Xbox Game Pass Core 12 Monate
5 Bewertungen veröffentlicht

If you ever have the opportunity to buy this game, do it. I bought it 3 weeks ago and I'm close to finishing it. It changed my life, this literally made my life happier in a hard moment.
It's a hard game, but defeating bosses gives you such a great sensation. Also, the soundtrack is just a true piece of art, I can't stop listening to it.
It's a hard game, but defeating bosses gives you such a great sensation. Also, the soundtrack is just a true piece of art, I can't stop listening to it.

My bf was the one who recommended me buying this game, and I don't regret it! It's a really relaxing game and I really enjoy being able to create my customized farm. I really recommend this game to relax and have fun!

I only bought this game because my friend recommended it to me. I didn't think that it was so good. I finished playing it today, and I loved it so much, it's my favorite game.
I hope I'm able to buy the DLC soon
I hope I'm able to buy the DLC soon

One of my favorite games ever. Every mode in this game is awesome, at the moment I haven't had any problem with it. The only thing I don't really like is that it's really hard to get CP (you get like 300CP/season) and the only other way to get them is by buying them. Also, I bought this game when it was in season 4, and I couldn't get skins from previous seasons. Except from that, everything is fine.
Erfolge 14/27
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