Quantum Break

Quantum Break - Estados Unidos

Microsoft Store
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Xbox One - compatível com Xbox Series X|S
  • PC
  • Xbox One - compatível com Xbox Series X|S
Edição Standard
  • Edição Standard

Sobre o produto

In the aftermath of a split second of destruction that fractures time itself, two people find they have changed and gained extraordinary abilities. One of them travels through time and becomes hell-bent on controlling this power. The other uses these new abilities to attempt to defeat him – and fix time before it tears itself irreparably apart. Both face overwhelming odds and make dramatic choices that will determine the shape of the future. Quantum Break is a unique experience; one part hard-...
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Quantum Break screenshot 1
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Game features


In the aftermath of a split second of destruction that fractures time itself, two people find they have changed and gained extraordinary abilities. One of them travels through time and becomes hell-bent on controlling this power. The other uses these new abilities to attempt to defeat him – and fix time before it tears itself irreparably apart. Both face overwhelming odds and make dramatic choices that will determine the shape of the future. Quantum Break is a unique experience; one part hard-hitting video game, one part thrilling live action show, featuring a stellar cast, including Shawn Ashmore as the hero Jack Joyce, Aidan Gillen as his nemesis Paul Serene and Dominic Monaghan as Jack’s genius brother William. Quantum Break is full of the vivid storytelling, rich characters and dramatic twists Remedy Entertainment are renowned for. Your choices in-game will affect the outcome of this fast-paced fusion between game and show giving the player a completely unique entertainment experience.

• In-depth, fast-paced narrative experience crafted by Remedy Entertainment
• Top quality live action show that is directly impacted by choices made in-game
• Stellar cast of actors
• One story told many ways
• Time-amplified action gameplay
• Navigate epic scenes of destruction as they skip and rewind in broken time


Pontuação de review do jogo baseado em 67 3 reviews, todos os idiomas incluídos

Reviews recentes

Miguel Carvalho
mais uma bom exemplo de um bom single player, sem add ons, sem dlcs, sem multiplayer. Um jogo que se confunde com um filme, onde as decisoes do jogador reflectem-se realmente na história. Quase quase perfeito.
  • historia
  • graficos
  • actores
  • closed world
6 dezembro 2017
Foi útil?
Um dos melhores jogos que joguei nos os últimos anos, eu gosto de tudo, mas o que eu mais gosto é brincar com o tempo e uma óptima mecânica de tiro, a cutscene também da um tom diferente(bom) e gostaria ver um filme do jogo. recomendado para todas as pessoas com bom gosto
  • Historias
5 novembro 2017
Foi útil?