Borderlands GOTY Edition

Borderlands GOTY Edition - Europe

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Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
  • PC
  • Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
GOTY Edition
  • GOTY Edition


Lock, Load, & Face the Madness Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way! With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op*, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Borderlands places you in the role of a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, he...
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Borderlands GOTY Edition screenshot 1
Borderlands GOTY Edition screenshot 2 Borderlands GOTY Edition screenshot 3 Borderlands GOTY Edition screenshot 4 Borderlands GOTY Edition screenshot 5

Game features


GOTY Edition includes

- Borderlands
- The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned
- Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot
- The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
- Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
Lock, Load, & Face the Madness
Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way!
With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op*, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Borderlands places you in the role of a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell-bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault.
  • Role Playing Shooter (RPS) - Combines frantic first-person shooting action with accessible role-playing character progression
  • Co-Op Frenzy - Fly solo in single player or drop in and out with up to 4 Player Co-Op online for a maniacal multiplayer experience
  • Bazillions of Guns - Gun lust fulfilled with rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching revolvers, SMGs that fire lightning rounds, and tons more
  • Radical Art Style - New visual style combines traditional rendering techniques with hand-drawn textures to create a unique and eye-catching spin on the First Person genre
  • Intense Vehicular Combat - Get behind the wheel and engage in intense vehicle-to-vehicle combat


THE ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTOR NED: Enter the corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove and put an end to the rumors of the walking “undead.” New areas, new missions, new enemies, Oh My!

MAD MOXXI’S UNDERDOME RIOT: Celebrate the grand opening of Marcus Bank by taking on hundreds of foes in the only competitive arena around where you’re coming back famous... or not at all.

THE SECRET ARMORY OF GENERAL KNOXX: Want more of the Borderlands story and more loot than you could possibly figure out what to do with? Add new guns, missions, vehicles and more!

CLAPTRAP’S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION: This destructive adventure invites you to battle a vicious new threat, a massive uprising of your former friends: the claptraps.

Borderlands franchise

New Tales from The Borderlands
New Tales from The Borderlands
Release date: 2022
Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3
Release date: 2020
Borderlands The Handsome Collection
Borderlands The Handsome Collection
Release date: 2015


Service was slower than expected. Initial payment (PayPal) refused despite it being listed as an accepted payment on the website. Customer support did not answer all my questions.
The second payment was eventually verified and I promptly received a working code.
5 years ago


Game review score based on 98 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

not my cup of thea
9th March 2025
Better buy just goty not gotye
15th September 2024
it was quick innnit and i didnt need to do alot to get the game and know that i have the game i shall play it alot y7ehhhhhh blud so yeh innit yeh its gonna be so fun like this has bneeen a dream to me
31st May 2022
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced brings some new improvements to the original version.

It's a humorous action game with hundreds of weapons at your disposal to use them as you wish.

10/10 Must Play!
  • Graphics
  • Gameplay
  • hundreds and hundreds of weapons
  • CO-OP
8th October 2019
para cuando estará disponible que lo quiero comprar porque este es el que trae todo no es un juegazo de los grandes ya lo juge en xbox 360 y de lo mejorcito espero que este disponible pronto para su compra
4th April 2019
Driving around killing enemies and shooting all the guns was fun as hell on xbox 360 so I'll trust it'll be just as fun in PC. it's still downloading. It's also very nice that it's so much cheaper in here than in Steam.
  • story. Despite what I've heard, I like it!
  • constant mindless battle
  • guns
  • Ramming enemies are everywhere
  • lvl scaling is shit compared to BL2 where it is not as shit.
6th February 2019
Un gran juego, muy largo, muchas misiones, cientos de armas diferentes, enemigos, etc... Quizá su mayor problema sea que no se interactúa suficiente con los ncps, pero eso no quita lo adictivo y divertido que es.
  • Muchas horas de diversión
  • Precio bajo
16th January 2019
I recommend this game for everyone and overall Borderlands series. Its very fun with a friend but not so fun alone. Although you can see that this game is indeed old and the graphics aren't that great, it is still one of my personal favorite games and I want you to try it too. And this game is very cheap so why not? 9/10 in my opinion.
  • Super fun with friends
  • Very good story
  • Very simple mechanics
  • Not so fun alone
6th September 2018
Gran juego. La jugabilidad es muy buena. Una historia excelente. No me gustan los shooters pero este me encanta. Y no pasa de moda. Lo tuve en Playstation 3 y ahora en PC. Lo recomiendo al 100 por 100.
  • Jugabilidad.
  • Historia
  • Nada
3rd June 2018
Invalid Code for Borderlands GOY edition. Very disappointing and a full refund wanted and expected! After reading such good reviews I found this frustrating. The service was fast but what good is that without a valid code...
  • none
  • Invalid Code
7th April 2018
Borderlands is an RPG action adventure game set in an post apocalyptic world. The enviroment is great as well as the different quests and its sense of humor. It's specially fun to play it co-op with friends.
12th January 2018
Ce jeu est un mix de plusieurs jeux à la fois !
Il combine: FPS/RPG/Aventure avec un fil conducteur super intéressant.
En effet, au début, on se dit juste qu'on doit aller chercher une arche, le jeu ne nous en dit pas plus et nous voilà lancé dans une aventure étrange accompagné d'un robot !
Petit à petit, le jeu fait en sorte de nous faire comprendre qui vont être nos ennemis et qui vont être nos amis !
Avec des centaines voire des milliers d'armes différentes, vous allez devoir écraser un million de créatures différentes. La diversité des armes est vraiment le gros point positif du jeu !
Les graphismes du jeu sont assez spéciaux et inhabituels pour un jeu mais le style va vite vous ravir !
Le jeu mérite un 90/100 pour sa qualité !
Les seuls bémols que je mettrais sont:
1) Un des DLC qui est une arène où les ennemis viennent en vague est extrêmement répétitif
2) les niveaux sont bloqués à un moment donné et on ne peut pas améliorer non stop notre personnage avec les arbres de talents !

JE recommande ce jeu !
  • Graphismes spéciaux mais captivants
27th August 2017
really enjoyable game played it for 2 days straight on xbox about 2-3 years ago for my first play through i was instantly hooked to the game and its vast world. if you play to enjoy the game with the dlc's you will easily get 3-4 days of playtime
  • instant delivery
  • fun easy to play game
  • really good dlcs
  • fun to play with a group of friends
  • great imagery and unique graphics
  • classes are a bit unbalanced for play throughs and 1v1 fights
  • gun variation is good but of the same base structures
  • loot is on free for all
  • moxi's arena dlc is repetitive
  • 1 or two power spikes with side quests
2nd April 2016