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Game features
Horror mediterraneo: esplora la capitale abbandonata di un arcipelago mozzafiato. Non lasciarti ingannare dalla gentile brezza marina, dai magnifici panorami del Mediterraneo, né dal caldo abbraccio del sole... Troverai solo terribili incubi ad attenderti.
Sopravvivi al nemico: qualcuno ti darà la caccia senza sosta durante la tua avventura. Vivi momenti di sofferenza e agonia mentre cerchi di scappare da questo strano individuo che nutre un'ossessione nei tuoi confronti.
Avvincenti sfide: risolvi enigmi ambientali e rompicapi ispirati alla fisica e supera altre prove mentre esplori un mondo verticale interconnesso. Il tutto mentre qualcuno ti dà la caccia...
A pandemic which causes strong fevers, terrible delirium and death has relentlessly decimated the inhabitants of the archipelago. Rumor has it that a prestigious red wine produced in the capital can cure the sick.
You are Martí Vermelló. In a desperate attempt to cure the infection of your loved ones, you steal a boat and head to the winery where the red wine is made, somewhere in the capital.
If you find just one unopened bottle of red wine it will be enough.
On reaching the island you decide to go to the winery owners' estate to try your luck there. The Banydebosc family estate is close and has a dock.
A cold smell of death, calm and silence comes over your body when you arrive at the dock. They sealed off the infected families in their own homes without food or water but even then the quarantine didn't work.
There is no one left alive…
…so it seems.
HORROR TALES: The Wine is the first game to be released of the Horror Tales Saga, a series of three unique adventures exploring first person horror from different takes. HORROR TALES: The Beggar will feature experimental gameplay and non traditional enemies. HORROR TALES: The Astronaut will unleash horror without gravity. All games are set to be released on all major platforms.