This new Syndicate, this is the story of a disillusion in two stages, raised in extremis by a real pleasant surprise. The first disappointment will affect fans of the original title: The EA FPS never draws on the rich heritage of the original one. Another despair, the solo campaign is not this inventive adventure rich in dramatic springs that the pedigree of its Starbreeze developer left us hope. Then comes the surprise: to the opposite of this humdrum solo, far from the narrative peaks of Butch...
This new Syndicate, this is the story of a disillusion in two stages, raised in extremis by a real pleasant surprise. The first disappointment will affect fans of the original title: The EA FPS never draws on the rich heritage of the original one. Another despair, the solo campaign is not this inventive adventure rich in dramatic springs that the pedigree of its Starbreeze developer left us hope. Then comes the surprise: to the opposite of this humdrum solo, far from the narrative peaks of Butcher Bay and The Darkness, it is paradoxically the coop mode, dynamic and well balanced, which saves the fall and made the game design on their feet.
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