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Deathloop for PC is an action adventure game in which the player feels as though it’s Groundhog Day, again. Taking many of the developer’s best bits from their previous games, this game wraps them all up and makes it so much more fun to play and learn! About the Game You take the part of an assassin, named Colt, in the main game, in which there is a perpetual party going on at the end of the world. Set on the Island of Blackreef, which is based on the real life Faroe Islands in the ...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (68)
All Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (18946)



Standard Edition

  • Deathloop
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Deathloop - Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition

  • Deathloop
  • Unique Weapon: Eat The Rich Tribunal
  • Unique Weapon: .44 Karat Fourpounder
  • Unique Weapon: Chrome Demon MG-1 Pepper Mill
  • Character Skin: "Party Crasher" Colt
  • Character Skin: "Sharp Shooter" Julianna
  • Original Game Soundtrack Selections
  • Two Trinkets (equippable buffs)
  • 3 more
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Deathloop - Deluxe Pack
$21.58 $3.77


Deathloop screenshot 1
Deathloop screenshot 2 Deathloop screenshot 3 Deathloop screenshot 4 Deathloop screenshot 5

Game features


Deathloop for PC is an action adventure game in which the player feels as though it’s Groundhog Day, again. Taking many of the developer’s best bits from their previous games, this game wraps them all up and makes it so much more fun to play and learn!

About the Game

You take the part of an assassin, named Colt, in the main game, in which there is a perpetual party going on at the end of the world. Set on the Island of Blackreef, which is based on the real life Faroe Islands in the 60s, the islanders party all night, resetting at midnight to the previous day – this means that they can do whatever they want to: they won’t remember it and they will be fine!

However, Colt can and does remember, and it is his mission to end the party for once and for all. The island used to be an experimental army base, with an ultra-top-secret mission, called AEON, which was designed to pursue immortality. But the army is long gone and the inhabitants – long ago test subjects? Long-time residents? No one knows – or no one’s saying – have long invested in the island, enjoying a carefree existence of the same 24 hours over and over again.

Colt’s mission is to kill eight people in one twenty-four hour period in order to stop the programme resetting itself. If he has killed seven, and just one remains, the loop will reset and Colt will have to start from the beginning again. Much of the early part of the game will be spent tracking down and monitoring the eight, who are called the Visionaries (details below), to work out a killing plan that can be completed on time.

Colt uses stealth, parkour and attack, to get to and attack his victims, and he can kill using guns, melee attacks or the environment. However, there are slight changes to the loop, and not everything will play out exactly as before – but your main eight targets are creatures of habit, in the large. Except for Julianna.

In multiplayer mode, you become Julianna whose job it is to protect the time-loop and kill Colt. When you are playing as Julianna you can cross into someone else’s game in which they are playing as Colt, giving real player against real player action which allows for unexpected and illogical behaviour.

If this sounds terrible when you are playing as Colt, you can toggle it off to prevent random strangers sabotaging your game. This does not get you all the way off the hook, however, AI Julianna will try and stop you. And, she has nothing to lose – for her the party will reset and she’ll be back tomorrow, doing more of the same again – which is how she likes it! Be wary: Julianna can disguise herself as the other partygoers – including as Colt himself!

Extra Info

The game’s developers describe it as ‘inverted Cluedo’, and the name is a good one. You must work out and implement how to commit eight perfect murders. It is not all against Colt though, as well as guns and firepower, he has supernatural powers, where he can push people over a cliff without actually touching them – Karnesis, as well as other powers, called Slabs, such as Aether, Telekinesis, Masquerade, and short-distance teleportation. There is a way to power up Colt permanently – but you will have to find that yourself!

In the game, Colt’s stealth doesn’t last long, it just gives him an opening edge to sneak up on enemies – beginning to attack will reveal you to them. In the gameplay, there are four time periods to the day, and four areas to explore. You can take your time and explore as the party moves to a set pattern.

The developers have a saying – if at first you don’t succeed, die and die again! And, again, this is apt – the game is mildly roguelike in that you learn by dying, but each loop is a valuable learning curve and you can make different choices, go to different places and learn about all of your targets, before setting out to take them down in a final showdown.

Meet the Visionaries

The eight visionaries hold the secret to the loop, and even one of them surviving will mean that the loop continues and the others are restored to life. Track them through their days and make notes, before deciding on the best order to take them out. They are, as follows:

  • Ramblin’ Frank Spicer

  • Dr Wenjie Evans

  • Charlie Montague

  • Aleksis Dorsey

  • Egor Serling

  • Fia Zborowska

  • Hannah Morse

  • Julianna Blake – yep, the same one who is tasked with keeping the loop going. She’s watching out for you, so make sure you watch for her!

  • Deathloop for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 version 1909 or higher
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.80GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • Memory: 12 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 (6GB) or AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB)
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Storage: 30 GB available space


    Worked perfectly, nothing to complain about
    Izzy Dinny
    veryy good service NGL
    A month ago
    Great as always.
    6 months ago
    2 years ago
    No issues regarding this purchase. Actied the game on my account with no problems.
    2 years ago
    Have saved over 600 eur and key delivery always have been instant!
    2 years ago


    Game review score based on 42 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    This Game is awsome. Its like a modern dishonored which doesnt take itself to serious, and I find that very refreshing.

    The gameplay feels good and you can be very creative with you play stiyle.

    overall a very good game and I love that I didnt have to pay the full price thx to IG
    • Good Movement leaves room for creativity
    • Does not take itself to serious
    • Bethesda
    • High skill ciling
    • Dialoge can be a bit cringy sometimes
    • ---------------------
    26th April 2023

    Recent reviews

    Fast key delivevery , fantastic game ! It's in the style of dishonored 1 and 2 but with a different twist on it. The mechanics take some getting used to at first but it gets really good once you get into them !
    • Stealth !
    • None !
    25th April 2023
    Deathloop offers fast action and sandbox styled gameplay, bereft of any morality systems, but albeit at the cost of an engine that tanks performance, an intrusive DRM and mandatory account registration, a horrible peer to peer multiplayer experience. Anyways, I'm having a lot of fun for now, but once it's done, it's also dusted. A dead loop.
    • Lots of choices in customizing your combat powers.
    • Fast and fun movement mechanics.
    • Great artistic style both visual and auditive.
    • IDTech 5 Engine shows old age and has multiple issues.
    • Denuvo DRM + mandatory account requirement.
    • Peer to peer PvP connections make online play difficult.
    3rd November 2022
    It's fun, but it can become repetitive due to diverse problems, between them, the non-scaling A.I.

    Required Text for the Reviw (Ignore this):

    • It makes the dumb, and fun to play with
    • It still has a lot of focus with they parts of the day variations
    • Fun and Cool
    • Has deep flaws in relation to the A.I.
    • There's diverse problems that they didn't learn from, in relation to The DLC Mooncrash
    • Some what repetitive
    28th March 2022
    Very good game that plays with mechanics that are not explored enough in the gaming industry. Arkane studio is always on top and provide strong gameplay while using interesting and memorable storytelling.
    • The loop idea and its implementation
    • The guns and powers feel good
    • The storytelling and voice acting are awesome
    • The game is too short. The price is too high for the content. I would recommend 35€ to 40€
    • Playing as Julianna in PvP is frustrating as you will be invading people with poor connections so Colt seems teleporting all over the place! (Colt is the host)
    22nd September 2021
    Bad game overall. Very buggy, gameplay is annoying and makes no sense. Music is repetetive and low quallity.

    Get boring after 30 minutes. On top of that the character design is one dimensional and ugly. No diversity at all.
    • Too many.
    18th September 2021
    after playing through it on PS5 i can confidently say that THIS GAME ROCKS. the game may not be technically there yet on PC, but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

    The pros:

    This game feels a lot like dishonored, but has a very strong identity of its own.

    the story telling over loops is really good and the characters honestly blew me away. colt and all the other main characters are so charismatic and well done.

    the maps are well crafted, about in line with dishonored, and there is almost always multiple ways to get things done.

    the music is fantastic and the art style is really good too.

    No moral system. kill as many people as you want and still get any ending.

    The Cons:

    Performance on PC is still bad.

    Juliana stops talking after you beat the game (at least for me)

    I wish there was a bit more trinket variety. in the late game you pick up multiple of the highest rarity trinkets every loop and it becomes pointless to infuse them because you already have 50.

    Shift should have been a permanent slab. Shift is a must have. teleporting is just too useful. the problem is that shift takes up one of your two slab slots, leaving only one other slot. this means you can only bring one other slab with you and its pretty annoying.


    In my opinion this is definitely better than dishonored two, and possibly better than dishonored one. Amazing game by ARKANE yet again. 9.5/10
    • 100
    18th September 2021