CS:GO - Operation Riptide

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Dive into Operation Riptide! New challenges await, with new maps, new game mode options, and the all-new Private Queues! The Operation mission system has gotten an overhaul--complete your weekly missions and choose from a variety of rewards including new agents, weapon collections, stickers, and patches. Solo queue, partner up, or build your team and challenge another five-stack! There's no limit to how many people can enter your Private Queue. Feel free to share your Queue Codes with doz...
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This DLC requires the base game
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Game features


Dive into Operation Riptide! New challenges await, with new maps, new game mode options, and the all-new Private Queues! The Operation mission system has gotten an overhaul--complete your weekly missions and choose from a variety of rewards including new agents, weapon collections, stickers, and patches.

Solo queue, partner up, or build your team and challenge another five-stack! There's no limit to how many people can enter your Private Queue. Feel free to share your Queue Codes with dozens or thousands of your closest friends or pick a Steam Group from your list to match with other group members.

Each week, you’ll receive a new mission card featuring a variety of missions that can be completed in any order. Complete missions and earn stars in Casual, Competitive, Danger Zone, and Guardian. Spend your stars on rewards of your choice. Operation rewards feature all-new Agents, including the Guerrilla Warfare Terrorists, CT SEAL team "Frogmen" and the French Gendarmerie. New items include the Operation Riptide Case, four new weapon collections, two operation-themed sticker collections and Operation patches.

Operation Riptide features five new maps across a wide range of game modes and features new ways to play your favorite game modes. From short competitive matches to team deathmatch, there's something for everyone!


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this is a god game eshte nje loj e mir mua me pelqen por nuk di si ta shkarko ju lutem me ndihmoni sepse mua kjo loj me pelqen dhe une dua shume qe ta luaj kete loje ju lutem me jepni mundesin ta luaj kete loj
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24th November 2023