Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord for PC is a medieval action role-playing game, the third in the game series and the second instalment in a series consisting of the first full game Mount and Blade, and a massive expansion pack called Mount and Blade: Warband. Bannerlord shifts the action to an even earlier timeframe, the Migration Period that ran between 375AD to 586AD, some two hundred years before the events of the previous games. About the Game The game is a cheerful and immersive melding o...
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Recent Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (1420)
All Steam reviews:
Very positive (202694)

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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - War Sails

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - War Sails

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Release date 16 June 2025


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot 1
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot 2 Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot 3 Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot 4 Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot 5

Game features


Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord for PC is a medieval action role-playing game, the third in the game series and the second instalment in a series consisting of the first full game Mount and Blade, and a massive expansion pack called Mount and Blade: Warband. Bannerlord shifts the action to an even earlier timeframe, the Migration Period that ran between 375AD to 586AD, some two hundred years before the events of the previous games.

About the Game

The game is a cheerful and immersive melding of sandbox action, role-playing, and strategy games, the whole adding up to an immersive and exciting experience as you build up your mighty dynasty from humble and lowly beginnings. You can play campaign mode as a single player, or you can take your army online and play against other online players.

Dialogue engines have been dramatically improved, and along with this comes more realistic and engaging interactions between players and NPCs (non playing characters), many of whom need to be persuaded into courses of action that they are initially unwilling to follow. There is a progress bar to indicate to the player how well their offers are going down: if this bar is not filled with charm alone, they can switch to bartering to get the NPC to go along with them.

The strategic part of the game comes into play early on, with the player needing to examine the terrain, look for weaknesses in the opposition’s defences.

To speed up gameplay and move the action along, only certain parts of the fortresses (merlons, gatehouses and siege engines) are destroyable, so weapons should be placed with care, aiming to destroy those parts belonging to the enemy, while protecting your own siege engines to keep the damage flowing.

Weapon Classes and How to Use Them

In the game, soldiers are ranked based upon their class, being put into one of three categories:

  • Infantry: Most usually aligned with pawns, infantrymen tend to be thought of as foot soldiers, moving at a walking pace for much of the time, and obediently doing as they are told. But well-trained infantrymen can form an immovable barrier, preventing an enemy force from moving across the land, and ensuring that fortifications or valuable assets are well-protected. Of course, this takes training and patience – and often, good leadership too.

  • Ranged: The term ‘ranged weapons’ refers to those that can be used outside of close combat or hand to hand fighting. While today, a machine gun nest would be a perfect example of a ranged weapon – a weapon that works over a long range – in the times at which the game is set, the ranged weapons would have been serried ranks of archers, unleashing flight after flight of arrows, which could momentarily darken the sky when expert archers were at work!

  • Cavalry: Usually the posh guys on horses, encouraging the poorer soldiers to run ahead and sacrifice themselves for the cause, cavalrymen were the most mobile soldiers on the field, often having an excellent view from their lofty position, and able to move quickly, jumping over obstacles and moving three or four times faster than a person, cavalrymen could engage with the enemy, break off, and then return to the fray with renewed vigour to finish off the enemies.

  • Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS *: Windows 7 (64-bit only)
    • Processor: Intel Core i3-8100 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
    • Memory: 6 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 630 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
    • Storage: 60 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: Integrated GPUs require additional 2GB of system RAM.

    Mount&Blade franchise

    Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
    Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
    Release date: 2011
    Mount & Blade: Warband
    Mount & Blade: Warband
    Release date: 2010
    Mount & Blade
    Mount & Blade
    Release date: 2008


    AAA+ Allways the Best
    2 days ago
    fast and easy
    4 months ago
    Great service!
    6 months ago
    As always a great service, well done
    8 months ago
    gave me exactly what I bought!
    9 months ago
    Once again... 10/10 for IG !
    Love this site so much !
    9 months ago


    Game review score based on 163 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    Mount&Blade Bannerlord, a medieval game that is really well done, I really like it, I play it a lot.. The graphics are good, the gameplay is good. I'm sorry that a little more brutal fight with elements of massacre was not done, considering that the fight is with medieval weapons, but again, it's great and it can be fixed through some mods, but it's somehow not natural to me when it's not original! Any recommendation for a game like this! It can be done even better, but it's still excellent! Rating 8.5/10! Recommendation also for Instant Gaming!
    6th October 2023
    My second steam game purchase from this site and worked like a charm. steam game key is given instantly after purchase and although i was sceptical when i bought attila last time but this only confirms that this site has legit codes that work for the games you want!! 10/10 !
    • Service, payment, code delivery
    • the fact that i got bannerlord for 22e
    • when on steam it was 50e
    • -
    3rd November 2023
    The pricing for this game is a steal, Mount & Blade II:Bannerlord is such a awesome game, its a blast for sure, you manage your army and send them to battle, every man in your army is someone you painstakingly recruited yourself, to see a loss every fight stings a little but you have to move on to conquer the entirety of Calradia!
    • You don't have to pay taxes if you're in canada, it wouldve been 45$ instead of 32.5$!
    • can't refund, but it doesnt matter if you like the game
    12th July 2023
    Great sandbox strategy fighting game. Where this really comes alive though is in the modding community which is doing incredible work to add so much variety of playstyles and settings. I spend hours just wandering and fighting.
    5th November 2024
    sandbox with cool battles and a fun campaign.
    • mods
    11th August 2024
    One of the best games I have ever played !

    Whether it's the graphic quality, the fights or the economy system, nothing needs to be said.

    If you like strategy and medieval games, this game is for you.
    15th June 2023

    Recent reviews

    15th March 2025
    everyone! CHAARGEE!!!
    5th January 2025
    Quick and easy, never disappoints

    3rd October 2024
    10/10 4 phases of this game 1 install game play all factions 2 beat everyone 3 conquest 4 get bored and mod it up
    30th September 2024
    One of the best in the genre
    25th June 2024
    This game is just amazing. I have spent many hours playing. Even though there are sometimes a few bugs, it doesn't really make a big impact. I love the fact that there are all of these different troops from different cultures. It really makes me happy.
    15th February 2024
    why have you not bought this game yet? Is it because you hate fighting with sword, invading castles, living your deam as a knight? no? then hurry up and buy this game ^^ it can not be that you just are lazy, are you? :P
    • great looking
    • can be small invester
    • have a lot of options of choises in life.
    • small erors
    • getting beaten by the computer all the time by masive armies
    19th December 2022
    Had my entire fortune poached by wandering looteres, most of my men were killed, those who weren't died later of starvation and the only one to make it to a town was me. Where I was promptly ambushed by brigands, who *let me go* because I was *too* poor. At some point I realized I'd lived my entire life in poverty, misery and eventually I decided to turn my life around.

    I became a blacksmith, created some minor works - barely making a profit. Until one day, when I made a sword that broke the town's economy. Everyone wanted my sword. In merely a day, I'd earned enough to purchase largess too grand for even kings. Then my life - so deprived in years gone by - was filled but still empty. Money begets money, and violence begets violence. Eventually, when I had conquered the world I knew nothing but stillness. My clan was large and thus was my lot. Eventually life was bleak, if a man could have anything, would he want for nothing? Or did it mean he could not desire anything, as well?

    Then, it was 3 am and I realized I had work in the morning.

    All in all, ten out of ten, would Bannerlord again.
    24th September 2022
    C . arl U . do N . oah T . rav
    Mount and Blade II Bannerlord, is a worthy succesor to the famed Mount and Blade Franchise. The Game itself revolves around the concept of an in-depth battle simulation, where you only control your character and have to rely on commands to order your troops around. Outside of battle you can also find a very full and living sandbox, that really helps to make the world feel exciting. If you are not so much up for battle, you can try being a trader and partake in the (in my opinion in-depth) economy simulation. You can do whatever you want to do, to be honest. Be a trader, a robber, a knight, a mercenary or some combination of those, the game has many options in that regard. Finally, I would wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone who like world and combat simulations.

    PS: Play on Bannerlord difficulty or I will rip your fucking degenerad head of :P
    • Big battles, Big armies, Big Boners etc.
    • Lots of ways to RP (If you are into it)
    • Good Simulation (Buy cheap (Salt - Ortysia), sell high (Salt - Qyaz)
    • Can crash sometimes
    • Still a bit unfinished
    28th August 2022
    Un joc fantàstic pels amants de l'acció en primera persona basat en l'edat mitjana. Contemplant tot el món de gestió, rol i desenvolupament d'habilitats que va lligat al mapa de campanya.

    I a més a més, han unit forces amb el Crusader Kings III, fent que la barreja entre els dos sigui quasi utòpica!
    10th May 2022
    Its a very very nice game and to buy it for so little money is amazing! I already played the first part Mount and Blade Warband but this is even better. I can really recommend this game for everyone who likes medieval games.
    7th April 2022
    Awesome game. You can control your armies and band together with other factions. Each faction has it's own identity and makes another playtrough very interesting. The game is still in developement. But on launch this will be a gem.
    • The army battles are great, huge map and interesting ways to become the true bannerlord
    • Loads of options to define your kingdom
    • still in developement
    9th July 2020
    Awesome. Still in early access, so it has some issues(lags etc, missions-lore not finished, it's RPG is not yet also finished), but it is the best game ever created in its style. It is really Worth the price to buy it.
    Best game in 2020.
    • Awesome Gameplay
    • Awesome Graphics
    • Epic Strategy
    • Clever and brilliant Fighting
    23rd April 2020
    This is the one strategy game that I was waiting for!

    I support this kind of games when i see that the team put all their heart in this game.

    I feel only pleasure when i play and i do not regret that i bought this piece of art!
    • Very unic and massiv game, all in one
    • Still some issues to fix
    • The fighting system bit hard
    10th April 2020
    I gotta say multiplayer mode is pretty fun and the more you play it the more you understand how it works and the more you enjoy it. The single player mode right now is boring since there are few repetitive activities. I know it's an early access game so I wanna give it a 80/100 considering the future updates will make it better. Online there are some problems with the server crashing especially during sieges. The graphic is OK, even though sometimes it feels old, it does its job considering the massive amount of players on the screen.
    • Multiplayer
    • Future updates
    • It is fun
    • Single player
    • Online server crashing
    9th April 2020