Football Manager 2014 - Europe
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The Football Manager series, created by developers Sports Interactive, is the most popular football management simulation worldwide. Football fans all over the world look forward to the annual release of a new version, including interesting new elements and further refining the game experience. After the 2013 edition that boasted an improved match engine, better training, advanced network play and more, much is expected from Football Manager 2014 which will very likely be released in autumn 2013...
Data wydania:
30 października 2013
The Football Manager series, created by developers Sports Interactive, is the most popular football management simulation worldwide. Football fans all over the world look forward to the annual release of a new version, including interesting new elements and further refining the game experience. After the 2013 edition that boasted an improved match engine, better training, advanced network play and more, much is expected from Football Manager 2014 which will very likely be released in autumn 2013.
Football Manager franchise
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