy now inseparable from what we understand as Western Civilization. But nothing was guaranteed. Can you change the course of history in Imperator: Rome?

Imperator: Rome is the newest grand strategy title from Paradox Development Studio. Set in the tumultuous centuries from Alexander’s Successor Empires in the East to the foundation of the Roman Empire, Imperator: Rome invites you to relive the pageantry and challenges of empire building in the classical era. Manage your population, keep an eye out for treachery, and keep faith with your gods.

Imperator: Rome’s features include:

  • Character Management: A living world of characters with varying skills and traits that will change over time. They will lead your nation, govern your provinces and command your armies and fleets. We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.
  • Diverse Populations: Citizens, freemen, tribesmen and slaves - each population with its own culture and religion. Whether they fill your armies, fill your coffers or fill your colonies, keep an eye on their happiness - your success depends on their satisfaction.
  • Battle Tactics: Choose your approach before battle to counter the stratagems of your foes.
  • Military Traditions: Each culture has a unique way of waging war. Romans and Celts have different options available to them. Unlock unique bonuses, abilities and units.
  • Different Government Types: Manage the senate in a Republic, hold your court together in a monarchy, answer to the clans in a tribal system.
  • Barbarians and Rebellions: Migrating barbarians may sack or settle your best land, while disloyal governors or generals can turn against you - taking their armies with them!
  • Trade: Goods provide bonuses to their home province. Will you take advantage of stockpiles for local strength or trade excess goods to spread the wealth around?
  • Provincial Improvement: Invest in buildings, roads and defences to make your kingdom stronger and richer.
  • Hellenistic World Flavor Pack: Special content designed for the Successor Kingdoms including new army models, new event chains and new art.
  • Digital Art Book: A collection of high resolution images from the development of Imperator: Rome with developer and artist insights.
  • Wallpaper: Easily accessible versions of the Imperator: Rome loading screens, so you can use them to decorate your own desktop.


  • Windows
  • SteamOS + Linux
  • MacOS


  • OS: Windows 10 Home 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel iCore i3-550 or AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 6970


  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Processor: Intel iCore i3-550 or AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 6970


  • OS: 10.14 (Mojave)
  • Processor: Intel iCore i5-6500
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M380 with 2GB Vram


4 years ago
4 years ago
Fast and reliable as always!
4 years ago
thanks speedy delivery gud site!
5 years ago
Perfect as usual. Good job guys! :)
5 years ago
Came through in 30 seconds
5 years ago


Game review score based on 21 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

It's a great game to build an empire as ancient civilization.
You take care of your population, cities, nobility, families and laws, you fight with different kind of units, each different to others like to counter your enemy. You can choose between religions and gods, are you a tolerant integrater of conquered cultures or you want to assimilate them to your own culture? The choice is yours with all benefits or problems.
  • Different playstyles
23rd December 2020
ٍA good game worth its price,unlimited funthere are some important problems that need to being processed but I highly recommend buying it,despite mistakes, but it's promising game we hope to develop more.
  • High graphics
  • Large map and countless cities and villages
  • A large number of faction
  • Real challenge
  • Unlimited fun
  • laggy and freeze a bit
25th April 2020
is a nice and very promising game. I think the dlcs that come in will be even better. Ιt definitely has some problems like a game but over time I see it being corrected, so it gets more interesting especially with the missions that go down for each nation
  • good
15th March 2020
Typical paradox formula. But the only difference from their other games that this is really boring and lacks content. Which they will add in the future in forms of DLC. So stay away from this one.
Also Ironman mode randomly broke for me 2 times in a row with Macedon just half way trough and i couldn't earn achievements anymore...
  • Lot of nations to play as
  • Well detailed map
  • Lot of bugs
  • Lack of content
  • Very few nation what are actually interesting
  • Underwhelming diplomacy
30th June 2019
I love Paradox games... But as we can see with Imperator Rome, now it's DLC Games, the base game is too small, light, not really interesting.
For the first time I must give a "bad review" on a paradox games, I dont care about DLC when they add new content, not when they must make the game because of the poor level of the base game.
23rd May 2019
J'ai attendu depuis la ParadoxCon pour jouer à Imperator, l'annonce m'avait hype, et c'est vrai que l'idée de jouer les Bellovaques ou même les Mauryas est tentante.
Malheureusement le jeu est baclé, problème de trad... résolu par un patch... qui fait buguer des events importants du jeu. Impossibilité de choisir ou ses esclaves vont être placés lors des guerres (vive la capitale en famine constante). Absence d'explication quant aux points de recherche...
Je m'arrête là sinon j'y suis encore dans 4 heures. Mais l'idée de mon com est que ce jeu est une alpha, j'ai passé 60h dessus donc je maîtrise mon sujet relativement aisément, et il est tout à fait intolérable que ce jeu ait des DLC payants en l'état.
  • Beauté de la carte
  • 400 nations jouables
  • Events manquants
  • Bugs nombreux
  • Traités de paix illogiques
  • Mécaniques inutilisées
8th May 2019