Assetto Corsa Competizione
5 anmeldelser offentliggjort

I don't really understand the blatant hate.
It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's enioyable and oozes Star Wars atmosphere in the music, in the sound design and the ambiance.
It's a good game, not perfect but worth a try!
It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's enioyable and oozes Star Wars atmosphere in the music, in the sound design and the ambiance.
It's a good game, not perfect but worth a try!

Trying to be honest:
I enjoyed Dayz for the first few days. Sure, technical issues here and there, but the exploration and looting were fine.
Then stuff went down quick:
I've spent the last days grinding and looting around to build some sort of base and storage. During one of my usual drives to a Milbase, my game had a brutal CTD that I have never experienced before (Excess of memory usage I suppose). I came back on a couple minutes later, just to find out that my Survivor had died, my car had despawned and my stuff, including the base, had disappeared.
Server admins couldn't help me, as stuff like this is almost normal.
I mean, I didn't spend too much money on this game, but why the hell are these technical issues still there after so much time? This is NOT how you manage a game.
Seven days, and I've already had my fill.
I enjoyed Dayz for the first few days. Sure, technical issues here and there, but the exploration and looting were fine.
Then stuff went down quick:
I've spent the last days grinding and looting around to build some sort of base and storage. During one of my usual drives to a Milbase, my game had a brutal CTD that I have never experienced before (Excess of memory usage I suppose). I came back on a couple minutes later, just to find out that my Survivor had died, my car had despawned and my stuff, including the base, had disappeared.
Server admins couldn't help me, as stuff like this is almost normal.
I mean, I didn't spend too much money on this game, but why the hell are these technical issues still there after so much time? This is NOT how you manage a game.
Seven days, and I've already had my fill.

I'm trying to be as generous as I can to say that this is a one of a kind game. It's not a battle royale, it's not based off PUBG and such. To make a comparison, we could call it a "Squad game in Stalker sauce".
The whole risk-reward aspect is what keeps me from falling in love with it, as going into raids with good equipment and getting oneshotted from a mile away on spawn is not exactly pleasant. Most experienced players know by heart the layout of every single map, so they are absolutely deadly to the newbs like me. Getting good equipment is a matter of patience, tries and a bit of luck.
Most of the time you find yourself outgunned and outnumbered (lot of ganking out there) so you are best to stay away from distant gunshots and rat around to get stuff.
If you feel lucky and bold enough, you can go out with full gear and try to 1v1 the others, but nothing is guaranteed. On death, you lose everything it's not in your safebox, which can only contain a minimal amount of items. Insurance is not even too safe, as it simply increases the chance of recovering what other players haven't scavved from your cold dead carcass.
Optimization and bugs are also a big issue. Despite the frame drops, EFT is playable, but the server disconnections during a raid are totally unacceptable. You might have just found a very nice rifle full of optionals and BAM, the server crashes soon after, leaving you empty handed.
Being a Beta, EFT is also subject to total server wipes, which bring every player back to square one.
I'm not exactly sure about the future of this title. Being a gambler MUST be part of it, or you will find yourself hiding in a corner like a little b*tch most of the time, hoping for another player to ignore you completely. other than that, the overall immersion of this game is very high, that's why I recommend it.
The whole risk-reward aspect is what keeps me from falling in love with it, as going into raids with good equipment and getting oneshotted from a mile away on spawn is not exactly pleasant. Most experienced players know by heart the layout of every single map, so they are absolutely deadly to the newbs like me. Getting good equipment is a matter of patience, tries and a bit of luck.
Most of the time you find yourself outgunned and outnumbered (lot of ganking out there) so you are best to stay away from distant gunshots and rat around to get stuff.
If you feel lucky and bold enough, you can go out with full gear and try to 1v1 the others, but nothing is guaranteed. On death, you lose everything it's not in your safebox, which can only contain a minimal amount of items. Insurance is not even too safe, as it simply increases the chance of recovering what other players haven't scavved from your cold dead carcass.
Optimization and bugs are also a big issue. Despite the frame drops, EFT is playable, but the server disconnections during a raid are totally unacceptable. You might have just found a very nice rifle full of optionals and BAM, the server crashes soon after, leaving you empty handed.
Being a Beta, EFT is also subject to total server wipes, which bring every player back to square one.
I'm not exactly sure about the future of this title. Being a gambler MUST be part of it, or you will find yourself hiding in a corner like a little b*tch most of the time, hoping for another player to ignore you completely. other than that, the overall immersion of this game is very high, that's why I recommend it.

Premettendo che già possedevo l'edizione standard su Steam, comprata al lancio, non sono mai riuscito ad apprezzare questo franchise a pieno. Lo stress era enorme, specialmente per un neofita in questo tipo di giochi. Solo a distanza di quattro anni ho avuto abbastanza coraggio da riprenderlo in mano, esplorare ogni angolo in cerca di armi, upgrades e personaggi. Mi sono reso conto di quanto la Lore sia importante, seppure di difficile interpretazione e di come l'interazione coi vari eroi della storia possa far la differenza tra una ricompensa e uno scontro diretto.
Dark Souls 3 si rivela, a mio parere, una piccola gemma nella trilogia, la fine di un lungo ciclo di morte e rinascita, probabilmente popolata da alcune tra le più oscure storie individuali.
Encomiabile il sistema di Evocazione basato sul Patto scelto dal giocatore, da cui dipende sostanzialmente l'intera esperienza PvP-PvE.
Un Sunbro sarà sempre pronto ad aiutarti se evocato, mentre le Sentinelle Blu verranno automaticamente chiamate a difendere lo sventurato giocatore invaso da qualcun altro.
Al contrario, un Creatore di Tumuli potrà scegliere se aiutarti o piantarti una spada nella schiena alla prima occasione, mentre i membri del patto Dita di Rosaria sono votati ad eliminare gli altri giocatori per raccogliere le loro Lingue Pallide da offrire alla Madre.
Dal punto di vista della difficoltà, DS3 sembra più ragionato in tema di tattiche di combattimento, costringendo i giocatori a specializzarsi su una sola build: difensiva, offensiva, a distanza e via dicendo. I boss lanciano comunque attacchi devastanti e alcuni di essi mostrano tecniche spesso erratiche e variabili, costringendo l'eroe ad evolvere la propria tecnica per sopravvivere.
I mini-boss non sono altrettanto impegnativi e lasciano spesso del loot interessante, ma possono dare filo da torcere anche ai giocatori più esperti.
Nota negativa: ad oggi, il PvP presenta ancora una quantità assurda di hackers e modders, giocatori che usano trainers per rendersi invulnerabili o spawnare items rari nell'inventario degli avversari. Questo fa drizzare le antenne al sistema anti-cheat, che rischia di bannare persone innocenti dal gioco online. Non c'è peccato nell'usare i trucchi OFFLINE per farmare anime e equipaggiamenti rari, ma usarli per il PvP è totalmente inaccettabile.
Dark Souls 3 si rivela, a mio parere, una piccola gemma nella trilogia, la fine di un lungo ciclo di morte e rinascita, probabilmente popolata da alcune tra le più oscure storie individuali.
Encomiabile il sistema di Evocazione basato sul Patto scelto dal giocatore, da cui dipende sostanzialmente l'intera esperienza PvP-PvE.
Un Sunbro sarà sempre pronto ad aiutarti se evocato, mentre le Sentinelle Blu verranno automaticamente chiamate a difendere lo sventurato giocatore invaso da qualcun altro.
Al contrario, un Creatore di Tumuli potrà scegliere se aiutarti o piantarti una spada nella schiena alla prima occasione, mentre i membri del patto Dita di Rosaria sono votati ad eliminare gli altri giocatori per raccogliere le loro Lingue Pallide da offrire alla Madre.
Dal punto di vista della difficoltà, DS3 sembra più ragionato in tema di tattiche di combattimento, costringendo i giocatori a specializzarsi su una sola build: difensiva, offensiva, a distanza e via dicendo. I boss lanciano comunque attacchi devastanti e alcuni di essi mostrano tecniche spesso erratiche e variabili, costringendo l'eroe ad evolvere la propria tecnica per sopravvivere.
I mini-boss non sono altrettanto impegnativi e lasciano spesso del loot interessante, ma possono dare filo da torcere anche ai giocatori più esperti.
Nota negativa: ad oggi, il PvP presenta ancora una quantità assurda di hackers e modders, giocatori che usano trainers per rendersi invulnerabili o spawnare items rari nell'inventario degli avversari. Questo fa drizzare le antenne al sistema anti-cheat, che rischia di bannare persone innocenti dal gioco online. Non c'è peccato nell'usare i trucchi OFFLINE per farmare anime e equipaggiamenti rari, ma usarli per il PvP è totalmente inaccettabile.

Extremely good deal for a starter pack. You get 2 "paid" reserves, some weapons, tents and ATVs.
Animal AI is not the smartest, but it's ok for a simulation. I've encountered several graphical glitches overtime, mainly due to the rendering distance. Graphics are truly beautiful, as are the sounds overall. Satisfied.
Animal AI is not the smartest, but it's ok for a simulation. I've encountered several graphical glitches overtime, mainly due to the rendering distance. Graphics are truly beautiful, as are the sounds overall. Satisfied.
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