Call of Duty: Black Ops II
2 відгуків опубліковано

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2, like me, a COD "hateboy" flour was a nice game to be able to affect much. Do not be fooled, but do not play in the first 3-4 hours of looking at the weak task, the game opens later. If a COD game ever sick If you already have received whether pre-order, but in recent years the sick man like me coder must try if you treat that game. We keep on following days detailed examination of multiplayer and zombie mode will also tell nominally, since a single aspect of the game, thanks to the support and social characteristics given to e-sports will take you quite a long time. We should not forget that the game Battlefield 3 as a simulative but not having the best storytelling in games MMS. Treyarch, we starved, but we wish to see a lot of MMS and today it has created an atmosphere that is impossible not to be affected.

Stories lack a major shortcoming because the emerging universe, on the other hand there are very few weapons and customization options of course. However, if more weapons and options game could be so well balanced. Titanfall, most balanced multiplayer FPS on the market. At the same time the event into the third dimension, floor it now has the possibility of conflict and many tactics to conceive this great gameplay as the Titans' is making a difference by adding mech. If I may speak, Call of Duty 2 since I was most enjoyable to play multiplayer FPS. More game modes, more personalization options and the lack of a story mode hissedils to, the most stable and highest quality game the FPS genre with mechanical Titanfall name in the market was able to print the summit.
As a result, in the technical sense Titanfall you to uğrats little disappointed, in terms of the variety of game modes, though a little vicious species brought this beautiful and perfect application of composite structure can allow you to ignore all of the missing. It mütevellit Titanfall brought major changes to the FPS game (as well as taking a big risk) and long-term entertainment it provides, a game to be played in a way edinilip offers easy playability...
As a result, in the technical sense Titanfall you to uğrats little disappointed, in terms of the variety of game modes, though a little vicious species brought this beautiful and perfect application of composite structure can allow you to ignore all of the missing. It mütevellit Titanfall brought major changes to the FPS game (as well as taking a big risk) and long-term entertainment it provides, a game to be played in a way edinilip offers easy playability...
Achievements 9/27
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