Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
1 відгуків опубліковано

The game is highly recommended for those who like the Vietnam war style games, because the makers very well catch this wars feeling. To do this, add a lot of contemporary music, you can hear in the game, for example near by the Patrol Boats or in the PB tor near by the radios too. Anyway this can be a little confusing.
The graphics are good and has been used in the Bad Company 2 "almost everything you can shoot things apart" in there too, which can improve the games experience.
You can choose available weapon by soldier styles (assault, engineer, etc) and not by for team (vietnames, US) so you don't have to change a team if you want to use an AK or vice versa. This is a great progress compared with Battlefield:Vietnam.
You can choose that you can be in a team, in this case the game select for you three other players, who you can fight with. But, the team speak is not the best I think.
The biggest problem with the game that you can't throw yourself on the ground, I think. Sometimes it can be very frustrating
The graphics are good and has been used in the Bad Company 2 "almost everything you can shoot things apart" in there too, which can improve the games experience.
You can choose available weapon by soldier styles (assault, engineer, etc) and not by for team (vietnames, US) so you don't have to change a team if you want to use an AK or vice versa. This is a great progress compared with Battlefield:Vietnam.
You can choose that you can be in a team, in this case the game select for you three other players, who you can fight with. But, the team speak is not the best I think.
The biggest problem with the game that you can't throw yourself on the ground, I think. Sometimes it can be very frustrating
Achievements 10/27
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