God of War
3 opiniones publicadas

I can recommend this game to anyone!
It is very well optimized, been playing it on my RTX 4070 / 5800x3d.
With DLSS Frame-gen + DLSS Quality, 1440p (using DLDSR, basically down-scaling from 1440p to 1080p resolution) I get 144 FPS locked!
Frame-time graph is smooth.
Besides the technical aspect, the game is great! Nice story, nice combat system
Also thanks to the IG team, payment / delivery was smooth.
Again, just play it !
It is very well optimized, been playing it on my RTX 4070 / 5800x3d.
With DLSS Frame-gen + DLSS Quality, 1440p (using DLDSR, basically down-scaling from 1440p to 1080p resolution) I get 144 FPS locked!
Frame-time graph is smooth.
Besides the technical aspect, the game is great! Nice story, nice combat system
Also thanks to the IG team, payment / delivery was smooth.
Again, just play it !

Veteran hardcore COD player here.
Played since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1.
If you like hardocore game mode in Call of Duty, Insurgency Sandstorm beats it.
The sounds are nice, the graphics are good, gameplay is great.
If you experience stutters, play around with the graphics setttings but most important, for me disabling streaming textures fixed it.
Good luck.
Played since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1.
If you like hardocore game mode in Call of Duty, Insurgency Sandstorm beats it.
The sounds are nice, the graphics are good, gameplay is great.
If you experience stutters, play around with the graphics setttings but most important, for me disabling streaming textures fixed it.
Good luck.
Logros 9/27
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