Doom 3

Doom 3 BFG Edition

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PC - Steam
  • PC -
  • PC - Steam
  • Xbox One - playable on Xbox Series X|S
BFG Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • BFG Edition


Developed by id Software, and originally released in 2004, DOOM 3 is a critically acclaimed, horror/action first-person shooter. It was remastered with the DOOM 3: BFG Edition in 2012. Now, get both versions of the base game and the expansions in one place.Owners Receive: The original DOOM 3 and Resurrection of Evil Expansion The remastered DOOM 3: BFG Edition DOOM 3 - Original Version Play the original, unaltered gameplay experience from 2004. A massive demonic invasion has overwhelme...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Very positive (100)
All Steam reviews:
Very positive (7936)


Doom 3

Standard Edition

  • Doom 3
  • -5 more
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Doom 3 BFG Edition

BFG Edition

  • Doom 3
  • Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
  • Doom 3: The Lost Mission
  • Embedded version of Doom (1993)
  • Embedded version of Doom II
  • 0 more
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Doom 3 BFG Edition screenshot 1
Doom 3 BFG Edition screenshot 2 Doom 3 BFG Edition screenshot 3 Doom 3 BFG Edition screenshot 4 Doom 3 BFG Edition screenshot 5

Game features


BFG Edition includes

- Doom 3
- Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
- Doom 3: The Lost Mission
- Embedded version of Doom (1993)
- Embedded version of Doom II
Developed by id Software, and originally released in 2004, DOOM 3 is a critically acclaimed, horror/action first-person shooter. It was remastered with the DOOM 3: BFG Edition in 2012. Now, get both versions of the base game and the expansions in one place.

Owners Receive:

  • The original DOOM 3 and Resurrection of Evil Expansion
  • The remastered DOOM 3: BFG Edition

DOOM 3 - Original Version

Play the original, unaltered gameplay experience from 2004.

A massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the Union Aerospace Corporation's (UAC) Mars Research Facility, leaving only chaos and horror in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, you must fight your way to hell and back against a horde of demons.

Resurrection of Evil Expansion – Original Version

Two years following the unexplained disaster on Mars, the UAC returns to the abandoned facility to investigate a mysterious beacon buried deep in the ruins of the ancient civilization.

  • Battle six new demons including the Hunters
  • Wield new weapons including the double-barreled shotgun
  • Acquire demonic powers
  • Control time to fight or evade traps
  • Harness gravity to manipulate your environment

DOOM 3: BFG Edition

Released in 2012, this remastered version of DOOM 3 includes:

  • Improved rendering and lighting
  • Checkpoint save system
  • Controller support
  • Armor-mounted flashlight allows you to see and shoot at the same time
  • Resurrection of Evil Expansion
  • The Lost Mission Expansion
  • An embedded version of DOOM (1993)
  • An embedded version of DOOM II
  • Stereoscopic 3D (on supported devices)



  • OS *:Windows vista/ Windows 7
  • Processor:2.0 GHz dual core
  • Memory:3 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 5750, 512 MB video RAM
  • Hard Drive:11 GB
  • Sound:Windows compatible sound card

Doom franchise

Display more 7
Doom: The Dark Ages
Doom: The Dark Ages
Pre-order 2025
Doom 64
Doom 64
Release date: 2020
Doom VFR
Doom VFR
Release date: 2017
Release date: 2016
Doom Slayers Collection
Doom Slayers Collection
Release date: 2004
Doom Classic Complete
Doom Classic Complete
Release date: 1996
Ultimate Doom
Ultimate Doom
Release date: 1995


Easy to purchase and actie games on steam. Love it!
3 years ago
Fast as always
3 years ago
3 years ago
Excellent service with fast deliver
3 years ago
Broke Bandit
Nice and simple, like saving the world from a demon invasion.
3 years ago
Awesome. Fast and eazy.
3 years ago


Game review score based on 46 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

nice game:)
11th January 2025
Doom is a classic first-person shooter game that revolutionized the genre upon its release in 1993. The game puts players in the shoes of a space marine on a mission to fight off an invasion of demons from hell. The game's fast-paced action, memorable levels, and iconic soundtrack made it an instant hit, and it continues to be a beloved game among gamers today.
  • As espected
  • nothing bad
24th April 2023
I had some problems with the site when they advertise the edition claiming it included the original doom and doom 2 but now it looks like they fixed it. glad they are honest and at least now we have the right edition listed
6th February 2023
Very good game i played it when i was just an infant and i like shooting monsters pew pew and marine go crazy on those grizzly monsters and goes to hell and back and is cool character but i don't like the voices thta i continuously hear at the start of the game
  • good
  • game
  • mhm
22nd June 2022
Doom 3 is a great game.

People criticize it for "not being a real Doom" and snob it, missing a lot of fun.

Because the atmosphere is extremely dark and bloody, the sense of oppression is real; gameplay may not be the best in the saga but is still good enough.

Graphics is still brilliant despite the years.

I also liked a lot the storyline and narration; ok, we're talking about a "Doom" title so it's not the first thing that you would look at, but I found the way they tried to explain things with "science" very interesting and, overall, intriguing.

If you really wanna enjoy this title, play it as a stand alone game. A beautiful FPS sci-fi horror game with plenty of references to Doom saga.
  • Flashlight
  • atmosphere
  • bad doom 1 and 2 ports
9th April 2022
A) It's just a couple bucks for a decent game

B) It's 3 in 1, and both Doom 1 and 2 have mod support, which made the games a lot more enjoyable than they usually are.

C) It's a classic, so why not?

Great offer imo.
21st June 2021
From the first doom when i was a child, ive start playing this game until now , 18 years past, doom still the awesome game scarry and fun i ever played! i recomend it to all who wana die so fast :)) overall 10 ! !!
  • fps
  • scarry
  • eazy way to die IRL
10th December 2018
White Shinigami
For such an old game it still holds up well, even though it went through a different course from the rest of the DOOM franchise games (including the newest ones 2016 and 2018). It's still really hard choosing the hardest difficulty but still rewarding.
  • Spooky
  • Fun and memorable experience
  • Very challenging on appropriate difficulty settings
  • Rip and tear
  • Lost the glimpse of what DOOM is
11th August 2018
I love playing doom, Always have since doom 1 came out. My favorite was playing doom with all my kids in multiplayer coop. Then doom 3 came out, And i hated it. Mostly due to the fact that you couldn't hold a flashlight and shoot at the same time. Then two days ago i decided to try doom 3 bfg edition. They fixed the flashlight problem, Also brightened the lighting so you can actually see where your going without putting your nose against a wall.
The graphics are smoother, And more finely detailed, Making the entire experience much more enjoyable. And then they really screwed the pooch. No coop in the three doom games at all. And they even went so far as to make modding the game extremely difficult, So nobody could create a coop mod for it. The only mods that exist today are graphics mods, And one that adds multiplayer for doom 1 and 2, no bfg coop. This completely ruins the game. I spend hours going from one tiny room to another by myself, Killing the same creatures over and over, Nobody to play with. Just boring repetition. Get keycard open door, Get code open cabinet. It is by far the most boring game ID Software has ever created. Should you buy this game? Only if you want to play it alone, And can stand doing the same thing over and over.
  • Brighter lights
  • No coop
2nd August 2018
Very good game but old. I love seriwes of doom. I play doom, doom2 and now doom3! i dont have strong computer for next one doom so i will buy doom3 from this site :) i recommend this game! This is remastered version!
  • very good
12th January 2018
I want to keep the review short, because i know gamers who missed out in 2003, can have the chance of redemetion themselves but with a modern rig can play without a problem. A great game with bonus DOOM games! Best Deal! Ever much love to ID Software & Bethesda for outstanding service for many years.
  • Well Known Legendary Name Of A Household Name Of A Franchise "DOOM" Well Known Name For Over 20+ Years
  • Chance Of Redemption For those Who Missed Out & Had To Upgrade & Make Major Changes To Play This Game Back In 2004 Make It August 3, 2004 Again By Picking The Game Up
  • Great Storyline From First Doom To The Doom We Know And Love Today
  • Great Digital Collection All Doom Games Except For 2016 DOOM
  • Around 2014 - Present | Major Drop In Online Multiplayer Population|
  • Lack of Mods "Taking Seriously" Mods, But No Serious Game Changer Mods "Pun Intended" But If The Indivsual Gamer Isn't Into Modding This Doesnt Affect The Rating
2nd January 2018
A pesar de ser juegos en pseudo-2D, los Doom clásicos tenían sus momentos donde las emboscadas demoníacas te hacían saltar del terror jajajaj Doom en PS1 y N64 tenia esto mas un nuevo ambiente oscuro y tenebroso gracias al celebre soundtrack de Aubrey Hodges. Fue por eso que Doom 3 nos recuenta la historia del Doom I pero con mucho terror y ambiente opresivo, lo cual gusto a muchos pero a otros no.
  • 123312
29th October 2017