NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139
- PC
- Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S
NieR Replicant for PC is an action role playing game with something of a history. A spin-off from Drakengard – one of many and not the last NieR game – was called NieR. NieR, the western game, was sold in Japanese as, respectively: NieR: Replicant, with a young protagonist, and NieR:
Gestalt with an old hero. Replicant has been remade into a Western-friendly game, which goes by the full name of NieR: NieR Replicant ver.
1.22474487139… (including the ellipsis!)
About the Game
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Release date:
22 April 2021
Recent Steam reviews:
Very positive
All Steam reviews:
Very positive
Game features
NieR Replicant for PC is an action role playing game with something of a history. A spin-off from Drakengard – one of many and not the last NieR game – was called NieR. NieR, the western game, was sold in Japanese as, respectively: NieR: Replicant, with a young protagonist, and NieR:
Gestalt with an old hero. Replicant has been remade into a Western-friendly game, which goes by the full name of NieR: NieR Replicant ver.
1.22474487139… (including the ellipsis!)
NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139… (the number is the square root of 1.5, perhaps to show that it is not the second game in the series, nor a redo of the original, but somewhere between the two?) picks up the story after the fifth ending of the Drakengard, and is temporally located a massive 1,000 years before NieR: Automata, one of the other games in the spin-off series! The protagonists of Drakengard have accidentally introduced magic to this world…
Research and experimentation with that magic has resulted in a number of issues, not least of which is The Black Scrawl which is almost always lethal. When the protagonist’s sister falls prey to the disease, he must set out to find the cure. He is aided in his search by the Grimoire Weiss, a sentient book who has suffered memory loss from trauma at some point in its past. They are joined by various companions as they search for The Sealed Verses, hoping to find a cure.
Fans of the previous game will love it, especially the delicate touch that has been used to retain the charm and essence of the game while modernising and speeding it all up. There are plenty of familiar sights to make fans feel nostalgic, while newcomers can immerse themselves without feeling left behind.
As well as an engaging storyline, there are satisfying bouts of combat to enjoy. Choose from various swords and spears, try out a fantastic super-punch that is wonderfully satisfying to deploy and use a different combat style for each boss that you go head to head with. Adding to your enjoyment, the soundtrack is superb and really enhances the playing experience.
The main villain, who is called Shadowlord, carries his own book, the Grimoire Noir. He kidnaps Yonah early in the game, after which there is a five-year gap. When play resumes, the band of travellers believe that getting their hands on the Grimoire Noire can help them in their task.
A second play through is well worth your time. To speed matters along it begins after the 5-year skip and reveals a lot more information about the characters and the world in which they live – and some of those revelations are an intriguing twist in the tale that explains how Automata will come about.
However, do be careful as to which ending you choose should you want to play through three or more times – one ending choice deletes the main character from the other characters’ minds, and also deletes your progress, achievements and leaves the game almost as new, as if it had never been played! You won’t be able to use the same name for your protagonist when you begin again, either.
Let us take a look at the heroes of the game.
NieR – Our protagonist, who must go on a quest to find the cure for his sister’s illness before it progresses too far
Grimoire Weiss – this tome has suffered some memory loss and doesn’t know his true identity, but this doesn’t stop him from being a bit of a gruff know-it-all, although he is saved from being annoying by his occasionally showing off his silly side, which adds some nice moments of levity to the game
Kaine – half-human/ half-shade* and forced into baring a lot of skin to prevent the shade getting access to any more of her body. She is vulnerable but also brash, eating a lot, talking crudely and battling like a brawler (*Shades are bad guys, liking to sneak up on the heroes in the dark, trying to take over their bodies! They are weak in sunlight on only attack in the dark)
Emil – a very sweet and shy young boy who lives in a manor with his butler. He seems to have the perfect life except for the power that makes people turn to stone when he looks at them. Having to wear a blindfold to protect the people he cares about; he can also be a bit blind towards people’s finer feelings!
Popola – is the town’s librarian: cool, calm and collected. Devola is her sister.
Devola – is artistic, and is often found singing near the fountain in the village. Devola and Popola know some secrets that can change everything, if only the hero asks the right questions!
Yonah – NeiR’s sister has always been sickly, since birth, but she is very charismatic, drawing people to her. She has contracted the Black Scrawl and this is the inspiration for the whole game!
NieR Replicant for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.
Gestalt with an old hero. Replicant has been remade into a Western-friendly game, which goes by the full name of NieR: NieR Replicant ver.
1.22474487139… (including the ellipsis!)
About the Game
NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139… (the number is the square root of 1.5, perhaps to show that it is not the second game in the series, nor a redo of the original, but somewhere between the two?) picks up the story after the fifth ending of the Drakengard, and is temporally located a massive 1,000 years before NieR: Automata, one of the other games in the spin-off series! The protagonists of Drakengard have accidentally introduced magic to this world…
Research and experimentation with that magic has resulted in a number of issues, not least of which is The Black Scrawl which is almost always lethal. When the protagonist’s sister falls prey to the disease, he must set out to find the cure. He is aided in his search by the Grimoire Weiss, a sentient book who has suffered memory loss from trauma at some point in its past. They are joined by various companions as they search for The Sealed Verses, hoping to find a cure.
Fans of the previous game will love it, especially the delicate touch that has been used to retain the charm and essence of the game while modernising and speeding it all up. There are plenty of familiar sights to make fans feel nostalgic, while newcomers can immerse themselves without feeling left behind.
As well as an engaging storyline, there are satisfying bouts of combat to enjoy. Choose from various swords and spears, try out a fantastic super-punch that is wonderfully satisfying to deploy and use a different combat style for each boss that you go head to head with. Adding to your enjoyment, the soundtrack is superb and really enhances the playing experience.
Villains – and a Warning!
The main villain, who is called Shadowlord, carries his own book, the Grimoire Noir. He kidnaps Yonah early in the game, after which there is a five-year gap. When play resumes, the band of travellers believe that getting their hands on the Grimoire Noire can help them in their task.
A second play through is well worth your time. To speed matters along it begins after the 5-year skip and reveals a lot more information about the characters and the world in which they live – and some of those revelations are an intriguing twist in the tale that explains how Automata will come about.
However, do be careful as to which ending you choose should you want to play through three or more times – one ending choice deletes the main character from the other characters’ minds, and also deletes your progress, achievements and leaves the game almost as new, as if it had never been played! You won’t be able to use the same name for your protagonist when you begin again, either.
NieR’s Companions
Let us take a look at the heroes of the game.
NieR Replicant for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.
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