Detroit: Become Human
4 відгуків опубліковано

Even 10 years after, probably in top 5 FPS games ever.
Great characters, storyline, graphics, and physique... I mean, we're talking about 2007. That's the year when the game came out. Insane when you think about it.
Great characters, storyline, graphics, and physique... I mean, we're talking about 2007. That's the year when the game came out. Insane when you think about it.

Forza Horizon 3 is a delight, and it’s one of those rare racing hybrids that should appeal to gear-heads who want deep tuner options and people on the other end of the spectrum who just want exciting arcade-racing action. It’s probably this generation’s best racing game.

Great idea in general. There's some stuff that can be improved but that's normal for a first release. I'm glad that something like this showed up in the ocean of unintuitive FPS shooters. I'm expecting the next chapter.

I've expected much, much more. Almost nothing improved since the BF 3. Solid graphics and mildly interesting gameplay... somehow I got a feeling that interactions in the game are a way too plastic and missions itself are too boring to me. Why doesn't no one think as a user anymore? I guess that all they care is to continue the franchise and sell the copies.
80 друзів


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