Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade

Final Fantasy VII Remake

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The world has fallen under the control of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a shadowy corporation controlling the planet's very life force as mako energy. In the sprawling city of Midgar, an anti-Shinra organization calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their resistance. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the group, unaware of the epic consequences that await him. A spectacular reimagining of one of the most visionary ga...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshot 1
Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshot 2 Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshot 3 Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshot 4 Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshot 5



- Remake Version
The world has fallen under the control of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a shadowy corporation controlling the planet's very life force as mako energy. In the sprawling city of Midgar, an anti-Shinra organization calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their resistance. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the group, unaware of the epic consequences that await him.

A spectacular reimagining of one of the most visionary games ever, the first game in this project will be set in the eclectic city of Midgar and presents a fully standalone gaming experience.


Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Release date: 2019
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Release date: 2018
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Release date: 2016
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
Release date: 2015
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Release date: 2013


Game review score based on 49 reviews, all languages included

Best reviews

Great game for great price, thanks! If it's anything like the original Fina Fantasy, it should keep me busy for a good while. Final Fantasy VII is the Star Wars of RPG games, it's that good. It has Tifa, nuff said...
  • Tifa
  • Tifa
  • Tifa
  • None
7th March 2024
This game will go down as one of the best games I've ever played in my life.
  • Storyline
  • Characters
  • Gameplay
  • Needs a list of goals to achieve
20th December 2024
The expectations around Final Fantasy 7 Remake are sky high, and it mostly manages to deliver. Its combat is top notch, its enemy variety kept me constantly entertained, and seeing this snippet of story fleshed out with real emotional arcs and the previously hidden humanity behind Midgar filled me with pure joy. The boring RPG filler and Kingdom Hearts-esque convolution that was inserted in between did stop my ear-to-ear grin from being constant, but never long enough to kill the mood completely. That leaves this remake as one that still delivered on letting me relive (part of) a classic in stupendous fashion, while also standing as a great RPG all its own.
30th May 2024

Recent reviews

Everyone already knows this is an amazing game... Believe the hype.
4th August 2024
15th June 2024
good game overall! more than 50 hours to finish the game personally, and still have hard mod to do and why not 100% trophys... (i took my time to explore everythings). not following 100% the original and no turn by turn model but i had some fun to did this new version of the 1st part of the game.
  • great character models
  • midgar looks great for the most part
  • tifa
  • linear map
  • boring sidequests
29th June 2023
Game is a huge step up in graphics it looks stunning but it has so many issues on tech and bug side.. with micro stutters and not support alot of widescreen resolutions.

the bug and stutters have been reported to devs for over a year nothing.

I can only speak for myself but i would not buy this, so expensive and so many issues

dont take my word for it well just check this nexusmods ...

over 300 ppl talking on the matter.
  • Graphics amasing
  • controls are not to shabby, but i enjoy Active Time Battle more
  • Good being back in the world i so much enjoyed
  • running from 120fps (that is highest lock) down to 25 then 50 then 90 then down again
  • Seems to be memory leak in it after awhile
  • some strange controls but nothing you cant learn
12th April 2023
Viper Romani
I got this game just to make a point on review on how badly SE is going downhill and how the company is making its way to becoming another EA in the making.

A side-by-side comparison of the original final fantasy VII on the Play station showed how much SE gutted the game to make a quick buck.

Their console to PC convert went wrong as well cause they didn't check to make sure their machine coding method didn't screw up and it sure did cause SE just doesn't care as long as they can get money from their poor and deceptive ways of doing things

They made yet another dirge of cerberus mistake on the remake.
  • Would have been done better by a different company
  • SE
  • Poor port Console - PC lackluster job
  • Original Final Fantasy VII content gutted out
29th August 2022
Great graphic and animation, I loved the classic one and was looking forward to playing this version.

I'm playing on my AyaNeo and the game run perfectly when the console is plugged in ( I have to set the shadow on low when unplugged).

Be aware that there is no possibility to change the language for the version sold on this website.
  • Great story
  • Lovely characters
  • Addicted battle gemeplay
  • English only subtitles for this version.
21st June 2022