Assassin's Creed: Unity
10 recensioni pubblicate

Battlefield 4 might not be the best in the series, but it's arguably one of the best looking games to date.
The Frostbite 3 engine is not only gorgeous to look at, but it also allows for destruction on a massive scale. When you witness it, it might feel a bit scripted, but you quickly realize the power of Battlefield 4's engine when you become the cause of that destruction. Firing that critical shot that makes a building collapse on top of your enemies is incredibly satisfying, yet it doesn't feel overpowering.
In terms of gameplay, Battlefield 4 is a very solid team based shooter. Cooperation is a must if you wish to succeed and playing the objective will reward you with more experience points. Where other shooters encourage you to maintain a high kill-death ratio across game modes, Battlefield 4 emphasizes objectives, thus adding more immersion.
The single player is short and frankly not that interesting, but the multi-player is where the game shines. Two teams of 32 players battling it out on massive maps is an uncanny experience, but the so called "levelutions" sometimes pull you out of said experience.
While mid-game levelutions may change the tide of the battle, they feel a bit too scripted and controlled in contrast to the game's destructive freedom. Still, they're nice touches to change a certain session in the blink of an eye.
VERDICT: Overall, Battlefield 4 is an incredible shooter. Its destructive environments, rewarding cooperation and massive multi-player battles are incredibly thrilling, but the bland single player campaign and some forced levelutions might pull you out of the experience every once in a while.
The Frostbite 3 engine is not only gorgeous to look at, but it also allows for destruction on a massive scale. When you witness it, it might feel a bit scripted, but you quickly realize the power of Battlefield 4's engine when you become the cause of that destruction. Firing that critical shot that makes a building collapse on top of your enemies is incredibly satisfying, yet it doesn't feel overpowering.
In terms of gameplay, Battlefield 4 is a very solid team based shooter. Cooperation is a must if you wish to succeed and playing the objective will reward you with more experience points. Where other shooters encourage you to maintain a high kill-death ratio across game modes, Battlefield 4 emphasizes objectives, thus adding more immersion.
The single player is short and frankly not that interesting, but the multi-player is where the game shines. Two teams of 32 players battling it out on massive maps is an uncanny experience, but the so called "levelutions" sometimes pull you out of said experience.
While mid-game levelutions may change the tide of the battle, they feel a bit too scripted and controlled in contrast to the game's destructive freedom. Still, they're nice touches to change a certain session in the blink of an eye.
VERDICT: Overall, Battlefield 4 is an incredible shooter. Its destructive environments, rewarding cooperation and massive multi-player battles are incredibly thrilling, but the bland single player campaign and some forced levelutions might pull you out of the experience every once in a while.

The team behind Left 4 Dead brings us a co-op shooter in the form of Evolve, a 4v1 game that lets you play as either one of four different classes or the terrifying monster. Choose between the Goliath, Kraken and Wraith to feed and evolve, or kill the monster before it destroys the power relay. Great fun despite some issues.

While the characters are as uninteresting as they can be and the cinematic experience feels a bit forced, the Evil Within has a nice atmosphere combined with a nice selection of horror elements that make it an enjoyable horror title.

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is probably my favorite Lego-game to date. While the open world from Lego Batman 2 made place for more linear levels, there's a bunch of characters to play, fun couch co-op and a load of

Lords of the Fallen plays a lot like a more forgiving version of Dark Souls, but that doesn't mean it doesn't stand on its own. The world and characters have great design, the game looks absolutely stunning and the combat feels fluid with some weight behind it.

Titanfall is your everyday multiplayer shooter with the addition of controllable Titans and free-run mechanics that elevate the game to a higher pace. Unfortunately, the lack of variety in weaponry and gameplay alike make this title forgettable after around ten to twenty hours of gameplay.

If you're a fan of the Borderlands series, the Pre-Sequel gives you more of what you love. Tons of side quests, solid shooting mechanics and loads upon loads of weapons. The low-gravity element is one of the few noticeable new additions, but none the less, Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel is a highly enjoyable game.

Dying Light is a very fun zombie title that strings together brutal combat with incredibly solid free fun mechanics. Despite some poor performance issues, Dying Light is well worth your time and money.

Far Cry 4's Kryat truly is a beautiful open world that feels like it's very much alive. One second you're scaling mountains to find collectibles, the next one you're helping your Golden Path allies by taking out Royal Army soldiers.
What I liked:
· Kryat is exciting to explore. Not only due to its vast variety in activities, but also because the game's cultures and environments feel believable and alive.
· There are plenty of things to do. Hunting side quests, causing mayhem in co-op, liberating outposts, you name it. Far Cry 4's side activities will keep you busy and entertained for quite some time.
· Very solid gameplay. The shooting has a great feel to it, the grappling hook allows you to scale steep mountain sides in stead of having to run around in order to find a way up, healing syringes will now be crafted automatically once you have the required ingredients unlike in Far Cry 3.
· Memorable characters. Longinus, Hurk and Amita among many others feel like real peolple, but main villain Pagan Min steals the show whenever he appears.
What I didn't like:
· Unfortunately, we get to see too little of Pagan Min, same as with Vaas in Far Cry 3. He shows up at the beginning of the game, but they he just sort of disappears until the end.
· Once you crafted every upgrade and purchased every weapon, money has no use to it and thus takes away from the experience. Your wallet can only contain a limited amount of money, meaning that opening chest or selling looted items becomes superfluous.
Final verdict:
Far Cry 4 is overall a big improvement over Far Cry 3 and is easily one of Ubisoft's best games in recent memory. It's not perfect, but you'll be too busy having a great time playing it that you will barely notice its flaws.
What I liked:
· Kryat is exciting to explore. Not only due to its vast variety in activities, but also because the game's cultures and environments feel believable and alive.
· There are plenty of things to do. Hunting side quests, causing mayhem in co-op, liberating outposts, you name it. Far Cry 4's side activities will keep you busy and entertained for quite some time.
· Very solid gameplay. The shooting has a great feel to it, the grappling hook allows you to scale steep mountain sides in stead of having to run around in order to find a way up, healing syringes will now be crafted automatically once you have the required ingredients unlike in Far Cry 3.
· Memorable characters. Longinus, Hurk and Amita among many others feel like real peolple, but main villain Pagan Min steals the show whenever he appears.
What I didn't like:
· Unfortunately, we get to see too little of Pagan Min, same as with Vaas in Far Cry 3. He shows up at the beginning of the game, but they he just sort of disappears until the end.
· Once you crafted every upgrade and purchased every weapon, money has no use to it and thus takes away from the experience. Your wallet can only contain a limited amount of money, meaning that opening chest or selling looted items becomes superfluous.
Final verdict:
Far Cry 4 is overall a big improvement over Far Cry 3 and is easily one of Ubisoft's best games in recent memory. It's not perfect, but you'll be too busy having a great time playing it that you will barely notice its flaws.

Assassin's Creed Unity is the latest installment in Ubisoft's popular annual Assassin's Creed series and the first Assassin's Creed to be made specifically for next-gen consoles and the PC.
Unity takes us to the blood ridden streets of 18th century Paris, a gorgeously recreated city with an impressive 1:1 scale, and it also goes back to the roots of the series, replacing multiple small cities and naval exploration with the sprawling city of Paris and advanced free running.
The free running feels very different compared to previous games in the series as it is now split up in Free Run Up and Free Run Down. Paris is a vertical city with countless available routes and while the new navigational controls might take some getting used to, it definitely creates a fluid free roaming experience that can now be experienced with up to three other players.
Customization plays a much bigger role in Unity than it did in any previous Assassin's Creed game. With countless hoods, belts, trousers, weapons, skills etc. to choose from, no two assassins will look or play the same. This makes the co-op mode a very tactical experience if you are willing to take the time to plan every move of both yourself and your co-op partners to get the most XP out of your session.
Unity really allows you to create your own playstyle, alone or with a friend. You can be an aggressive yet effective player, taking down every enemy that is on your path whilst remaining unseen, you can be a ranged killer that likes to distract and eliminate his foes from afar or you can be an all-out tank, wielding two-handed weapons and thick layers of armor: for once, you can truly be the assassin YOU want to be.
Overall I very much enjoyed my time with Assassin's Creed Unity. While it is starting to lose its touch due to the annual release, Unity has enough of content for you to play through and a wide variety of playstyles that make Unity one of, if not the best Assassin's Creed title yet.
Unity takes us to the blood ridden streets of 18th century Paris, a gorgeously recreated city with an impressive 1:1 scale, and it also goes back to the roots of the series, replacing multiple small cities and naval exploration with the sprawling city of Paris and advanced free running.
The free running feels very different compared to previous games in the series as it is now split up in Free Run Up and Free Run Down. Paris is a vertical city with countless available routes and while the new navigational controls might take some getting used to, it definitely creates a fluid free roaming experience that can now be experienced with up to three other players.
Customization plays a much bigger role in Unity than it did in any previous Assassin's Creed game. With countless hoods, belts, trousers, weapons, skills etc. to choose from, no two assassins will look or play the same. This makes the co-op mode a very tactical experience if you are willing to take the time to plan every move of both yourself and your co-op partners to get the most XP out of your session.
Unity really allows you to create your own playstyle, alone or with a friend. You can be an aggressive yet effective player, taking down every enemy that is on your path whilst remaining unseen, you can be a ranged killer that likes to distract and eliminate his foes from afar or you can be an all-out tank, wielding two-handed weapons and thick layers of armor: for once, you can truly be the assassin YOU want to be.
Overall I very much enjoyed my time with Assassin's Creed Unity. While it is starting to lose its touch due to the annual release, Unity has enough of content for you to play through and a wide variety of playstyles that make Unity one of, if not the best Assassin's Creed title yet.
Traguardi 13/27
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