Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
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Game features
Features include:
- Great Powers now have special diplomatic abilities: Don’t let your development lag while you expand, so you can make use of new threats and overtures to neighbors
- Personalities and traits for monarchs and military leaders will add bonuses to your nation or assist you in battle
- Queens can be generated by royal marriages, and serve as regents if an underage heir ascends to the throne
- Subject nations can be given more specific instructions on how to behave at war
- Fetishist nations can choose from a number of cults, and uncover new options as they wage war and make alliances
- Coptic nations will be tasked with preserving their faith through the control of holy sites throughout the near east
- Other Features, including a new faction system for Revolutionary Republics, a unique new government form for the Ottoman Empire, the ability to abdicate, allowing building in subject states, and debasing currency for quick cash
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