Heads Up is a Party GameTurn your back to the TV, and guess the word or phrase on the screen behind you with the help of your friends or family.
That Invites Everyone to PlayIt doesn’t matter if you’re an expert or you’ve never played before—anyone can jump right in.
And Be SillyObservers can give hints by using fUnNy AcCeNts, acting out, and SHOUTING clues while the guesser tries to figure out the word on the screen. OR break down in desperation when you can’t figure it out.
Turn your back to the TV, and guess the word or phrase on the screen behind you with the help of your friends or family.
That Invites Everyone to Play
It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert or you’ve never played before—anyone can jump right in.
And Be Silly
Observers can give hints by using fUnNy AcCeNts, acting out, and SHOUTING clues while the guesser tries to figure out the word on the screen. OR break down in desperation when you can’t figure it out.
For Endless Hours
There are over 90 decks covering pop culture, movies, trivia, celebrities, animals, and so much more.
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