Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV

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Noctis, crown prince of the magical Kingdom of Lucis, embarks on a quest to reclaim his homeland in this action RPG. Take up the steering wheel and hit the road with your colorful companions to explore a vast and breathtaking world. Invoke the power of your ancestors and effortlessly warp through the air in thrilling combat. Longtime fans and fresh faces alike, get ready to experience cutting-edge interactive entertainment in this fantasy based on reality.
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Game features


Noctis, crown prince of the magical Kingdom of Lucis, embarks on a quest to reclaim his homeland in this action RPG.

Take up the steering wheel and hit the road with your colorful companions to explore a vast and breathtaking world. Invoke the power of your ancestors and effortlessly warp through the air in thrilling combat.

Longtime fans and fresh faces alike, get ready to experience cutting-edge interactive entertainment in this fantasy based on reality.


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Game review score based on 138 reviews, all languages included

Recent reviews

I've played the game on my PS4 years ago, now I''m playing again on my pc with enhanced graphics and better quality. Great game!
Great final fantasy game.
  • Its final fantasy
  • Need more final fantasy
One of the best Story Games I played. I really enjoyed the whole story from beginning to end with interesting characters from start to end. Would love to have an alternative ending but still the game has such a great vibe you'll just get lost in it.

The PC version even comes with better textures and new extra features which make the game feel even more complete.

Defenitely must play if you enjoy story games/FF Games in general.
  • Music
Nekem nagyon bejönnek az ilyen jellegű játékok. Mindenkinek ajánlom, főleg aki valamilyen szinten kötődik a sorozathoz vagy az Japán kultúrát szereti. Főleg ennyi pénzért nagyon sok játék időt kap a játékos!!
  • Sok tartalom van benne
  • Szép grafika
  • Érdekes karakterek
  • Van amikor nagyon sokat kell autózni
When I’m riding chocobos across the beach at dusk with my three friends and hunting iconic Final Fantasy monsters in a huge, picturesque open world, Final Fantasy XV feels like nearly everything I could want from a modern Final Fantasy. But when it funnels me into linear scenarios and drab, constricted spaces that plunge the simplistic combat into chaos, my blood boils a bit. There is so much good here, so much heart - especially in the relationships between Noctis and his sworn brothers. It just comes with some changes and compromises that were, at times, difficult for this long-time Final Fantasy fan to come to grips with.
Assolutamente fantastico, un Final Fantasy open world veramente ben fatto e con una storia realmente coinvolgente! Gameplay divertentissimo, pieno di missioni secondarie! Consiglio veramente a chi non l'ha giocato di dargli una possibilità, perché merita!
Juste Sublime. Le jeu est bon, le Gameplay fait plaisir, digne d'un final fantasy. On retrouve la même liberté qu'avec le 12, avec un système de combat beaucoup plus intuitif, ce qui fait de ce jeu une énorme réussite a mon gout.
  • Graphics
  • Gameplay
  • Price
Wer ein Final Fan ist sollte auf jeden Fall zu schlagen bei diesem Tollen Angebot ! Dieses Final Fantasy ist nach Final Fantasy X und X2 endlich mal wieder ein Richtig Tolles Spiel geworden , Eine Hammer Grafik , Super Tolle Charakter und was für mich am wichtigsten bzw am Geilsten war ist das es Endlich eine Deutsche Syncro gibt , das ist einfach Klasse keine Ewigen Untertitel lesen nur noch genießen , wenn ihr die FF Reihe gerne gespielt habt solltet ihr euch diesen FF Teil Definitiv gönnen ! Viel Spaß beim Durchspielen !
  • Episches FF Spiel
Definitely the magnum opus of the FFXV Universe. Compared to the console counterparts, especially XBOX ONE, this game looks lush and fluid and actually loads fast. It's understandable that people have the issues they have with the game, but the developers have been honest and upfront with improvements and I admire that. Maybe, FFXV isn't perfect, but if you are going to play this game this is the version to go with!

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