Against the Storm
1 comentário(s) publicado(s)

While the character controls and techniques have been refined, there just isn't enough in this game to recommend it.
It's a 6, 7 at best, but I was bored fairly quickly. DLCs might/will certainly make the game better, but they'll end up expensive and the game should have had more right off the bat.
The graphics are ok at times, horrendous at others. High end computers will be able to get a decent render with FPS on the low side, but some textures just feel straight out of a PS2.
By removing the need to track the Monsters yourself, they made exploration almost meaningless. Sure you might go out there every now and then to get that ingredient you need or that treasure to be traded later, but you won't get to actually care for your environment, which is a shame in a MH game.
It's a 6, 7 at best, but I was bored fairly quickly. DLCs might/will certainly make the game better, but they'll end up expensive and the game should have had more right off the bat.
The graphics are ok at times, horrendous at others. High end computers will be able to get a decent render with FPS on the low side, but some textures just feel straight out of a PS2.
By removing the need to track the Monsters yourself, they made exploration almost meaningless. Sure you might go out there every now and then to get that ingredient you need or that treasure to be traded later, but you won't get to actually care for your environment, which is a shame in a MH game.
Conquistas 9/27
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