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Game features
Darkest Hour will introduce a new artificial intelligence that is now able to react to hundreds of different situations simultaneously. It implements a dynamic diplomatic system that will allow the player to have a real impact on the course of history.
Key Features:
- Short and grand campaigns allow players to experience the darkest hours of the 20th century, from the Great War to the onset of the Cold War
- New map, redesigned to offer greater detail as well as strategic and tactical opportunities
- Dynamic diplomatic system giving the player greater influence on the course of events
- New artificial intelligence capable of reacting to hundreds of different situations
Grand campaign scenarios (where it is possible to choose any of the nations involved):- 1914 The Great War (starting on June 27, 1914)
- 1933 Day of Decision (starting on March 4, 1933)
- 1936 The Road to Another War (starting on January 1, 1936)
- 1939 Invasion of Poland (starting on September 1, 1939)
- 1940 Burning Europe (starting on May 10, 1940)
- 1941 Awakening the Giant (starting on June 22, 1941)
- 1942 Enemy at the Gate (starting on November 22, 1942)
- 1943 Allied Invasion of Sicily (starting on July 26, 1943)
- 1944 Allied Landing in Normandy (starting on June 20, 1944)
- 1945 Battle of the Bulge (starting on December 16, 1944)
- 1904 Russo-Japanese War
- 1939 Invasion of Poland