Assassin's Creed Shadows
1 відгуків опубліковано

The best stealth game since splinter cell.
Fighting/sword/movement/stances mechanics are out of this world! Best sword fighting game I have ever seen. Horse mechanics are ok.
Open world is great. Lots of side missions. More exploration is needed and more animals, like in DRD2. Building a hideout and upgrading it is missing. Hope it will be in the next instalment.
As a stealth game, it is a million times better than AC.
Killing enemies and the sound of the Katana is so satisfying and highly addictive; you just can't stop playing it!
I did not finish the campaign yet, so I hope GOT will offer tons of replayability like Hitman and RDR2.
Fighting/sword/movement/stances mechanics are out of this world! Best sword fighting game I have ever seen. Horse mechanics are ok.
Open world is great. Lots of side missions. More exploration is needed and more animals, like in DRD2. Building a hideout and upgrading it is missing. Hope it will be in the next instalment.
As a stealth game, it is a million times better than AC.
Killing enemies and the sound of the Katana is so satisfying and highly addictive; you just can't stop playing it!
I did not finish the campaign yet, so I hope GOT will offer tons of replayability like Hitman and RDR2.
Achievements 8/27
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