Chivalry 2

Chivalry 2

Epic Games
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Digital download
PC - Epic Games
  • PC - Epic Games
  • PC - Steam
Standard Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Special Edition


Chivalry 2 for PC is, despite its honourable sounding name, a multi-player slash and hack game, filled with gore and satisfying vicarious violence. This game is the sequel to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare which was released in 2012. Perspective is either first- or third- person (you choose), and weapons tend to be up close and personal melee weapons (which include sledgehammers, swords, battle axes) although there are distance weapons (like archers) too. About the Game There are two sides ...
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Release date:
Recent Steam reviews:
Mostly positive (561)
All Steam reviews:
Very positive (34879)


Chivalry 2

Standard Edition

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Chivalry 2 Special Edition

Special Edition

  • Chivalry 2
  • Chivalry 2 - Special Edition Content
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Chivalry 2 screenshot 1
Chivalry 2 screenshot 2 Chivalry 2 screenshot 3 Chivalry 2 screenshot 4 Chivalry 2 screenshot 5

Game features


Chivalry 2 for PC is, despite its honourable sounding name, a multi-player slash and hack game, filled with gore and satisfying vicarious violence.

This game is the sequel to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare which was released in 2012. Perspective is either first- or third- person (you choose), and weapons tend to be up close and personal melee weapons (which include sledgehammers, swords, battle axes) although there are distance weapons (like archers) too.

About the Game

There are two sides to any battle and they will either be Agatha Knights in light blue and white uniforms or the Mason Order in vibrant red and black. The two are always at loggerheads and once you have picked a side, it is very easy to tell who is on your side and who is not!

During the game, make sure you look out for weapons’ caches on the map so you can restock your arms or upgrade them. Combat is quite simple, consisting of three basic moves: a horizontal slash, a vertical slash, and a stab, which can be combined to interesting effect. As well as this, enemy moves can be parried and if you get the timing right it can be a beautiful sight.

Even more beautiful (well… for a given value of ‘beauty’, that is…) is the ability to pick up your enemy’s severed arm and give him a thrashing with it. In an emergency, your melee weapons can be thrown too, but do make sure you do not leave yourself unarmed!

The massive siege weapons are great fun to try out, especially with the clash and uproar of battle all around you, offering you an authentic glimpse into these most bloodthirsty of battles.

The Nitty Gritty

The back story is soap-operatically comedic and this adds tremendously to the fun of the game, so do make sure you enjoy the banter and moments of high drama even as you brace for the next incoming attack.

Combat is satisfyingly textured, and you can interrupt enemy attacks with well-timed attacks of your own, the above-mentioned parries, using your attack moves.

There is quite detailed customisation of your character, including playing as a woman, although the women’s choices are not quite as detailed as the men’s – hopefully something that will be worked on with future content.

However, you will not really see yourself in the default first-person perspective, so if seeing yourself in beautiful action is important to you, you will want to switch early to the optional third-person perspective mode.

There are two ways to play the game, which consists of six objective maps, two deathmatch maps, and the developers promise yet more to come with future releases: skill-based finesse if that’s what you like, or you can opt for slash and hack fun.

What Do I Do?

While you are waiting for attackers to give you a definitive mission, you will be tasked with one of several activities. It is during these relatively quiet times that the game’s highly comedic banter will present itself, so don’t try to rush through the mundane – enjoy it instead.

  • Burn the tents – those belonging to the enemy, obviously!

  • Man (or destroy) the trebuchets, again, depending on whose they are!

  • Push the siege engines into place, ready to get on with the exciting bits once again

  • Chivalry 2 for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.



    • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor: Intel i3-4370
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 2 GB
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Storage: 35 GB available space


    3 years ago
    This is the first place (other than Steam) that I go when I'm looking to buy a game online.
    3 years ago
    fast and efficient!
    4 years ago
    4 years ago
    nice prices
    4 years ago
    southside ily
    always clutch
    4 years ago


    Game review score based on 98 reviews, all languages included

    Best reviews

    Loved the first game Thank you instant for being so good and cheap

    played this on for 400hours now it' s all I could ever want
    8th August 2024
    I like the game, the graphics are good, the fight is good, the best of all is the brutal fight and the bloody exactly as medieval fighting should look like! Game recommendation! Rating 9/10!Recommended for Instant Gaming!
    6th October 2023

    Recent reviews

    • Good
    • Good
    • Good
    • Too good
    • Really good
    • The goodest
    8th February 2025
    its very fun and realistic
    • addictive
    • not a hard game to play
    • very fun
    • tutorial too long
    • too many controls
    • a little hard for new players | it was for all my friends
    27th November 2024
    Erm, I cutted a guys head off on accident and the people go mad :(

    Fun to swing heavy thing tho. :)
    • Sword
    • Europeans
    15th October 2024
    Very trusted thank you
    21st June 2024
    i cant play the game because it keeps giving me a login error when starting it, im only able to play when i use a different wifi like my hotstop on my phone. I hate it. Nothing works and i dont think im able to refund it :(
    • Cant play it
    22nd January 2023
    I purchased the game for Steam that did not mention that crossplay was not allowed. And after paying I could not crossplay with my friends because they have it on Epic Games.

    I asked support if I could make the change, to switch the game from Steam to Epic games, so I could play multiplayer. Always paying in Instant Gaming.

    They told me they can not give me the money back or exchange one game with the other. I only want to play with my friends and enjoy the game paying you in any case, and they refuse to help. I want to keep spending money with you, but I will need to stop if the customer service is so unhelpful.
    • No tiene crossplay entre plataformas
    11th October 2022
    Dont buy mordhau buy this

    Fun gameplay not as serious as other games so its fun to play after work or school

    Graphics are great and the maps look just epic

    Playing with a friendgroup is so fun

    recommend 10/10
    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Battlecry
    • Archers
    24th September 2022
    Funny as hell. From the tutorial to gameplay.

    Some games I die a lot but it's worth it because I also die laughing.

    Gameplay, Graphics are good and it just Feels Epic.

    A Battlecry rush in battle with your teamates in very lord of the rings like.
    • Extremely funny
    • No BS, just jump in and fight on an epic battlefield.
    • Battlecry is a must spam.
    • Archers
    • Takes a while to unlock all subclasses
    • You sometimes just get rekt
    4th July 2022
    The game itself is fun.

    I was thinking about purchasing this game or Mordhau.

    It seems that Chivalry 2 is more fun to play.

    The has nice graphics and the fights are great.

    Overall I like it and I recommend it.
    • Chaotic
    • Fun
    • Graphics
    18th June 2022
    What sense does it make to play a multiplayer game when not even the group invites with friends work? Its a shame. Totally regret the purchase. This bug is known since beta and is still not fixed. Just ridiculous.
    • Gameplay itself would be great fun IF groupinvites would work. But they dont.
    • Multiplayergame and not able to invite friends. Just a shame.
    13th June 2021