The Year 1 Pass includes two new adventures in the world of Auroa (Deep State and Transcendence), the Siren's Call D1 mission, early unlock for three new classes, and the Spec Ops Forces Pack.
Two DLCs included, each expanding the story and unfolding new mysteries on the Ghosts' journey.
Get one-week early unlock to three newly released classes throughout the year.
Get Siren's Call, an additional mission available at launch.
The Special Operations Forces Pack includes the Quiet DMR, ...
The Year 1 Pass includes two new adventures in the world of Auroa (Deep State and Transcendence), the Siren's Call D1 mission, early unlock for three new classes, and the Spec Ops Forces Pack.
Two DLCs included, each expanding the story and unfolding new mysteries on the Ghosts' journey.
Get one-week early unlock to three newly released classes throughout the year.
Get Siren's Call, an additional mission available at launch.
The Special Operations Forces Pack includes the Quiet DMR, Covered ACH, Crye G3 Combat Pants, and Cross Draw Vest.
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