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Game features
Key features:
- Play as Alex Corde and discover the sinister series of betrayals that now threaten humanity's survival in the single player campaign.
- Strategically spawn anywhere on the battlefield to assist allies or ambush enemies.
- Customize loadout weapons, ammo, and equipment to suit your playstyle.
- Call in deployables and vehicles when and where you need them to gain tactical advantages.
- Master true mobility with dropping, overdrive, and jetpacks to outmaneuver opponents.
- Complete a variety of Dynamic Combat Missions - from launching aerial strikes against fortified positions to securing crucial intel.
- Advance in rank and skill to access a devastating arsenal of over 60 weapons, equipment, and upgrade variants.
Note: Multiplayer is no longer supported for this title due to August 22, 2013 shutdown of the Games for Windows Live Program from Microsoft. Please see for more information. Singleplayer, however, continues to work normally.