Death Stranding Director’s Cut

Death Stranding Director’s Cut

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From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT. In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society. As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America. Can you reunite the s...
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Release date:


Death Stranding Director’s Cut screenshot 1
Death Stranding Director’s Cut screenshot 2 Death Stranding Director’s Cut screenshot 3 Death Stranding Director’s Cut screenshot 4 Death Stranding Director’s Cut screenshot 5

Game features



- Death Stranding
- HALF-LIFE cross-over content
- Cyberpunk 2077 cross-over content
- Digital Book
- Backpack Patches
- Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
- BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
- Power Gloves (Gold)
- Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
- BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
- Power Gloves (Silver)
From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)

Death Stranding franchise

Death Stranding 2 - On the beach
Death Stranding 2 - On the beach
Release date: 2025


Game review score based on 128 reviews, all languages included

Best reviews

Kojima is a genius, and this is the game to experience somenthing new never seen.

It's not just a delivery simulator, it's a journey to understand yourself and the story in your surronding.

For ~10€ it's just a gift to do to yourself.
  • Fast
  • Cheap
  • None
1st February 2024

Recent reviews

Incredible in all aspects. A modern masterpiece.
18th January 2025
Non gli ho trovato un senso, sei solamente un corriere che porta oggetti da una parte all'altra che incontra qualche difficoltà ogni tanto, fine. Niente di speciale
  • Storia
  • Noioso
29th December 2024
19th September 2024
awesome game awesome story i want more like this please Hideo Kojima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10/10 goldA truly unique experience that everyone should try.awand more far the best strand type game on the market
  • awesome story
  • SHOULD be calling it a walking simulator (affectionate, complimentary, enthusiastic).
  • the best game in the strand-type genre
  • awand more please
  • They removed Monster
  • A truly unique experience that everyone should try.
17th August 2022
Really like the game. Balances the chill walking simulator and action part. Not to mention the mindf*ck story that it has. Funny to see real live actors as models. Also supports xbox controller trigger rumble.
  • No high PC recommendation
  • Good graphics
  • Fluid gameplay
29th September 2021
Ever since playing this game on PS4 I was completely hooked.

I do understand how it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I personally waiting till it dropped from its £50 price tag on the PS store a while ago but I wish id of experienced it sooner.

The gameplay for me was amazing, I loved the idea of helping out fellow porters especially since you knew what they were going through themselves.

The soundtrack quickly grew on me and before I knew it I was listening to LOW ROAR - BONES on repeat on YOUTUBE...

The story line I enjoyed, it takes concentration with it being a Hideo Kojima game but if you do connect with it you wont be disappointed.

The combat I think if the only weak link of this game, however saying this it very clearly isn't the main focus of the game and if you understand that you can forgive it.
  • Great Gameplay
  • Rich Story
  • Exploration
  • Characters
  • Online Element
  • Combat (only slightly)
  • Some Drawn Out Cutscenes
29th June 2021
Death Stranding is a special game. And that means that not everyone will appreciate it. It sometimes takes a lot of patience and the story is very vague at times ... But if you go through this, you will be treated to a beautiful story with a deeper message, beautiful music, beautiful images, good acting (motion capture) and a mighty social aspect where you traverse the world on your own, but still interact with other players of the game by using their builds (and liking them) and receiving likes from other players on your buildings ... An amazing combination from film / cinema, exploring the free world, building. Recommended!
  • Very beautiful and realistic landscape
  • Excellent motion capture
  • Bold, but well-developed gameplay
  • Music
  • Vehicle control
  • Repetitive missions
  • User Interface (UI)
28th April 2021
amazing story that engages you in every single moment and feeling with amazing soundtracks that furthermore enhances your experience worth every penny the new gameplay and the entire delivery system is wasnt dull as i expected and at sometimes its very challenging and rewarding at the end
29th December 2020
I was misled by the name of Kojima and the positive reviews when buying this game. i planned to spend the holidays playing a nice title and what a disappointment this game has been. Just look at the role of the game - "walking simulator". Of all genres first time I hear about "walking simulator". It's as interesting as the name suggests. You only walk around a nice terrain for sure, but after couple of hours even that gets boring. I gave this game a chance, I pushed myself to play it few hours more waiting for it to grab me and immerse in it. No dice. Today I uninstalled and don't think I'll ever give it another chance. I wish I could get a refund.
  • Graphics
  • Boring
  • Tedious
  • Dull
  • Bad scanning system
  • Weak, non intriguing story
23rd December 2020
Simply, one of the best games ever. A must play for everyone. Graphics are great, gameplay is great, storyline is great. Action, battles, everything you need is here. A true miracle i believe. dont lose more time
10th November 2020
amazing game, i own a xbox one x but recently built a pc with an 2060 super nd a 1600AF, this game looks amazing. ive seen it on ps4 nd with dlss 2.0 with any rtx card this game looks like the next gen title it strives to be.
  • amazing story
24th October 2020
Its a really great game! A really great story that really makes u wan to follow along.
Keep in mind this isn't realy a multiplayer game even though is some thing very u can interact with other players.

5th September 2020