Really sad how I spent 4 hours even more just to start the game... It´s full of bugs, glitches, errors, truly unbelievable, obviously it´s not Instant Gaming fault, but I wouldn´t recommend to buy this game cause youre gonna have a hard time trying to play it.
O jogo tem imensas missões, uma história original e envolvente e algumas surpresas e reviravoltas, se bem que tem os gráficos um pouco datados, mesmo na altura em que saiu. Ainda assim muito bom para passar um bom bocado.
For this price and the game itself, it's a fantastic buy.
The graphics are good, the game play is fun and will last you for a long time, even after the game is complete their is still plenty to do.
The game runs butter smooth on my gaming rig, settings are maxed out and a solid 100-170 FPS always.
The game installed and then started right up the first time, running as admin or in compatibility can help some problems. All in all an enjoyable game for a very reasonable and affordable price. Some tips for anyone having problems,
GTA IV for PC has some steep system requirements that many people simply do not have and/or cannot afford, make sure to check the official minimum requirements before you purchase.
I highly recommend having at least a quad core processor and a GPU (Graphics card) of Nvidia Geforce 9800 or equivalent and 4 gigabytes of RAM.
This is the bare minimal I would suggest for being able to play it properly on low to possibly medium settings.
I really love GTA games and this one is the worst. But don't get me wrong. It's an awsome game. It's more focused in the story line than in the rest of the crazy stuff. But if you like a cool sotry in the chaos that GTA is, you should get it.