Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V

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Standard Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Champion Edition


Experience the intensity of head-to-head battle with Street Fighter® V! Choose from 16 iconic characters, each with their own personal story and unique training challenges, then battle against friends online or offline with a robust variety of match options. Earn Fight Money in Ranked Matches, play for fun in Casual Matches or invite friends into a Battle Lounge and see who comes out on top! PlayStation 4 and Steam players can also play against each other thanks to cross-play compatibility! ...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Very positive (51)
All Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (27274)


Street Fighter V

Standard Edition

  • Street Fighter V
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Street Fighter V - Champion Edition

Champion Edition

  • Street Fighter V
  • Street Fighter V - Champion Edition Upgrade Kit
  • Street Fighter V - Champion Edition Special Wallpapers
  • -2 more
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Street Fighter V Season 5 Premium Pass

Street Fighter V Season 5 Premium Pass

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$32.44 $10.61
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Upgrade Kit Bundle

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Upgrade Kit Bundle

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$27.03 $5.84
Street Fighter V Season 5 Character Pass

Street Fighter V Season 5 Character Pass

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Street Fighter V - Season 3 Character Pass

Street Fighter V - Season 3 Character Pass

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Street Fighter V Season 2 Character Pass

Street Fighter V Season 2 Character Pass

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Street Fighter V Season 1 Character Pass

Street Fighter V Season 1 Character Pass

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Street Fighter V screenshot 1
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Game features


Experience the intensity of head-to-head battle with Street Fighter V! Choose from 16 iconic characters, each with their own personal story and unique training challenges, then battle against friends online or offline with a robust variety of match options.

Earn Fight Money in Ranked Matches, play for fun in Casual Matches or invite friends into a Battle Lounge and see who comes out on top! PlayStation 4 and Steam players can also play against each other thanks to cross-play compatibility!

This version of Street Fighter V displays the “Arcade Edition” title screen and includes Arcade Mode, Team Battle Mode and the online-enabled Extra Battle Mode, where you can earn rewards, XP and Fight Money! Fight Money can be used to purchase additional characters, costumes, stages and more!

Download the cinematic story “A Shadow Falls” today for FREE! M. Bison deploys seven Black Moons into orbit, granting him unimaginable power as the earth falls into darkness.

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition is the ultimate pack that includes all content (excluding Fighting Chance costumes, brand collaboration costumes and Capcom Pro Tour DLC) from both the original release and Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. It also includes each character, stage and costume that released after Arcade Edition. That means 40 characters, 34 stages and over 200 costumes!

V-Trigger 1 and 2
Release powerful techniques and exclusive moves by activating V-Trigger 1 or 2 with the character of your choice! Do huge bursts of damage or make that much needed comeback win by pressing hard punch and hard kick simultaneously while your V-Gauge is fully stocked.

V-Skill 1 and 2
Fundamentals win matches and V-Skills are the building blocks of victory. Each V-Skill grants your character a unique move and/or ability that will help fill up your V-Gauge.

Put a stop to your opponent’s offense by utilizing V-Reversal. V-Reversal costs one V-Gauge stock, but is very much worth it as it can potentially give you breathing room to create your own offensive.

Special Attacks and EX Special Attacks
A staple of Street Fighter, Special Attacks are the key to a solid strategy in Street Fighter V: Champion Edition. Use various Special Attacks to zone out opponents, impose your will, and build up your Critical Gauge for even more damage. EX Special Attacks are more powerful versions of Special Attacks at the cost of one Critical Gauge bar.

Critical Art
The most highly damaging attack in Street Fighter V: Champion Edition is called the Critical Art. A Critical Art can be performed as long as the Critical Gauge is fully stocked.



  • OS *: Windows 7 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480, GTX 570, GTX 670, or better
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
  • Additional Notes: Compatible with XInput and DirectInput USB devices including gamepads and arcade sticks based on Xbox 360, Xbox One, and DualShock controllers. Steam Controller also supported.

Street Fighter franchise

Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Release date: 2023
Street Fighter X Tekken
Street Fighter X Tekken
Release date: 2012


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Fast and friendly reply to my issue.
2 years ago
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3 years ago
Works thanks !!!
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Very nice no problems greetigs from germany
4 years ago
nie mogę aktywowac gry
4 years ago


Game review score based on 111 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

I wish I would have done this along time ago, because I am now off of this game and on street fighter 6 but I can't lie it was fun and has a long list of characters but the mods where pretty damn good
  • looks great and plays great
  • good controls
  • dlc characters
  • point system is not great
8th January 2024
Erik . K
online dont work. because error 2100d. The game itslef works very good like the arcade and training work normally. But the problem is i cant play online or i better say cant log in. and that means no ranks and earnings.

  • you can play offline
  • arcade works
  • dont save your progress
  • no earnings in story mode
  • no ranks
2nd April 2023
This game was not what i expected it to be.. The Gameplay was very boring and all my enemies in the online mode were way better than me. I think this game is good for long-time SF players, but not for me.
  • Nice Graphics
  • Enemies are too good
12th December 2021
best fighting game out there !! If you love fighting games play this one ! Runs smoothly on pc great controlls supports the joystick i bought once again best game out there !!! A ++++ Would recommend once again !
  • Cheap
  • No cons
2nd November 2021
For every old school fighting fan , Street Fighter V is a game you shouldn't miss. Relive old days as your favorite characters :)Gameplay is flawless, models are great, controls even better. See you in game
13th June 2021
New to fighting games and im enjoying every single spec of the game ! but being surprise how good fighting games can be in this case st5 its amazing! if u are new and scare dont be just try it out!!!!
  • Amazing graphics
  • Challenging
  • a bit frustating for a new player!
12th July 2018
Not bad brought memories of playing it on the with my brother him beating me and me getting back at him with practice. I like all the unlock able stuff. Multiplayer is a lot of fun and meeting new friends and playing with them never gets old
  • Great music
  • lots of unlockables
  • very easy to beat
  • very short game
15th June 2018
Juegazo! Un poco falto de contenido offline pero a la espera de recibir la actualización en enero del "Arcade edition", momento en el que se convertirá en un juego realmente completo. Gran juego a excelente precio!
  • Gráficos y jugabilidad.
  • poco contenido offline...por ahora.
31st December 2017
Great fighter mostly for first timers. Mash friendly and almost any character can do fairly well when you get used to the matchups. Many of the characters have moves and combos that are quite easy to pull off once you've already grown accustomed to the movement. As with all fighters, difficulty goes up as you meet more competent players. Worth the $20 at this point.
  • Great game mechanics
  • Combos easy to pull off
  • Most characters easy to learn
  • Lots of cheap stuff
  • Content came late and continues to come but slowly.
  • Lots of cheap stuff
  • Community full of complainers
11th September 2017
This game isn't bad but people have been criticizing it too hard since it got released. It's visually appealing and its OST is good, it's clean and optimized. It's meant to be a competitive game so you won't play too much in Single Player mode, thus it's prioritizing the multiplayer mode.

If you don't have stable internet connection, don't even think about it, I don't think it's worth it unless you like playing Street Fighters offline. However if you like competitive fighting games and you have a decent internet connection, I'd recommend it.
  • Visually beautiful
  • Good OST
  • Clean HUD and scenes
  • Not a single frame dropped
  • AI is weird when it's hard
  • Some lag if your connection isn't too good
  • You'll miss an arcade mode
16th April 2017
Keyboard support is bad but who would like to play with keyboard?
Also, servers are down quite frequently but it is just a great button masher to play with friends, sometimes it's difficult to properly set up the pads, bummer.
  • hadoken
  • shoryuken
18th March 2017
Overall a great disappointment. The only game I wish I hadn't bought. It's just boring, as opposed to other fighting games like MK, KI, GGXrd, etc. And I am not even considering the fact that what was launched was basically an online beta.
  • Graphics (?)
  • Netcode
  • Boring gameplay
  • Toxic online community
  • DLC campaign
  • Lack of single player content
1st March 2017
Si dejamos a un lado todos los problemas que ha habido con este juego (Problemas con el online, nula experiencia para 1 solo jugador, etc...), el sistema de lucha es genial que al fin y a mi es lo que mas me importa.
  • El nuevo sistema de lucha
  • Todo lo demás
30th September 2016
Super fast and accurate servic
FIghting mechanics are superb. The actual content such as number of characters and stages as well as costumes are very lacking. Hopefully Capcom rapidly build upon this since the actual game itself is amazing. Let's fight!
3rd May 2016
Well I hope they are gonna release plenty of free updates before selling DLCs and super, arcarde, ultra editions because this is very barebone. It's been eight years since SFIV guys, although they kept working on SFIV all those years you would expect SFV to be released with more content than that...

Anyway the games looks great and runs flawlessly on my comp. However the online at least in Europe is awful, because of gaps in the infrastructures. Italians, Spaniards and people from the Balkans are unplayable for pretty much everybody else in more developed countries such as France, Germany, UK and everything in between. However the game should account for that. Doesnt' matter if they have five bars, southerners are unplayable, there should be filters per countries. These matches are a waste of time and extremly frustrating and unpleasant to play even victorious.

Regarding the P2P netcode during matches, the host should always be the one with the better connection and computer. I had matches against an Irish man which felt like he was running the game at 20fps because on top of the lags the game played in slow motion. I kept running into that guy playing ranked, and it just killed it for me.

The whole god damn game, matchmaking, ranks and even solo requires authentification to Capcom servers. So you can't play the game offline, if their servers are kaputt you're out of luck. That is just not acceptable.

I really don't understand how big publishers keep messing up releases like that. You'ld think they'ld learn from past mistakes. Big PR disaster for Capcom imo.
  • Legit Street Fighter
  • online not well adapted to European specificities
4th March 2016
Surely it will be a great game, but not now. It seems a Beta, and there is still work to do and things to fix.
It hasn´t history mode, and neither tutorials.
In the other hand, the graphics and the movements are great. I recommend play it with a joystick.
  • Graphics
  • Sounds and theme songs
  • Net problems, lack of characters
  • No history mode
4th March 2016
Pour l'instant, acheter street fighter 5 est un trés mauvais investissement, le lancement est catastrophique.
Attendez une poignées de mois avant de l'acheter, afin de pouvoir avoir de nouveaux personnages ainsi que le versus mode.
  • pour l'instant rien
  • serveurs hors service
  • problèmes avec les cartes NVidia (slomotion effect)
  • pas de versus contre l'IA, obligé de jouer en mode entrainement pour combattre une IA
  • mode campagne et survie sans aucuns intérêts
22nd February 2016