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Game features
About the Game
Centred around Task Force 141, the game is set pretty much all over the world, as the multinational team work to stop the villain, Makarov. Familiar figures return from the other games in the series, in the form of Captain Price, Soap McTavish and the rest of the American, British and Russian crew.
Play is fairly linear with the player pretty much tasked with reaching a certain point on the map, while killing everything that moves and is an enemy. Each mission is fairly similar as far as objectives go, but the differences lie in the journey. At times you will have to go hard and fast, spraying bullets and racing to get to safety, at other times you will have to go slow and quiet, sneaking along so as to not be spotted.
This is a change from previous games where there was a dedicated stealth area and where storyline could sometimes make a player feel quite redundant as cut scene after cut scene filled in the narrative. This game gets the balance right: a relatively simple premise, with just enough variety and detail that you remain immersed in the game until the mission is complete, and – quite often – beyond.
Competent players can progress quickly, and at the end of each successfully competed round, the player is rewarded with a point boost, a new weapon or unlocking of some cool and interesting piece of equipment. This is not to say that the game is too easy: you are challenged and must work for your successes, so winning each level is satisfying.
Modes of Play
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.