Battlefield 1 Revolution
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I'll try to keep this review spoiler free for the second game.
I feel that this game is taking a different approach from the first one. The game has joined the open world genre and added crafting which now feels more action oriented since you can craft ammo whenever you want and continue shooting. There are a lot of linear areas so it isn't totally abandoned. The game's plot is more straightforward, and you were given a simple objective. The characters are interesting and memorable especially the villains, just like the first game, the antagonists can influence the environment, and it's noticeable on the enemy design when a new antagonist is highlighted The game rewards you greatly for exploring the game and finishing the side quests, like you can obtain new weaponry, learn about the characters, encounter a mini boss or trigger a small event. The game clears the ambiguity of the first game relating to the case behind the main character's daughter and wife, but it doesn't shine on what happened to Leslie and Joseph Oda. Joseph Oda is mentioned only once if you collect all 11 prewar slides which hints a dlc or an entire sequel. The game is graphically appealing and it lives up to the standards of this year, however, even that this game is perfectly playable on ultra settings with higher end cards, it needs to be optimized for lower end cards.
I feel that this game is taking a different approach from the first one. The game has joined the open world genre and added crafting which now feels more action oriented since you can craft ammo whenever you want and continue shooting. There are a lot of linear areas so it isn't totally abandoned. The game's plot is more straightforward, and you were given a simple objective. The characters are interesting and memorable especially the villains, just like the first game, the antagonists can influence the environment, and it's noticeable on the enemy design when a new antagonist is highlighted The game rewards you greatly for exploring the game and finishing the side quests, like you can obtain new weaponry, learn about the characters, encounter a mini boss or trigger a small event. The game clears the ambiguity of the first game relating to the case behind the main character's daughter and wife, but it doesn't shine on what happened to Leslie and Joseph Oda. Joseph Oda is mentioned only once if you collect all 11 prewar slides which hints a dlc or an entire sequel. The game is graphically appealing and it lives up to the standards of this year, however, even that this game is perfectly playable on ultra settings with higher end cards, it needs to be optimized for lower end cards.
Osiągnięcia 10/27
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